This is the end Goodbye academy of Despair - 03

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The next room Y/N entered was freezing cold, it was called the Bio lab but the inside looked like a morgue... Why would a school need a morgue? On the ground another manga.

'Manga for morons - The biggest most awful event in human history'

This is it finally Y/N could find out what this tragedy was about... What he was used for...

'The incident at hopes peak was only a trigger, it sparked the flames of a general civil unrest, everywhere there was a difference between normal people and the ones that are considered talanted. The uprising of the reserve course students was a symbol a start of a bigger revelution. Only moments after it started it spread around the internet already gathering large amounts of sympathy and followers. Of course it wasn't kept in the internet like the students people began to leave the work and home to demonstrate all over the world, at least that is what it first looked like. This spread around like an infectious disease. And soon the only goal of the movement was wanton destruction. The strong trampelled the weak. The weak bound together to rip apart the strong. Nothing but utter destruction. It was like society was regressing for everyone to see and quickly fear and Despair spread throughout the world. All this meaningless war was controlled by one Organisation, that was dedicated to the certain student that brought everything into movement. Ultimate despair, a group that used theit talents for mankind's despair among them even students who once wished to bring hope to others. Using methods of brainwashing everyone that was reluctant was brought under control. A last final pushback by the victim of Project Sigma heeded no solution only another follower of Despair. As long es despair exists the tragedy shall never end.'

Brainwashing? Was that why Y/N notes seemingly changed the writer... Because after he found out what Enoshima was planning he fought back and was brainwashed to? That... Could explain it.... It was getting cold so Y/N decided to leave the room. The moment he left ist Monokuma appeared infront of him.

"Oh there you are L/N!" Monokuma laughed

"What do you want?" Y/N asked

"I was getting bored of making those mangas so I'm telling you guys the final pieces of information. This last one ist about ultimate despair! Even though it refered to a group later on at first it only refered to a high school student!" Monokuma explained

"Enoshima, yeah. That girl who used me to make the tragedy happen." Y/N said

"I don't think you understand her right." Monokuma told him

"Huh?" Y/N questioned

"To miss Junko Enoshima the world had only two sides, boredom or despair. She felt nothing else, in her eyes if you didn't feel despair, you were bored. So she wanted to make everyone feel despair, especially the people she loved." Monokuma told him

And as he said that Monokuma pulled out two Necklaces two chains who both held a part of a broken necklace. On one part stood the word Sigma was written on the other Okuma, the broken parts could easily be put together.

"What is that supposed to mean?!" Y/N asked Monokuma

"This was a necklace you two bought. I was supposed to stand for a bond that you two had. The only reason Lady Enoshima made all of this happen to you was because she loved you so much, she wanted you to feel despair. But you were a hard nut to crack because of the mental training you went through." Monokuma explained

"...What?..." Y/N muttered taking the necklace that had written Sigma on it

"I can't tell you if she loved you romantically or more in a familial way or so but she did." Monokuma went on

"..." Y/N was silent

"Lost for words huh?" Monokuma laughed

"It is... Ironic to think at the core the mastermind behind mass destruction and brainwashing...was but a desperate highschool girl who just wanted to really feel something... Heh... Reminds me somewhat of me... That's probably the bond we shared... And also what the brainwashed me had written about." Y/N muttered

When Y/N looked up Monokuma was gone again. Only a slip of paper was on the ground which read 'There was some piece missing in the Tragedy of hopes peak manga, all of the reserve course students committed mass suicide as a blessing in despair!' Truly a blessing... What!? What was he thinking?... Is that part of the brainwashing talking?... No it cannot be! Y/N pushed the thoughts to the side and looked around more, there was nothing more on that floor so Y/N decided to take the stairs onto the next floor. The first door Y/N found that he could open was the music room, inside was a flying stone and a bunch of words writing themselves in the air.

"What the?" Y/N muttered

It seemed like the stone was a Monument to the future Foundation. And the words were a log apparently from the foundation themselves.

'We thought they couldn't do much without Enoshima rallying them, but now that L/N has taken over her place. This was grim news, but we have to change our approach now. We definitely need to take in the survivors of hopes peak that were found as quickly as possible. The remnants will be after them. Regarding a different matter: It seems like the Neo world Programm can move on into a testing phase. If it is successful we can possibly cure people from desprair.'

Curing people from Despair... Is this what is happening to them? That would explain why they all aren't brainwashed anymore. But how does it get rid of the brainwashing?... By getting rid of the memories! Mikan turned back into a remnant of Despair because she remembered! We simply don't remember being brainwashed. That is simple but genius. But it seemed there was nothing more to find in this room. So Y/N went on the next place he entered looked like a teacher office. The moment he entered Kazuichi and Hajime who were inside turned around to look the other way.

"You know, it is obvious you guys are trying to ignore I am here... And yeah it's true I am keeping something from you... But I don't think you want to know what I am keeping hidden." Y/N told them

He waited for a moment but got no answer. He sighed and began to look around in the room nothing was of interest only one thing, there was a list... Listing the name of all of the students who were on the trip, but above Hiyoko's name was a newspaper clipping showing a older Hiyoko.

So in-between our school beginning and the start of the tragedy Hiyoko had a growth spurt huh? This Neo world Programm would explain everything, it would probably have put Hiyoko at the size she had at the beginning of her school live. The Neo world Programm would explain every abnormality we have witnessed.

Looking around one last time Y/N also saw another bunch of words writing themselves in the air.

'Regarding the survivors of hopes peak academy. Please do your best to aquire them seeing as the latest moves of the remnants of Despair habe become even more brutal than before we need to work efficient and quick. One thing is important, if someone gets the chance, the remnants of Despair have to be executed on sight. We cannot allow them to cast their havoc any further. For the sake of a brighter future.'

Someone must be going against orders then. If we are supposed to be killed immediately, and end up in this Neo world program someone must have different ambitions. As Y/N looked around again Kazuichi and Hajime were already gone. So Y/N left to looking around no other room was accessable so he went up another floor and checked the doors. Invisible wall, invisible wall, invisible wall. No entering then finally a door he could grasp. Opening it he saw Hajime holding a file.

"What's it about?" Y/N asked

"... Something they call, the hope cultivation plan. Seemingly using the fruits of their labor to create ultimate hope... But I don't completely understand it" Hajime explained

"It's probably about that Izuru the student they have created." Y/N said

"Yeah, but there this picture of a Izuru Kamukura, saying he is the founder of hopes peak. Doesn't that contradict that information?" Hajime asked

"Why If they create a person they wish to be ultimate hope, why don't call them like the person that started everything? The manga stated they hid everything about him. Changing his name to make him untraceable would be a small step for a school that hides murder." Y/N stated

"I guess... That thing over there has some interesting information to I can't put my head around. Why don't you go on and read it, I'll go to the next floor." Hajime said

"Alright." Y/N said as Hajime left.


(Despair Breeds Hope) Danganronpa 2 x Male!Sigma!Reader Where stories live. Discover now