After math

432 7 0

You sniffled as you finally get off the pay phone w Simon. He said he was "coming". You didn't get to tell him where exactly but you'd knew he'd tear the city apart just to find you. You slid down the wall as you huddle your self to keep warm in the cold air conditioned airport. Many people look and stare as they walked by, carrying luggage and what not with them by. Children murmured and talked with their piers of your state. You looked homeless, clothing too big to fit. Flip flops just right to wear but they weren't yours. You think to yourself as your future has now flipped. The job you sacrificed your soul for and body, came to back stab you. But this was in the deal when you signed yourself up for the military. That was a no brainer, but now you have someone. Simon to be with. This is one to over come with. The Task force 141 will help you do so too. You sit and wait for him and the others to come. And then what? Revenge off rip? Who knows. But you already set your mind to it. The pain and suffering you went through because THEY wanted Simon. All because you has his spare mask in your pant pocket. They kept it too.

You found yourself dozing off and your head was leaning and jerking forward as you kept awake. You didn't know how long it's been since you called or how long it's been since you woke up at that woman's house. You thought your pinkie finger had been delivered to them, maybe that's why Simon acted the way he did on the phone. But why did they release you and not killed you? ,. Maybe they did truly want Simon. He was... or is still an asset to the company, and they wanted him.. dead? Why.. you though.. why why why.. over and over.. something is missing and you needed to know. And come back 10 fold. Alone.

Falling asleep finally, what felt like forever. You woke up. Still fed silence but bussing people and echoing sounds from the TSA. You sit there, hungry and confused.

What time is it?
Where is Simon?
I wanna go home.
It's cold.
I'm hungry..

Time slowed as you sat there in the same position as you fell asleep in.

Vision blurred. But what was it?... from hunger... sleep deprivation?.. both.. it felt like dying.. rather it felt like astro projection.

Watching people pass in slow motion, Frane by frame.

"Simon?" I thought, seeing a familiar face. You felt your eyebrows scrunch, and eye barrow as you tried to get a better look. You see him run up, crouching as he does. Weak in the knees as he grew closer, you thought.

"Simon?" You spoke
"Yes my love, I'm here.."

You tried to speak again, but nothing came out. No one could tell what you said, or tried to anyways. Simon picked you up, and practically ran back out the airport. He wore a regular shirt and Hm jeans and hiking boots. Normal attire other from work. But this- this Anel old.. used over and over.. has he not showered since you been gone? It smelt like him.. yours after the gym- him. After a mission, worrying about you- him. You started to cry. Silently clutching onto him. Just.. crying. Using the last bit of energy you had to let out soft spoken sobs.

"Oh simonnn~" you worried "they wanted you so bad.. I couldn't give you up..."

"Shhhh, quiet. Safe your voice.." Simon quietly replied, he continued to run to the car. From the car, it was a military helipad. From there.. you was out like a light. Asleep. You may call it.

But not. You were too weak to open your eyes again. But fully aware to everything and anything around you. Alone. Cold.. in a random airport.

Footsteps stroll by, light and steady. Some heavy and rushed. Some stopped by you. Assuming staring. You didn't care. You stayed there with your eyes closed.

Limp that you are. One picked you up. Carefully, and almost too gently somewhere. A car? Van? It was also cold.

You couldn't hear voices. Nothing familiar. It was almost mumbles, muffled words. Too weak to move or say a word. Asleep, exhausted. Sleep deprived. What ever started to move, it was far. Another unknown location. Arriving someone threw you over there shoulder, and started to march somewhere. The air was dry. It must've been dark, your slumber gotten deeper. They've sat you on a chair, Being slumped there, they tied you up again.


A whirring sound is heard, over head. "What the fuck?" You mumbled.
You get slapped with cloth piece, you jerk away. Confused. Feeling the ground with your feet. You lost your shoes. The floor felt rough. concrete? Packed down dirt?
"Who is this?" The man said
"Who?" You said exhaustedly

Receiving another slap. You focus your eyes on the man holding the cloth. He fidgets with the cloth. It was a mask.  Your eyes widened as he puts it on. Simons face filled the mask, as the man didn't. It looked off. Worrying enough to have you look around the room. "He's coming.." you spoke. Looking back at him.
"Isn't that good.. huh right Graves?" He replied
"Graves..?" You muttered looking the same way he is. The man walks from beyond the dark into the moonlight that escaped the one window in the room.
"You..." you growled
"Ah yes.. me.. again.. now.. have you thought about it?" He said leaning over
"I said.. he was coming.. no need to know who, you'll see"
"Perfect..." he stood up correctly letting out a sigh "wrap this up" he announced he then started to walk off, out the room. Confused as you were as to what he meant. To die? Perhaps. But you felt this wasn't the end exactly. Maybe the beginning to the end.

The men in the room, suited up. And some whom aren't. Lifted you up from the chair, the whirring sound continued, feeling metal cling sounds behind you. You thought "is this?... what Simon was afraid of?"

"He said not to kill her yet.."

"I know..."

"Yet?" You thought..

The metal pieces stung with coldness on your back, being removed and brought back with synchronized movements. You closed your eyes. Extra hands touched you. Moving pieces of clothing aside. You let it happen. It was going to happen. The metal pieces glided on your rib cage on both side. And then it stung. Cartilage broke, it rubbed on your bones. Your jaw clenched so tight, you thought teeth were going to crack and break. Your head shot back, and you let out a loud scream. It echoed, bounced on all the walls and anywhere it could escape. The movements ended. Now with hooks in your ribs. The men moved back but one to hold you up. The whirring sounded again. It pulled you up. More pain vibrated through your body. You stood still as much as you could to hit disturb the claws in your Ribs. You hung there a few feet from the floor. Your vision blurred, the pain and trauma made you pass out again.

Your final thoughts before officially passing out:
"Was this what Simon was avoiding?"
"Why did he act that way?"
"I need to get out of here.."
"I can't move.. it hurts so bad..."
"Shhh go to sleep.. don't move.."
"Act died.."

Your own voice echoed, simons voice did too.. price.. König.. soap.. and the others.. motivated speeches rang through your head. Your head slumped down, and you finally fell asleep. Knocked out from the pain.

Simon"Ghost"RileyXReader 🍋Where stories live. Discover now