Chapter 4 - Family Reunion

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Percy was hurt. His best friend was suddenly refusing to spend time with him. He was always training and wouldn't even speak to Percy when he came over to talk to him.

However, instead of losing focus, he threw himself into his lessons. He didn't take days off anymore, unless Triton was dragging him away. His hair remained black, rather than the blue that had become his usual in Atlantis.

At the moment, he was studying the laws of Atlantis in his room on his day off. His goal was to memorize them by summer, which was only a few months away. He was mostly done. He only had the court system left to memorize.

"Hey, Percy?" Amphitrite's voice floated to his ears from the other side of his shut door.

"Yes, Mother?"

"The reunion is in thirty minutes. We want you to meet your other siblings. Are you ready?"

Percy sighed. He was wearing a blue hoodie and was most definitely not ready for a royal gathering. "No," he admitted. "I'm studying."

Amphitrite entered the room and frowned in disapproval at the scattered books and papers, though Percy could tell it wasn't meant for him. She had been sending disapproving looks at Poseidon ever since Kaldur stopped speaking to him. "Come on, Percy. I will help you prepare."

When Amphitrite was done, Percy had his hair neatly combed and was wearing his royal armbands. He picked up his law book before following Amphitrite to the ballroom.

As soon as they entered, Percy found a quiet corner where he continued to read until someone sat beside him. He sighed irritably and looked up.

A girl that seemed to be a few years older than him (though he knew better; she was a goddess) sat there. She had extremely pale skin and purple hair that seemed to glow. Her bright green eyes indicated she was a member of the family.

"Hi! I'm Kymopoleia, but you can call me Kym! You must be Perseus. You know, you're the only one, other than Triton to actually be officially crowned. The rest of us don't care much, except maybe Chrysaor, but he hates everyone, so don't worry about it. What are you doing over here? There's dancing and food!"

Percy forced a smile. "Please don't call me Perseus. I go by Percy. I'm currently studying. I can't eat much, and I can't dance."

Kym's smile fell. "Why can't you eat?" she asked.

Percy sighed. "Before I came here, I didn't get much food. Because of that, I can't stomach much food."

Kym frowned. "Well then, we'll just have to build your appetite up again. For now, let's mingle! You'll love Anteros. Everyone does."

Percy allowed himself to be dragged around the room and introduced to his siblings, finding that most seemed nice.

When they finally reached the person Kym introduced as Anteros, Percy was reminded of Eros, if he was a merman. He was extremely handsome, with perfect features. His black hair was messy, but in the way that made it seem intentional. His skin was tan, as though he spent a lot of time on the surface and he had feathery white wings. His tail was also white and shimmered like a pearl.

"Anteros, this is Percy! Percy, this is Anteros!" Kym introduced happily.

Anteros smiled kindly at Percy, revealing perfectly white teeth. "Hello, Percy. It's a pleasure to meet you."

Percy smiled back. "Likewise."

They talked for a while until Kym spotted someone else she wanted to introduce Percy to and dragged him away. "Thani!" she called.

The person she called out to was one of the few in the room without tails. The man turned to face them before sighing and making his way over. "Yes, Kymopoleia?"

"Thanatos, this is Percy. Percy, this is Thanatos, Triton's boyfriend."

Percy recognized the name and bowed. "It is a pleasure to meet you," he said with a small smirk. "Triton speaks of you often."

Thanatos chuckled. "Likewise."

"Thani!" A green blur tackled the god in a hug.

"Hey, Tri," Thanatos said with a fond smile.

Kym dragged Percy away again, leaving the two lovers alone.

"Where are we going now?" Percy asked.

"I want to meet your friends. Where are they?"

Percy stiffened. "I don't have any in Atlantis," he said.

Kym frowned. "But you're so charming. How do you not have any friends here?"

"I had one. He decided I wasn't enough, I suppose."

Kym sighed and swam back over to their original table with him. "When is your day off?" she asked.

"Tuesdays and Saturdays," Percy said, sitting down.

"Well, I'm going to move back to Atlantis so we can go to the city every Tuesday. Have you ever been to a spa?"

Percy shook his head. "No," he said.

"First stop is that, then." Kymopoleia picked up his book and read the title. "You're already learning the court system? It took me a year to get there."

Percy shrugged. "I have a photographic memory and I like learning."

"Did you know that you can act as a lawyer after you finish this course? As long as you can pass the bar exam, you can defend or prosecute in Atlantean court."

Percy smiled at the idea. "Perhaps I'll take the exam," he said. "Thank you, Kym."

"Of course. Have you had your first diplomatic event yet?"

"No. Mother insists I finish my lessons first, for good reason. We can't have Atlantis looking like a fool."

They continued talking until the reunion was over and Percy was allowed to leave. As it was still his day off, Kym insisted they go to a spa. "I know the perfect place!" she said excitedly.

The spa was nice, and Percy found himself enjoying it immensely. He agreed easily to do this with Kym every week.

After they were done at the spa, Percy felt significantly happier and even put off studying to learn how to create storms with Kym, which released some of the anger he had kept bottled up.

That night, he collapsed into bed with a large smile and fell asleep to happy dreams.

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