Smile at hope in the name of Despair - 08

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It wasn't even cold, but it wasn't warm either, winds flowing around L/N his long hair whipping around him he wasn't falling for long though. With a loud though his back hit something. The pain was so much L/N could move or stand up, his vision was blurry.

"Hey what the hell!? I was coming up to see if you were still alive, you didn't have to meet me halfway!" Monokuma exclaimed

L/N's Vision went black...


When L/N woke up again he was sitting inside that flying taxi in which Monokuma brought him up.

"Well, well, well. You have left the Casino and are back here with me. You know what that means?" Monokuma voice greeted him

"...what?" L/N croaked out his complete backside still hurted

"I have to know how many pieces of info ya got. If you don't have everything, I'll set you free the rest of the way!" Monokuma announced

"... I..." L/N started to go through his pockets

1, 2, 3 and... Where was 4? ... No he must have dropped it! He had it still in his hand when the floor shot away!

"Only three huh?" Monokuma sounded somewhat dissapointed

"Wait I had-!" L/N started standing up from his seat

The floor beneath him shot open but L/N was able to hold himself on a part of the floor that stayed closed.

"...Wait!... I had... Four!... But I... I still had the letter... In hand... When I ... Was thrown out!" L/N explained between breathes

"You mean this?" Monokuma laughed pulling out a letter

"Yes!" L/N shouted

"So four huh? How dissapointing" Monokuma said

...Had Dostokuma lied to him? Where there possibly even more than four? Or was it still in the range and L/N was supposed to search for 5?

"Truly dissapointing... And here I thought I could get rid of you." Monokuma sighed

The floor closed again pushing L/N back inside the taxi.

"I... Truly... Despise you." L/N huffed between ragged breathes

"Aww! I love you too! Now here read it." Monokuma said holding out the letter

L/N took it and opened it...

'Oh come on, now that you have showed me all of this. Now you hide away in that school. Can't you see that this hurts me? I have never felt so much and now you leave me alone like that! I want more! I feel like I am going insane but at the same time I love this, Love you because you have showed me all this... But it seems like my love for you was just to big, you filthy destable pig! The others enjoy the fruits of the labor we layed, but I find this to be boring. You left them without a leader, so I will take that place. I need more... Sorry for what's coming... Soon... Very soon...'

That... Could only mean one thing.


The taxi landed back on the final island. Where could the others be? L/N needed to decide quick it couldn't be long until Nagitos trap will hit.

"Y/N! You are back!" Sonia shouted while running to him

"Sonia! Where are the others? Nagitos trap, it's a bluff!" Y/N told her

"I know! I tried to use one of the bombs to blow up the door to the ruin and it was just a firework! The should be over there! In the Monokuma plush factory!" Sonia shouted

"Then let's go!" Y/N said

Both of them ran entering the factory they heard panicked screams, pushing open the door Sonia and Y/N entered the manufacturing room.

"The bomb is fake!" Sonia shouted

At that moment the fireworks exploded filling the room with many different lights. A screen on a box turned on.

"How was it? Did the traitor show themselves? I myself pretty much know who it is. Why don't you join me at the Warehouse nearby, there I will tell you what I know." Nagito said from the screen which them turned off

"L/N you are back!" Kazuichi shouted

"Please I told you to call me Y/N from now on." Y/N said

"Oh right, sorry force of habit." Kazuichi apologized

"What did you find up there?" Hajime asked

"Sadly nothing to important for our situation. Mostly stuff about me." Y/N explained

"I see... Let us go to the warehouse then. Time to confront Nagito." Chiaki said

"Hell yeah! I'll beat the crap out of him!" Akane shouted

When they arrived at the warehouse Akane tried to open the door, but it wouldn't budge, so she kicked it open with all her strength, which surprisingly worked. Looking in the couldn't see much only a few Monokuma cardboard cutouts on the ground.

"Doesn't it smell weird?" Akane asked

And the next moment a curtain started to burn and in the matter of a few seconds the nearly the whole room they where looking at was burning.

"Everyone! I believe in the other warehouse there were extinguisher grenades! Follow me!" Sonia shouted

Everyone was right behind her they all gathered infornt of the grenade.

"Seeing the little capacity they hold, I don't think we can put out the fire with these. We could barely make it with a full fire truck." L/N told them

"But we still have to try." Chiaki said taking the grenade Y/N wanted to take

"Yeah let's go!" Akane shouted

As they were all throwing in their grenades the fire only grew larger, until water came from the ceiling of the room.

"Why did the sprinklers only activate now?" Y/N asked

"Good question." Hajime said

But as they where trying to enter they where stopped.

"I am very sorry but I can't let you in there! I have to get out the smoke and toxic gases out first!" Monokuma announced

"... Since when do you care for our well being?" Y/N asked

And an even better question... Why toxic gases, beside the smoke? Something wasn't right.


It took a few minutes until the bear told them they could go in now.

"Do you believe Nagito still lives?" Y/N asked the others

"What do you mean?" Hajime asked

"Monokuma said something about toxic gases besides the smoke being in the warehouse. That could have possibly been a trap. It could be that he planned for everyone to enter so everyone including him would die." Y/N explained

But then again... Nagitos luck is a force to be reckoned with... It is highly likely everything is going exactly as he planned.

"It isn't impossible, that guy was completely nuts!" Kazuichi said

They all entered the Warehouse, moving past the burned down curtain, only to be greeted with a gruesome sight.

(Despair Breeds Hope) Danganronpa 2 x Male!Sigma!Reader Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora