Chapter 8 - Betrothal

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The war was over and Percy had returned to Atlantis. He was getting ready for his birthday celebration and he was dreading it. His father had informed him that he would be learning who he was to marry at the ball. It was tradition, after all. Triton had escaped it by having a boyfriend, but Percy wasn't so lucky.

He made his way to the ball with Kaldur at his side, both having donned legs rather than their tails for the occasion. "I don't wish to marry for an alliance, Kal. I want to marry the man I love."

Kaldur was just as upset about the arrangement, as it meant that he had no chance with his prince. Not that he believed he did anyways. "Perhaps you will find love in your marriage," he suggested.

Before they entered the ballroom, Percy stopped and kissed Kaldur. "Just in case I never get the chance again," he whispered before pushing open the doors.

Kaldur hurried after him as he entered, his mind spinning. Percy loved him back? He followed Percy as he mingled, watching as each of the potential suitors stared at the prince hungrily. They wanted him, not for who he was as a person, but for the power that came with being his betrothed. It didn't help that he was incredibly handsome.

Kaldur glared at one of the suitors who got a bit too handsy as they danced, but he couldn't do anything about it. He was simply a guard. Sure, he was also Orin's champion, but that didn't give him any power in Poseidon's court.

"I really hope he's not the one Dad chose," Percy said grumpily as he slumped into a seat beside Kaldur, who handed him a plate of food. "He just wants to get into my pants. He even kind of admitted that he would consider me a belonging if we were married."

Kaldur bristled. "You are not an object," he growled.

Percy sighed as a beautiful young lady came up and asked him to dance. He flashed a polite smile before accepting.

When he got back, he had a slight smile. "She's not so bad, I think. She was nice enough, anyways."

Finally, after another hour and a half of watching helplessly as different suitors stole Percy away for a dance, Poseidon stood to give his announcement and Percy made his way up to the dias.

"My wife and I have spoken with the parents of our chosen suitor. They have agreed and he will take the place of my son's betrothed," Poseidon said.

Kaldur slumped. The only respectful suitor had been that one girl and Poseidon had used male pronouns. Percy was going to be miserable.

"To solidify our alliance with Lord Orin, Prince Perseus will marry his champion, Kaldur'ahm."

Kaldur's jaw dropped and he saw Percy's eyes widen in surprise. He composed himself before making his way to the front and kneeling in front of Poseidon. The betrothal medallion was placed around his neck and Percy was given a similar one.

They were allowed to leave the ball after the announcement and Percy dragged him to his room. "I'm so sorry, Kal," he said softly. "He should not have sprung this on you. You should have been given a choice."

Kaldur pulled him into a kiss. "Don't apologize, My Prince," he whispered when they pulled away.

Percy shook his head. "We're betrothed, Kal. Can't you call me by my name?"

Kaldur tilted his head. "I love you, Percy."

That had Percy frozen in shock. "You mean it?"

"Since when have I lied to you, Love?"

Percy grinned and tackled him in a hug. "I love you too, Kal."

They stayed in Percy's room that night, just cuddling like they usually did when they couldn't sleep.

The next morning, Triton woke them up at the crack of dawn. "Come on, lovebirds! Dad wants to talk to you."

Percy's eyes snapped open and he tackled Triton. "I love you," he whispered, knowing it was Triton who had suggested Kaldur as his betrothed.

"Love you too, Perce. Now, get up."

Percy got up, changing his legs back into a tail and going about getting ready while Kaldur did the same. "Tri, would you please tell Father that we will be there soon."

Triton nodded and swam off to inform Poseidon.

Percy smiled and kissed Kaldur softly. "You ready?"

"As I'll ever be."

When they got to Poseidon's office, he was waiting with Amphitrite and Orin. "We have missions for you two."

Percy frowned and sat down, pulling Kaldur with him. "Elaborate."

"Percy, there's another war coming. Hera suggested a solution that I have agreed to. You are going undercover in the Roman camp," Poseidon explained. "You will have no memories when you go."

"Camp Jupiter? Why? It's not another Civil War, is it?"

"No, but you're Camp Half-Blood's leader. You'll be switched with Camp Jupiter's male praetor. We're trying to unite the camps."

"What about me, My King?" Kaldur asked.

"You will be my protégé," Orin answered. "I am in need of a protégé soon, as the oracle has determined there will be a formation of our protégés into a team called the Young Justice. We need an Atlantean representative on the team and you've been trained in diplomacy and combat."

"So, let me get this straight. You decide we're to be married before separating us?" Percy asked with a glare.

Poseidon winced as Amphitrite gave him a look that matched Percy's. "Yes," he admitted.

Percy rubbed his temples wearily. "When do I leave?"

"Right now," Hera said, appearing beside Amphitrite.

Percy glared at her. "One condition. You don't take my memories of Kal and I keep my medallion."

Hera nodded. "Fair enough."

Kaldur frowned and kissed Percy before he disappeared with Hera. "I officially hate you," he told Poseidon. "Luke could have gone."

"Luke wouldn't have the right personality. He's too chaotic. Percy has been trained in diplomacy and will do well in Rome."

Kaldur rolled his eyes but knew he was right. "Alright, take me to this kiddie team," he told Orin.

"Remember, they think I am the King of Atlantis," Orin said before Poseidon sent them to start his mission.

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