12 - Multi POVs ⚠️ 18+

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That night

Charlotte let's out a groan when she checks the time on her phone 3am, Lacey let's put a loud snore from beside her making her sigh realising what must've woken her up. Climbing out of her bed making sure not to make any noise not wanting to wake lacey up, heading towards the door then makes her way down to the kitchen.

Mike is standing in the back door of the silent house as everyone sleeps drinking a glass of water looking at the beautiful view of the night sky filled with stars and the white waves in the dark waters of the ocean. "Why is this happening" he thinks to himself not hearing the soft footsteps heading his way he slightly jumps when the refrigerator door is opened, the light making the person visible once he takes in the sight of her he can't help but gulp harshly "Lottie" he says in a hoarse whisper making her gasp. Mike clears his throat "everything ok?"

Charlotte holds her chest "god you gave me a fright" letting out a shaky breath "yeah everything's fine thanks, your daughter woke me up snoring extremely loud so thought I'd come get a drink. What are you doing up?"

"God help her husband, having her snoring in your ear all the time could cause you to go deaf" he says quietly laughing making me giggle as I walk to the patio doors but keep my distance "I couldn't sleep" letting out a sigh he walk the few steps to the swinging bench.

"How come? Is everything ok? Work ok?" I begin throwing question after question unable to stop the worry showing in my voice as I take a seat on the swing beside him before I could stop myself, making him smile softly which causes me to blush I look up at the sky hoping he doesn't notice it.

"Everything is fine don't worry, thanks for asking though" Mike tells her appreciating her asking. A little flutter in his heart as he thinks about her worry for him. "What the hell was that" he mentally asks himself. Giving his head a quick shake to clear it "just a lot of thoughts running through my mind, work and stuff. Just the usual" he says with a small chuckle making her smile.

Pulling a throw from the table beside her she puts it on herself then nervously asks if he wants some to which he nods pulling it over himself. "Tell me about it, I was the same earlier then when I finally asleep Lacey wakes me up" Charlotte says with a giggle.


"Wow I didn't think we had been talking this long" Charlotte gasps wide eyed when she notices it's fifteen minutes to five.

"I guess time really does go fast when you're having fun" Mike says with a small smirk making a blush appear yet again "beautiful" he mutters as they both go back inside to the silent house. Charlotte trips on something, Mike catches her before she can fall. Her back to his front. Mike feels as a shiver runs through her and her breath catching.

"Sorry" he mutters taking a step back

"Thank you" Charlotte says breathlessly slowly turning around to face him "goodnight Mikey"

"Mikey?" He questions his lips twitching into a slight smirk

Charlotte feels her cheeks heating up further "it just came out" she says sheepishly

"As I said before, I like it." He chuckles softly feeling like a school boy talking to his crush.

They stand there gazing at each other, both lost in their own thoughts. Not knowing who grabbed who but they are now lightly holding a hand taking a step closer together.

"What are we doing Lottie" Mike groans lifting his other hand to charlottes face to which she leans into.

"I don't know" she whispers before going in her toes attaching her lips to his in a light soft kiss which quickly deepens.

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