Chapter 18: Attack in Lagos

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After the Battle of Sokovia, HYRDA collected many of the parts of the destroyed Ultron Sentries and took them to an undisclosed location in Eastern Europe, where they used the parts to create a giant robot called Ultimo. HYDRA then used the Ultimo to attack a small village. Steve led the Avengers to an attack on the giant robot.

Y/N: Just when you thought you see it all.

The quinjet opens and they jump out and begins to fight the robot. Wanda flies up towards it and uses her powers.

Wanda: You've chosen a face I don't particularly care for, monster. And now you'll pay for it-

She uses her powers on the robot.

Y/N: Steve, we need a plan!

Steve: Sam, need you to scan this thing so we can see what we're up against.

Sam: Already on it. Go get 'em, little guy.

Sam sends out Red Ring to scan the robot.

Sam: This thing's a hollow shell in more ways than one. it's reacting, but not thinking. That means there's someone controlling it. Got him. Just a few clicks West, behind the tree line.

Steve: Copy that. You and Widow take care of him while we keep this thing busy.

Vision fires his Mind Stone at the robot. At the base the HYDRA agents lose connection to Ultimo as Natasha and Sam confront them. Wanda continues to hold the robot as Natasha and Sam go back to the others as it smacks her away.

Y/N: Wanda!

Y/N runs over to Wanda and checks on her as Pietro comes over.

Y/N: You, okay?

She nods. Natasha notices this. Y/N gets angry as he gets up and turns towards Ultimo.

Steve: All right, team, it's blind. Let's take it down!

Y/N blasts Ultimo with the Power Stone making it go backwards as he advances and uses the Mind Stone as a beam and destroys one of his arms. It goes to blast him, but Y/N uses the Reality Stone to turn the beam into bubbles and Y/N destroys the other arm. Y/N then uses the Mind Stone to rip off its head, destroying it. It falls to the ground as Y/N breathes heavily. The Avengers then return home. Y/N was in his room when he heard a knock and opened it and saw Natasha.

Y/N: Hey, Nat.

Natasha: Hey.

She sits down. Y/N looks at her.

Y/N: I know that look.

Natasha: I saw how you looked at Wanda.

Y/N: Oh.

Natasha: You care for her.

Y/N: I'm not going to lie. I do. She and Pietro were the first people I met when I arrived in this universe. Me and her have a connection thanks to the Mind Stone.

Natasha smiles.

Natasha: I have an idea that can favor all of us.

Y/N: Let's hear it.

Natasha: Me and Wanda share you.

Y/N was shocked.

Y/N: I begged your pardon?

Natasha: I already talked with Wanda, and she agreed. So, what do you say?

Y/N thinks about it and nods. She smiles as Wanda enters smiling. Y/N and Wanda kiss and soon after Y/N kisses Natasha.

1 Year Later...

It had been a year since Sokovia and Steve led a team on a mission in Lago's to stop Rumlow. Wanda adds sugar to a cup and stirs it. She looks around.

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