A/N the end of a story

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Now that I can finally mark this story as finished. I feel like a burden has fallen of my shoulders. Reading of people who enjoy reading the story, is a good feeling that pushed me to go on with the story, but at the same time it also was a burden too. I didn't want to dissapoint you guys and I didn't want to have you waiting an eternity too! But now it's done and I am onto the next story soon! I am already hyped!

And to finish this I just wanted to add my inspiration for this story.
Firstly of course Danganronpa and BSD but for the people who know of Sigma in BSD you probably have seen quite a difference between Y/N and him. That is because the personality and the normal Y/N and ultimate despair was inspired by this:

The Idea of how the characters personality would play out throughout his whole life came to me while listening to this song!

With that I have nothing more to say! And one final time for this story!
I wish everyone a wonderful day!

(Despair Breeds Hope) Danganronpa 2 x Male!Sigma!Reader Where stories live. Discover now