Smile at hope in the name of Despair - 02

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And L/N thought the last island was weird... standing on the final island he felt like he was in '1987' this feeling screens everywhere, the dystopian futuristic look... this place felt like it would eat up any kind of joy... any kind of hope. The Architecture of those buildings looked barely possible of holding anything... and they were even investigating without telling Nagito that the last island was even open... up until now Nagito hadn't even shown himself. L/N saw as the first of their small group left to investigate buildings... small group they were once a full class and now? Only seven of them were left... L/N was looking around... where to go first... from where he was standing he could see a really strange pillar like building, a giant Monokuma head that looked like an entrance and a... military base...? L/N sighed looking up... as he looked into the sky his eyes widened.... up there flew a massive building... was this... his idea? His perfect version of his casino... but how? This thing could at max work in theory no way an praxis! He was standing there unmoving...

"L/N is everything ok?" Hajime asked him

"H-Hajime... do you see that to?" L/N asked him pointing to the sky

"That weird flying building...? Monokuma has weird taste...." Hajime said

"That is not Monokuma's... that was my idea..." L/N whispered

"What?!" Hajime exclaimed

"It was a dream of a stupid child... I love heights and I wanted to call the skies my home... so I wished for my casino to take for the skies... of course I quickly learned this to me Impossible... but now... seeing this... how?" L/N told Hajime

"Maybe that place isn't real? A projection on something? Like a zeppelin?" Hajime said

"What!? You think my casino up there is fake!?" Monokuma appeared next to them

"Your casino?! You insolent, disgusting, revolting, bloodthirsty, ignorant little irritation!" L/N was visibly angry

"Oh, what?! I hit a nerve a something? Stole your childhood dream maybe?" Monokuma was obviously happy to finally have found a way to get to L/N personally

"Oh you little!" L/N was stomping towards Monokuma

"And there I thought if you would be kind enough I would allow you to have a look..." Monokuma said

"... what... I could get on there?" L/N asked

"It is build exactly like your childhood plans, I bet you would wanna take a look! And I even have some exclusive information for you up there!" Monokuma announced

"Then let me get everyone here!" Hajime said

"Nononononono! Only L/N gets to go, after all this is personal to him!" Monokuma laughed

L/N couldn't shake off the feeling that this was a trap... but how could he deny that offer to visit his childhood dream...

"How would I get up then?" L/N asked the bear

"Are you sure you want to go up there... alone?" Hajime asked him

"Yes... this offer is to good to deny, Hajime. Even if I wont deny I like the idea already to see my childhood dream fulfilled and on top of that information..." L/N told him

"Then let me gather the other anyway, so we can see you off!" Hajime said

"I guess you can do that." Monokuma told him

With that Hajime was running and L/N was left with Monokuma.

"What is your plan behind this... are you trying to give me a Motive?" L/N asked the bear

(Despair Breeds Hope) Danganronpa 2 x Male!Sigma!Reader Where stories live. Discover now