Chapter 10 - Memories Return

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Percy sighed as the last of his memories returned. So, he had agreed to all this. Fine, then. He turned to Hazel, who was sleeping peacefully beside Frank before waving a hand to create a screen of mist.

"Oh Fleecy, do me a solid and show me Kaldur'ahm."

An image formed of Kaldur in the middle of doing paperwork in a bedroom. He looked up and saw Percy and his face lit up. "My Prince!"

Percy smiled. "Hey, Kal. We talked about the name thing, remember?"

Kaldur smirked. "Of course I do. Now, have you been? I've been expecting a call for months now!"

Percy winced. "Hera took every memory of us. I only remembered your name and that you were my boyfriend."

Kaldur scowled. "I'm not your boyfriend though! I'm your betrothed!"

"I know! Look, enough about me. How's the mission?"

Kaldur smiled. "It would be better if you were here. I have been elected as the leader of the team, which consists of Robin, Miss Martian, Kid Flash, Superboy, and myself. I must say, I believe I have made friends."

Percy grinned at his fiancé. "Great!" he cheered.

"Percy? Who are you talking to?" Hazel asked sleepily as she and Frank woke up to the sound of Percy's cheering.

Percy winced and turned to face them. "Sorry for waking you guys. Go back to sleep."

Kaldur's expression hardened when he saw the two others. "Where are you?" he asked.

"On a quest," Percy admitted.

Kaldur scowled. "Another one! She said you only had to go to the Roman camp! Not go on a a dangerous quest for them!"

"I know, Kal, but I'll be fine. We just have to free Thanatos and defeat a giant. No biggie. I've done worse."

"No! This is not fair, Percy! After all you've done, she sends you on another freaking quest! Come home to me!"

"It's a war with Gaea!" Percy blurted. "I can't just leave! Both camps need me!"

"No. No, no, no, no! You've done enough. You defeated Kronos for Poseidon's sake! Let someone else be the hero, Perce. I love you and I can't lose you."

Percy shut his eyes before shaking his head. "I love you too, Kaldur, but I have to do this. I'm a part of another prophecy. There is no escaping my fate."

Kaldur growled.

"Percy? What's going on?" Hazel asked again.

Percy took a deep breath and opened his eyes. "Hazel, Frank, this is my betrothed, Kaldur'ahm. Kaldur, this is Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang, my questing companions."

"And Ella!" the harpy said happily.

Percy nodded. "And this is Ella."

"You're getting married?" Frank asked incredulously.

Percy smiled at the thought. "After this war, yes. Kaldur will be my husband. It is a... tradition of my family."

Hazel smiled shyly at Kaldur. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"Likewise, Ms. Levesque. Percy, I want a full debrief the next time we call."

"I think you've been on your mission a bit too long, Kal. You're starting to speak their language," Percy joked. At the look his betrothed gave him, he sighed. "Alright, alright. Full debrief. Love you."

"Love you too," Kaldur said before cutting the call.

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