Destination Despair - 04

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Byakuya and L/N were the first to arrive Byakuya prepared two cases one for an emergency and one to store confiscated items. Everything that would be considered normal but could be used as a weapon was confiscated till after the party. Byakuya and L/N were standing infront of the party room only waiting for the last two to arrive.

"I do hope one of them at least gets here." L/N said

"That would be better yes. When only one misses we don't have to worry about anything happening outside of the party." Byakuya agreed

While they were talking, the door opened and Hajime one of the last to missing entered and came towards them.

"Good evening Hajime, would you be so kind as to stand still, straight and put your arms out?" L/N asked Hajime

"What why?!" Hajime seemed genuinely confused about that

"We need to search you for dangerous objects, we said we will do anything to keep you safe!" Byakuya told Hajime

He still seemed unsure but in the end gave way to be searched. A quick split up frisking one of them frisked the upper body the other one the lower body and like that.

"As I thought, no dangerous objects have fun." L/N said giving Hajime a hand sing to enter the room behind them

Hajime didn't wait for long and entered. Now Byakuya and L/N were waiting again.

"I don't think Fuyuhiko will be coming.... He never really seems thrilled to do anything, especially when told to." L/N sighed

"I guess you are right, let us enter ourselves." Byakuya said grabbing the duraluminum case for emergencies and went inside.

L/N close behind him with the case of confiscated items. The other students had spread out in the room talking and having a good time. The food looked well prepared but there was one thing L/N didn't like about the food.

"Eh, Byakuya look... the food table th-" L/N started but was interrupted

"Dangerous!" Byakuya stated almost running to the table.

Byakuya grabbed the large skewers and shoved the meat down his throat. It was a wonder he didn't stab himself doing it.

"H-hey why are you eating all that!?" Akane shouted while having a look on her face that told you, she would like to do the same

"Ham hands is stuffing himself like a pig!" Hiyoko shouted

"This is not about what I am eating! These skewers are dangerous! L/N! Go check the kitchen for more dangerous items!" Byakuya said like he wasn't eating at all

"Will do... but you could've just removed the meat.... Ah well, Hajime would you come with me and look in the Kitchen?" L/N sweat dropped

"What w-why me?!" Hajime asked

"You were standing the closest to him." Kazuichi told him

That wasn't the entire reason but sure why not. L/N entered the kitchen followed by Hajime. L/N went near the stove and put the case down picking up a sheet of paper.

"What are you looking at?" Hajime asked

"Checking the item list, to be quiet Frank I was aware of the dangerous items, when I checked this place with Teruteru and Nagito. But I hoped they wouldn't be used for presentation of food." L/N told Hajime

"What do we have to take?" Hajime asked L/N

"Let's see... 20 knives and forks and with the 4 skewers in the other room there should still be one here." L/N said opening a drawer and then opening the duraluminum case

Hajime and L/N were able to find all of the knives and forks spread in different drawers, but the skewer was nowhere to be found. The the door to the kitchen opened.

"Waahh! What are you to doing!?" Teruteru sounded scared

"We are removing all dangerous items, so everyone can be calm. Say, you haven't seen the fifth iron skewer by chance?" L/N asked Teruteru

"No, that one seems to be missing." Teruteru told L/N

"Alright then Teruteru see you when the party starts" L/N closed the duraluminum case and left the Kitchen followed by Hajime

L/N went to Byakuya who was standing a few feet away from the others holding the 4 skewers.

"And did you get everything?" Byakuya asked putting the four skewers in L/N's case

"Sadly no, a fifth skewer seems to be missing. That is what Teruteru told Hajime and I." L/N answered

"I see... not ideal, but acceptable I guess." Byakuya muttered

L/N locked up his case and gave the key to Byakuya, who put the key in his case and locked that one up keeping the key. After that he took a few steps closer to the others.

"It seems like everyone, but Fuyuhiko is here!" Byakuya announced

"I told him about the party but it seems like he wouldn't come" Peko said

"No problem at least everyone else came." L/N said

"Now then, in which room do we guard this case?" Byakuya asked L/N

"Why not the office? There is also a circuit breaker, would be wise to guard it too." L/N answered

"I will warn you though, I haven't cleaned the office!" Nagito told them

"That is no problem, I will take my leave then." L/N said taking the duraluminum case

"Wait! Please let me guard it. You two have already worked so much. Let me do this." Peko said stopping L/N

L/N gave a glance at Byakuya who only gave him the slightest of nods.

"Why not. Thank you Peko. But at least take some food with you." L/N told her

"Yes I will." Peko said taking a plate and the case leaving the room

With that the party could Beginn.
Everyone was talking and having a good time Nekomaru left party room for a short time and when he came back he looked a bit shaken.

"I have to return to my room!" Nekomaru shouted

"No, you will stay here!" Byakuya stood him

"But I have to shit!" Nekomaru shouted back

"Then go! There is a toilet in this building!" Byakuya told him

"I already tried but the door wouldn't budge! So I have to go, shitting my pants would totally shame me as a man!!!" Nekomaru shouted again

"What blasphemy is this!?" Gundham asked

"Hey and I can eat all this?!" Akane asked looking at the food filled table

"Please leave something for the rest of us." L/N told her

"Hey everyone let's take a picture! Look over here!" Mahiru shouted in the room

What utter chaos, L/N thought he looked around the room and saw Mikan apparently scared and unsure what to do so he went to talk with her.

*Beep beep*

"What was that?!" Byakuya asked when suddenly the lights turned off

And now the real chaos erupted and L/N could feel a smaller body run into him and then he was falling to the ground.

(Despair Breeds Hope) Danganronpa 2 x Male!Sigma!Reader Where stories live. Discover now