16- Multi Povs 18+ ⚠️

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Charlotte POV

Why is it that you do something for the right reasons but then you end up having regrets?

I know it shouldn't have but seeing them both together was like as slap in the face, it hurt and I think it hurt more because I was so happy after those five minutes outside we spent together then seeing them kissing..well Vivian kissing him.

I acted childish and like I was the one being wronged, I'm so embarrassed for that. I don't know if that's a normal reaction anyone would have or if it's my age coming through or what but I do feel like it was immature of me especially when it's not changed the fact that I still want him...badly.

It's been days since the texts between us, I was angry at first when he said about not playing games but then I realised once I calmed down that it could be taken that way because we said yes then no but that's the thing he was also doing the same and probably even more than I did.

So if he truly believed I was playing games then he should think of his own actions since the star before we even kissed.

We have maybe said about 10 words to each other since and it doesn't feel good, though I still felt incredibly guilty for what we were doing but I liked it. Not just the physical things between which goes without saying I did thoroughly enjoy it but how we interacted with each other.

It's crazy how much this affects me but this is the exact reason why I said I avoid one night stands, I get attached quickly and because this being Mike and me knowing the type of man he is made that easier.

At the same time, how can I want something so much with someone who is already taken?

Pulling my throw tighter around me as a chilly breeze hits me, I have been sitting out here for an hour trying to sort out my emotions and thoughts since I can't sleep.

"Lottie?" I hear making my body freeze as I know that voice from anywhere.

I straighten up and slowly turn my head to look in the direction of his voice.

Mike POV

I reach the rocks before I even realise only to notice I am not the only person her, as I walk closer I get a better view and see exactly who it is..



What is she doing here?

I watch as her body goes still before she turns towards me

"What are you doing here?" I question walking closer to her as she begins to jump back down.

"I was just out clearing my head" she mutters looking out at the water completely avoiding looking at me. "You"

"Same reason as you" I say before chuckling making her look at me


"I just think it's funny we've both been avoiding each other but we both end up out here at the same time in the middle of the night" I tell her making her smile.

It's silent for a few minutes before I sigh "well I will leave you to it" I tell her sending her a small smile before I continue walking past with no end in sight.

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