21- Charlotte ⚠️

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I sit on the swing as I watch everyone chatting away and still there seems to be a sort of tension between the Thompsons. Vivian looks pissed off at times then happy at others but then she seem to constantly been on her cellphone texting.

When we got back last night we had a lovely surprise in the shape of Lacey's grandparents which was great, we all agreed to have a games night which was girls vs boys which Sarah and Ryan's children love.

Though it was also very obvious to me that there was something else going on, I don't know if anyone else saw but I did. The Thompsons all got involved but you could see that something happened between them all and it was more than the usual Cathy and Vivian stuff.

Mikey looked tired and when he looked at me he would send me soft smiles but when he thought I wasn't looking I would catch him staring into space, to be honest I'm worried about him.

This morning however he does look happier but he has sadness clinging to him. Someone sits down beside me shaking me out if my thoughts.

"What are you thinking about?" Mikey asks softly

"You" I mutter

"Really what about?" He asks amused

"If you were ok" I say turning to him "are you?"

His eyes soften "I'm fine Lottie"

"Are you sure? I could tell there was something wrong last night and today you are happy but still seem sad" I say worriedly.

He looks out to everyone making me do the same, slyly taking my hand into his he gives it a small squeeze "don't worry about me Lottie, everything will be fine. I'm just tired" he says "it means a lot that you care though"

I let out a breath "okay but if you ever need to talk I'm here for you"

"Thank you" he smiles "can I see you tonight?" He whispers

I purse my mouth trying to hold my smile "yes"

"I will come to your room" he says giving my hand another squeeze before standing up walking over to parents.

Cathy looks over at me sending a small smile before talking to Mitch, "are you as ready to go home as I am?" Mickey says sitting beside me with a huff.

I chuckle rubbing my hand through his hair making him groan and send me a glare "oh what's wrong buddy?"

"Fuck sake Charlie, don't touch the hair" he growls jokingly "I'm just ready to go home, moms getting on my nerves about Layla, it's not like we are even dating but she is being rude as fuck"

"Oh, she said that crap to you?" I huff shaking my head. "Do you like Layla?"

"In what way?" He asks making me give him a look which he chuckles at "yeah I do, she's a nice girl, really fucking hot"

I shove him "nah I'm only joking, she is beautiful" he says with a shy smile before letting out a breath "but I don't know if I'm ready for something serious just yet and she is the type of girl that will one day be your wife"

"Awww Mickey" I nudge him with a smile making him groan

"What are you blushing about?" Lacey asks coming to stand in front of us.

"Layla" I smile "he likes her but doesn't know if now is the time to start a relationship as Layla is the type of girl you want to marry one day"

"Aww Mickey" Lacey coos giving her little brother a hug "that's so cute but also very mature of you. My opinion is talk to her, tell her your feelings and your worries and you can decide together"

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