Chapter 13 - Meeting Perseus

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Kaldur entered the cave to find the team waiting for him. They had added a member: Artemis. She was, supposedly, Green Arrow's niece. She was also very confrontational.

"Do any of you know why Canary's not here yet?" Robin asked. "We were called here for training, right?"

A cackle sounded through the cavern and a figure dropped down behind Wally, sweeping his legs around and tripping him before disappearing again.

{Kid Flash: fail}

Immediately, the team fell into battle stances. Megan linked them up mentally. Everyone online? Good. What's going on, Kaldur?

It seems Canary is using this as a training exercise, Kaldur guessed. KF is out and therefore is unable to help.

No fair, Wally grumbled, but was then excluded from the mind link so he couldn't give them warnings or anything.

The cackle sounded again and this time everyone could tell that it was distinctly male. It sounded familiar to Kaldur and his eyes widened. He grinned and dropped his battle stance. "My Prince?"

"Hey, Love." Percy was suddenly right behind him, with his arms wrapped around his waist.

Kaldur relaxed and gestured for the team to do the same. "What are you doing here?"

Percy pulled away and moved to stand in front of everyone. "Training you. Can anyone tell me what lesson number one was?"

Artemis answered easily. "Always be prepared for an attack. Just because you can't see any attackers, doesn't mean they aren't there."

Percy clapped his hands together and pointed at her. "Gold star to Artemis." A gold star sticker sheet appeared in her hands. "Now, I suppose it is time for introductions and questions. My name is Perseus, but you can all call me Percy. I am your new instructor, seeing as Canary is needing to spend more time dedicated to League stuff. Questions?"

"Uh, yeah. You know Kaldur?" Artemis asked.

Percy winked at Kaldur. "Well, I would hope so. It would be awkward if I didn't, seeing as we'll be getting married in a few months. Hera and Aphrodite are going insane over the wedding planning, by the way, Kal. They want your opinion on cake."

Kaldur flushed as everyone turned to him with wide eyes. "Whatever you want will be fine, My Prince."

"Yeah, that's not going to fly this time, Love."

"Hera? Aphrodite? Are those code names? Is Perseus your real name or a code name?" Robin asked.

"No, they're not code names. Perseus is my real name. I used to have the last name of Jackson, but it was burned away when I was made a god."

"What?" Kaldur asked harshly. "I thought we agreed not to keep things from each other."

Percy frowned. "It was a surprise. I didn't want to tell you over an IM and I couldn't come sooner, as I risked vaporizing everyone around with my true form. I only just got it under control."

"Hold up! Gods aren't real," Wally protested. "They're made up to explain things before we had science."

Percy scoffed, offended. "I am very much real, Mr. West. As is my family."

Wally, who hadn't introduced himself, tensed. "Did Kaldur tell you my name?"

"No. Kal was very particular to not mention any of your true identities. However, I am the god of heroes."

"I thought Heracles was the god of heroes," Robin said.

Percy smirked. "Gold star to you." More stickers appeared in Robin's hand. "Good to know someone here knows their mythology. The Fates decided he no longer deserved the domain. After all, he did cheat in his labors. Honestly, he's a jerk. He tried to kill us." When he saw the look on Kaldur's face, he added, "Tried being the key word. Jason and Piper buried him in food and we escaped. Sure, we had a few coconuts lodged into the hull of the Argo II afterwards, but that was fixed up."

After a few more questions, Percy said, "Alright, that's all for today. The real training begins tomorrow."

Kaldur groaned at the thought of what Percy's real training would be. If he was anything like his friend Luke... well, Kaldur wasn't sure his team would appreciate Percy's help.

He led Percy to his room so they could cuddle and talk. "Tell me everything."

Of course, "everything" had Kaldur a mess by the end. His prince had fallen into Tartarus and been tortured for years and he wasn't there to protect him. He had almost died so many times and Kaldur wasn't there!

The last thing Kaldur remembered before everything went black was his betrothed placing a hand on his forehead and whispering something under this breath.


Sorry for the short chapter.

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