Chapter 11: The End of SHIELD

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At the secret facility, Y/N was in another room as he gets a sudden headache and feels a connection with the Mind Stone.

A Few Minutes Ago...

Wanda Maximoff enters the chamber, wearing lab-issued clothes. She's nervous but determined.

Tech: For our notes, Ms. Maximoff, can you please state your name and confirm your status?

Wanda: Wanda Maximoff. Volunteer.

HYDRA Scientist: Begin experimentation.

Tech: Doctor, with respect, not one subject has survived direct-

Out of patience, the Hydra Scientist leans into the intercom himself, presses the button.

HYDRA Scientist: Touch the sample.

Wanda: So, I... just...

The blue gem in the scepter rattles, agitated, and then shoots out from the scepter and goes straight to Wanda. The blue gem floats right in front of Wanda's face. She stares at it. And then, on its own, the blue jewel encasement opens revealing the Mind Stone. Then a magic blast. An explosion. Wanda remains standing, unharmed, still looking into the Mind Stone. The Mind Stone then shows her a vision of the Scarlet Witch. And then the room is suddenly normal again. As though the Mind Stone had never left the scepter, Wanda falls to the ground as she has a connection with someone.

HYDRA Scientist: She's still alive. Get her to isolation, now.

With Y/N, the headache ends as he breathes heavily.

Natasha: You, okay?

Y/N looks and sees Natasha.

Y/N: Yeah, I'm fine... Just a slight headache.

Natasha sits next to Y/N.

Y/N: Are you okay?

Natasha: I've been shot before. I'll be fine.

She notices Y/N is deep in thought.

Natasha: What's wrong?

Y/N: I'm just thinking of how I was a normal person to being an Avenger. When I arrived here, I was scared, and alone. The only people I could trust at first were two people.

Natasha: Who were they?

Y/N: They names were Wanda and Pietro. We were very close to each other until I realized that I was being used. I escaped alone. Soon after Fury found me. That's when I met you... I have been obsessed with you... And what I'm trying to say is... I... I love you...

Y/N looks at her and she touches his hand and they both lean in and kiss. They broke apart and smiled.

Natasha: How about when this is all over, we go on a date where no one can bother us?

Y/N: Sounds amazing.

Soon after, everyone was gathered as Fury looked at a picture of Alexander.

Nick Fury: This man declined the Nobel Peace Prize. He said, "Peace wasn't an achievement, it was a responsibility." See, it's stuff like this that gives me trust issues.

Natasha: We have to stop the launch.

Nick Fury: I don't think the Council's accepting my calls anymore.

Fury opens a case containing three chips.

Y/N: What the hell is that?

Maria: Once the Helicarriers reach three thousand feet, they'll triangulate with Insight satellites becoming fully weaponized.

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