Investigation 01

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When L/N opened his eyes, the lights were back on, but his head was hurting like hell. He sat up holding his head, someone put a bandage around his head. His eyes needed some time to get used to the light, he was feeling light headed... what had happened?
Looking around there was nearly no one around all he could see was Byakuya laying face down... in a pool of blood! L/N jumped up from his position hitting his head on the table, and falling back down. Now he could hear footsteps coming closer.

"L-l-l-l/N are h-how are y-you feeling!?" Mikan asked him

"What happened?" L/N asked her back

"No-not n-now f-first how are y-you?" Milan asked again

"Since I woke up my head hurts and I feel light headed... then... then I saw Byakuya jumped up and hit my head again.... w-wait By-Byakuya...? I-is- he dead!?" L/N seemed to finally realize what he saw

"Y-yes, but you h-have to look a-after your s-self now! You h-have a concussion! The o-others are already in-investigating who killed him!" Mikan told him

"So they don't know, who did it?" L/N asked her

"N-no, all we kn-know is next to B-Byakuya is a kn-knive with a weird paint on it a-and he got stabbed m-multiple times in the throat a-and chest area. The stab w-wounds are deep but o-only 5mm wide. But that is enough, you need to lie down and rest!" Mikan told L/N while taking a closer look at him and put a tablecloth behind his had as a pillow

"5mm? So the knive w-wasn't the weapon?" L/N muttered

Milan didn't say anything

"Do you know what that, sounds like Mikan?" L/N asked her

"N-no!" Mikan answered him

"The missing skewer..." L/N said

He started to think, who could've done this and how, in the dark and without being noticed the moment the lights come back on. But concentrating on it only made his head sting.

"P-please stop this! Y-you have t-to close your eyes and r-rest! The t-trial will be soon!" Mikan told him

She was right of course, but how could he? Byakuya the man with whom he swore to protect the others with... dead not only that, his dead body lying not far away drenched in his blood. But he had to try, he had to rest as much as possible to maybe still be of some help when the trial starts.
And with that he closed his eyes and fell asleep.


*Ding Dong Bing Bong*

"Alrighty guys, it's finally time for the long awaited class trial! Please gather at the Monokuma rock at the central island!" Monokuma announced

L/N was awoken by said announcement and to say the loud and high pitched sounds were an inconvenience to his state would be an understatement. When he sat up straight his head was thumping and the world was turning, he felt nauseous.

"S-stay down p-please, you are in n-no condition to s-stand up!" Mikan told him

"M-mikan? You are still here?" L/N asked

"Y-yeah you stayed with me when I couldn't sleep and n-now I stay with y-you w-when you n-need you r-rest." Mikan said to him in a low voice

"But we have to go to the trial." L/N argued

"The o-others are g-going to ask M-Monokuma what to do w-with you, s-since you are in no s-state to join in." Milan told him

When the world around him was calming down a bit he focused what he could to take a good look at Mikan. She looked sad.

"Why are you looking like that?" L/N asked her bluntly

"W-what is wrong w-with my f-face!? Are you h-having additional e-effects to the c-concussion?!" Mikan asked him

"N-no just the concussion... the world is spinning lightly and my head hurts. But what I mean you look sad. Is it because of Byakuya's death?" L/N asked

"No n-not really, I-I mean I am sad th-that Byakuya died but more so I a-am sorry that I-I ran into you. You A-are in this state b-because of me!" Milan told him

"I see... but you couldn't back then." He began

"W-what?" Mikan asked him

"Why should you be sorry everyone was scared when the lights turned of, and seeing Byakuya's death everyone had all the reasons to. All you did was act. It wasn't your fault I was standing there." L/N finished

But before Mikan could say anything Monokuma appeared infront of them.

"Well, they tell me you are in no state to go to the trial, huh!? But I see you wide awake!" Monokuma said angrily grabbing L/N's hand and pulling him to his feet

"P-please no, he n-nee-" Mikan tried to help

"Shut it! See he can walk!" Monokuma said pointing at the standing L/N

The more L/N was standing the more everything around him was moving his head was pounding.

"Mikan, I don't feel go-" L/N began but then everything turned black around him.

All he could hear was Mikan's stressed voice and two other voices talking before everything was gone again.


When he awoke he was in his bed and he felt better when he sat up everything was normal, all that was left was a slight pain on the back of the head whenever it was touched. He went outside of his room to be greeted with a piece of paper on his door. It read:

'Wakey wakey, when you read this the trial will probably still be uphold. So please head to the beautiful rock formation on the central island! You can't miss the entrance to the trial field!'

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