Chapter 5: Defending The Helicarrier

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When the explosion happened, everyone was thrown in every direction. Steve, Y/N Fury, Thor and Tony are thrown across while Natasha and Banner are down in the lower equipment room. Steve looks up at Tony.

Steve: Put on the suit!

Tony: Yep!

They get up and they exit the lab. Fury contacts Maria.

Nick Fury: Hill?

Panic erupts, everyone is running everywhere. Emergency alarms set off, fire extinguishers activate near surrounding fires and every agent is in a spinning scramble for their positions and armaments. Agent Hill keeps the bridge as calm as possible.

Maria: Turn up that engine! Number 3 engine is: down! Can we get a run in? Talk to me.

Agent 1: Turbine's loose. Mostly intact, but it's impossible to get out there and make repairs while we're in the air.

Maria: We lose one more engine, we won't be. Somebody's got to get inside and patch that engine.

Nick Fury: Stark! You copy that?!

Tony: I'm on it!

Tony, Y/N, and Steve run through a hallway while the SHIELD workers run past them.

Tony: Find engine three. I'll meet you both there.

Cap and Y/N peels off as Tony approaches a tech room. Inside, Tony's Iron Man suit stands waiting. Steve, pushing with all his strength the door to portside, sees SHIELD tech in full oxygen masks shoot fire extinguishers and cover from sparks largely unable to do anything. Engine 3 is totally dead. A large chunk of the port side in blown off.

Captain America: Stark, we're here!

Tony: Good. See what we got.

Tony flies in his Iron Man suit and gets close to the damaged engine.

Y/N: Now that's badass.

Tony observes within his viewscreen at the damaged engine and its layouts.

Iron Man: I gotta get this super conducting cooling system back online before I can access the rotors and work on dislodging the debris.

Iron Man begins pulling on the stuck rotors. He then looks over at Steve and Y/N.

Iron Man: I need you both to get to that engine control panel and tell me which relays are in overload position.

Iron Man flies into giant cooling conductors. Captain America jumps over to the other side of the broken railing and Y/N uses the Space Stone to get over to the other side. Captain America and Y/N get themselves to the control panel and open it up.

Iron Man: What's it look like in there?

Captain America: It seems to run on some form of electricity.

Iron Man: Well, you're not wrong.

Iron Man continuously blasts broken debris off the turbine engine. It's bad, but still fixable.

Captain America: The relays are intact. What's our next move?

Iron Man: Even if I clear the rotors, this thing won't re-engage without a jump. I'm gonna have to get in there and push.

Y/N: That's suicide! If that thing gets up to speed, you'll get shredded!

Iron Man: Then stay in the control unit and reverse polarity long enough to disengage mag-

Y/N: English, please!

Iron Man: See that red lever? It'll slow the rotors down long enough for me to get out. Stand by it, wait for my word.

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