chapter fourteen.

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chapter fourteen. FLASHBACKS

third person POV

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Astrid and Mac had met up around eight thirty at night to hang out- of course, being a weekend night so Mac had extra time to stay out since he won the deal between him and his father. The couple had met up at the park that was equally distance from both of their places. Interlocking their hands, the duo strolled through the park together, taking in the England night light as they glanced up at the stars. "Hey, this one looks like a butt," Mac made himself laugh as he pointed up at a set of stars causing Astrid to smack his shoulder with her free hand.

"It does not," Astrid countered, shaking her head, "it looks like a duck."

"You're crazy," Mac insisted as he knew what he saw even though he was actually far from being correct. Once the couple reached the top of the hill they were walking up, Mac suggested a little competition. "First one to that tree, wins?"

"Winner gets what?"

"Whatever they want?" Mac proposed, thinking like it was a good idea.

"I can post that drama queen edit I made for you a while back?" Astrid questioned with a curious look in her eye which caused Mac's eyes to widen.


"But you just said-."

"Okay, I take it back," Mac sighed, beating himself up for realizing how specific he needed to be with Astrid. "Anything reasonable and doesn't make the other person look bad."

"Fine," Astrid huffed out, disappointed she couldn't post that edit of Mac being a drama queen on the ice. Astrid claimed it the best thing she had ever created while Mac assured her that it wasn't. "But be specific, no cheating now. Which tree?"

"The one with the branch listing next to it," Mac proposed as he glanced back at the group of trees in the distance.

"Okay, bet," Astrid hummed in response, nodding her head in agreement- knowing she could totally beat the taller boy.

"Three... two... HEY!" Mac hollered out as Astrid had already taken off running as soon as he stated "two." While Astrid was clearly going to win, she was thrown off of her game as she stepped into a sudden unseen pothole causing her to tumbled down into the ground. Mac took this as his opportunity to pass the girl and close the distance between himself and the tree.

"Ow, Mac," Astrid cried out, completely faking her injury in hopes to stop him from beating her. "It's the bad leg, Mac." Upon hearing those words, Mac came to an abrupt halt- stopping just a few paces before the tree. Turning back around, the ice hockey player raced over to her side, concerned as she was gripping her ankle while wincing in pain.


"Hey, it's gonna be okay," Mac breathed out as he kneeled down next to her. Rubbing his arm comforting against her bicep as she continued to squeeze her ankle in pain. "Ast...," Mac sighed before coming up with an idea, "come on, let's get you up."

Helping the girl stand, Mac was not prepared for a sudden shove from the shorter blonde. Falling onto the ground, he glanced back up and noticed the blonde racing towards the tree, beating him as she placed her hand on the base of the trunk. "Astrid..." Mac called out in a stern tone as he pushed himself up and walked towards her.

Astrid smiled brightly as she swayed back 'n forth on her heels, waiting for her boyfriend to finally catch back up to her. "You," Mac pointed at the girl's chest, " you cheated."

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