Chapter 7 - The Styx

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"Just your guard, huh?" Luke teased after Kaldur had disappeared into the water.

Percy shrugged. "He's my best friend," he admitted.

"You kissed him."

"Atlantean customs are much different that the customs in the surface. Physical affection is much more accepted. It is actually quite rude to deny physical affection when one asks."

"Weird," Luke said.

"To you, perhaps," Percy said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to see my cousin." He walked off into the forest, where he found Nico leaning against a tree.

"Hey, Perce."

"Hey, Neeks. You couldn't have called yourself? I was with Kaldur." Percy kissed his forehead in greeting.

Nico knew about Percy's princely status as Poseidon had shared the loophole with Hades and the two cousins often attended formal gatherings together. He was also Percy's target for physical affection on the surface, which he didn't mind, seeing as he was just as touch-starved as his older cousin.

"I didn't want to catch you two making out or something "

"We're not dating, Nico!"

"You act like you are."

Percy rolled his eyes. "Come on, Neeks. It's time to visit your dad."

Hades had asked to see Percy before they bathed in the Styx, so they could cover all their bases and ask Sally to give her blessing. They shadow traveled to the palace and dropped into low bows for Hades, who was looking grumpier than usual. Persephone and Demeter stood to the side, arguing over cereal.

"Rise," he said. "Perseus, my son has informed me that you wish to take a dip in the Styx. To do this, you will need your mother's blessing."

Percy smiled sadly at his uncle. "You will let me see her again?"

Hades nodded. "She is in Elysium. You may visit her."

Percy approached his uncle hesitantly before hugging him. "Thank you, Uncle Hades."

Hades smiled and hugged him back. "Take as long as you need, Perseus."

Percy smiled widely before Nico shadow traveled them to Elysium. "Mom!" Percy called, seeing her sitting with a man by a lake. With a sense of sadness, Percy recognized him as Paul Blofis. He hadn't realized the kind teacher had died.

Sally spun around and tears came to her eyes. "Oh, my baby!"

Percy rushed forward and hugged her tightly, glad that Hades had given her a corporeal form for the day.

"Lord Hades already told me why you're here," Sally said quietly as she hugged her son. "I give you my blessing."

Percy laughed tearily. "I have all day," he said. "Can't we catch up a little bit?"

"Of course, Percy. I want to hear everything."


Percy took a deep breath as he approached the river. He had done plenty of research on the river and knew exactly what to do.

"Stop! Turn back, Hero! This will be your doom!"

"No, Achilles," Percy said softly. "I appreciate your warning, but I would rather die than allow Kronos to win this war."

Achilles sighed and disappeared, leaving Percy to his mission. He took one step into the water and collapsed from the pain. He was completely submerged and, for the first time, he couldn't breathe underwater. Every nerve in his body burned and he was dissolving in the water. He saw faces-Rachel, Luke, Grover, Tyson, Nico, Poseidon, Amphitrite, Triton, Kym-but they faded as soon as they appeared.

Then, just as he was losing the fight, he heard a familiar voice, saying, "Remember your lifeline, My Prince."

Suddenly, there was a tug on his lower back and he wasn't being pulled away by the current anymore. He wasn't dissolving. He imagined a string in his back, keeping him tied to the shore.

"You better not die on me." It was Kaldur's voice, much clearer now. "You promised you wouldn't."

He could see Kaldur now, his red tail nowhere to be found as he stood over him. He had fallen while sparring, that was it. He was reaching out his hand to Percy to help him up with a triumphant smile. "Come on, take my hand."

Memories came flooding back to Percy, sharper and more colorful than before. He reached up and took Kaldur's hand with a smile.

Suddenly, he burst out of the river and collapsed on the sand, causing Nico to scramble back in surprise.

"Are you okay?" he asked. "Your skin. Oh, gods. You're hurt!"

Percy's skin was a bright red. He felt like every inch of his body had been broiled over a slow flame. He looked around for Kaldur, though he knew he wasn't there. It had seemed so real.

"I'm fine... I think." The color of Percy's skin turned back to its normal tan and the pain subsided.

"Do you feel stronger?" Nico asked.

Percy hummed before shaking his head. "I can feel that it worked, but I don't necessarily feel stronger."

Nico nodded. "Come on, Dad told me that Kronos is planning on attacking tomorrow. We should get going."

"Right. Call Luke."

Nico flushed. "Why can't you do it?"

Percy smirked. He knew very well that his cousin had a crush on his friend. "I'm calling Dad to see how things are in Atlantis."

Nico sighed and went off to call Luke using the cell phone he had, while Percy called Poseidon.

"Can't talk right now, Percy. Oceanus just launched an attack on the city. I'm getting everyone evacuated."

Percy paled. "Where's Kal?"

Poseidon grunted as he blocked another godly energy blast. "He's fighting with the army. He insisted. Now, I have to go. I love you, Percy."

"Good luck. I love you too, Dad."

"Percy, Luke will meet us in Central Park with everyone." Nico walked back over.

"I want you here, Neeks. Convince your dad to help us fight."

Nico frowned. "You can't keep me out of the fight, Percy."

"Go, Nico. If I find you in New York without your dad, I'll bench you."

Nico growled in frustration but, after a long staring contest, stalked off to start convincing Hades to help.

Percy sighed and mist traveled to Central Park. Everyone was already there, wearing armor and armed. Yay for time differences.

The war had begun.

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