[CHAPTER-12]: The Conflict Forces,Raiders VS Lilybell

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Chisato: I had anything that i should do,So i'll give this back for you.

Chisato began to giving back a Alan pendant for Yoshimatsu.

Chisato: Thank you. Keeping yourself to well,and thank for this bullets.

Gakiro: Yoshimatsu,Maybe i really mad because you try to kill me and betray me But i'm got trust you for saving my life in the past. (Showing Alan pendant)I'll give this back for you,I don't need it.

Yoshimatsu: But without that You're never can be an Super Raiders.

Gakiro: I can! With my own capability,Keep yourself.

Yoshimatsu: Gakiro...

Chisato began to shoot red-hair woman using her gun and rubber bullets without looking for.

That woman was got down due of Chisato's shot strike,Be followed by Takina that her face was bleeds upside.

Gakiro: Takina...

Chisato: It's good he's okay.

However Takina began to running toward Yoshimatsu,Try to kill she.

Chisato: Run!!

The red-hair woman began to running and helping Yoshimatsu,For get away from Takina.

Takina began to took her pistols and try to kill Yoshimatsu for getting the artificial heart.

However Chisato start to stopping Takina and try to prevent he from chasing Yoshimatsu.

Chisato: Takina!! Stop it! Takina!!!

Takina: I don't let him get away with the subplace artificial heart!!!!!

He's shoot Yoshimatsu that try to get away,But he's failed because her bullets of pistols was run out.

Takina: NOOOO!!!!!!!

Chisato: I'm still alive even i should to kill Yoshimatsu!

Takina: Gakiro,What are you doing! After him and get the subplace artificial heart for Chisato!!!!

Chisato: TAKINA!!!!

Gakiro is just an silent and never listening what are Takina saying to her.

Takina: Gakiro,Do you worry about Chisato right? Go after Yoshimatsu and get artificial heart Hurry!!

However Gakiro began to shooking her head left and right,As if he isn't wanna do that even though worrying Chisato.

Gakiro: No...

Takina: Wh-why?

Gakiro: I don't wanna do that,Even though she got betraying me But i'm still trusting she for saving my life in the past. I hope he's never disappointing me anymore. What else betraying me again.

Chisato: What are Gakiro saying is right,Takina.

Takina: But...I don't....I don't wanna lost you...Chisato....

Chisato: Takina,I should be gone and never back in the world. But Yoshimatsu give me a chance to alive,so i can meet you Takina.

Gakiro: But without subplace artificial heart,You can be gone! I don't wanna lost you away,Chisato-chan! I don't wanna lost you,As I lost Agiri in the past...

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