[CHAPTER-14] END: The Return

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Enkuboku Tower

Gakiro: What? You would dead?

Because Chisato say she would be dead,Gakiro's tears was a flowed down in the cheeks. He's got sad and won't willing to his death.

Gakiro: No!! No!!! I don't let you die!! Please!!!

Chisato: Is okay,Gakiro-kun. Even i'm dead but i'll be always in your mind.

Gakiro: Chisato-chan,I love you and i don't you leave me alone! Please! I don't wanna you dead like as Agiri.

Chisato: No,don't sad. Stay smile,get rid your cry and go happy. You should to got a life without me.

Gakiro: But i don't wanna got a life without you,Stay with me Chisato-chan! Please!

Chisato: Gakiro-kun...I love you too,I hope we're would meet up.

She's began slowly to shut his eyes,And an artificial heart is stopped working. Chisato is dead.

Doesn't let Chisato dead,Gakiro began to help him by giving she an artificial respiration to save his life,But that effort is vain and He's failed to help him.

Gakiro: No way....Chisato-chan......You've leave me alone.

However Katzuki and the other Alpha Raiders,Including Keichi,has been coming up and helping Ryuza,Takina,Gakiro and dead Chisato.

Keichi: Gakiro!!

Meanwhile with Majima that's got down powerless due of attack of Gakiro and friends,But he's not die and still alive.

Majima: Uughh those bastard. They think can get away after do this to me,But just watch..

However Akira and the other Charlie Raiders was came up and pointing their rifle onto Majima,Capturing him.

Akira: Commander,We got Majima here and he's dying But isn't dead. What we do to him.

Yakimi: Capture him.

Akira: Alright,Capture him! Charlie!

The Raiders Charlie began to capture dying Majima and bring he as the prisoners.

At night after mission for capture Majima is completed,All of Raiders who is get wound or dead was got be brought to ARS tent base to get a medical. But the medical is just for the Raiders who is got wound and alive,While the Raiders who is dead is just get buried in the graveyard near ARS Central HQ.






|ARS Central HQ|

ARS Hall

Kusunoki meeting up with Yakimi and Osto in the hall room

Kusunoki: The Enkuboku has been saved from Majima's terror by the Lycoris,That all is thank of the Raiders that you deploy. Thank you for the cooperation and help,Yakimi,Osto.

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