Just in Need of Few More Days

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Waking up the next morning, not in my bed but in my old room, at my parents' house,  made me feel more uneasy than I usually did with a hangover. Though I am sure the events from last night did not help any. So I kept trying to sleep to get rid of this crummy feeling but the sugar from the wine, and the headache from the alcohol made it impossible. So I got up and made my way down to my parents' massive kitchen, which was usually empty, but today, a few of my uncles, aunts, and cousins were drinking tea and eating breakfast.

"Good morning, beta," my mother's sister said to me. "We enjoyed last night. Good job on the party."

"Oh it was mainly Lina," I said taking a seat on the only empty seat, right next to Lina on the counter.

"Are you doing okay?" she whispered to me.

"Yes, fine, just need coffee," I commented. "Where is Rose?"

"Oh after you left Rose danced and drank to her content, so I gave her the morning. Plus I didn't want to torture her with all our relatives demanding everything from her." Lina informed me.

"That was nice of you!" I said, grabbing her hand. Her few seconds of kindness last night helped me feel a lot less shitty.

"Why are you so shocked? I can be nice!" Lina jokingly bumped into my shoulders, and I was able to feel better enough to give her a small smile.

"Where is the baby? Is he up yet?"  I asked, craving more family time.

"Rohit took him home in the morning. He wanted to give me a break."

"Wow. Did he really?"

"Yeah might have something to do with our talk at the restaurant. I've been trying to ask him to help me more."

"Lina, I am so glad!" My smile widened.

"He is a work in progress but I guess so am I! I am so sorry about what I said yesterday." She squeezed my hand tighter. "I hate that you didn't think you could tell me such a big thing!"

"I think we both got busy judging each other. I'll try to be a little more understanding of your life if you do the same for me!" I suggested.

"Deal!" Lina nodded. "Oh, before I forget to tell you. Nick is here."

My eyes must have dialed up a few centimeters at the mention of Nick because they began to immediately hurt. "What? Where? Why?"  I hastily said.

"He showed up in the morning with the wine. Said it was a gift from his mother."

"Can he even drive? How did he get here." I asked confused.

"I don't know. I didn't really ask. All we talked about was you. How you were? When did you get home last night? If Lucky dropped you off?" Lina listed off, smirking.

"What did you say?"

"I said, good. Late. And yes!" She counted on her fingers.

"Was he mad about the Lucky thing?" I nervously asked.

"No, incredibly jealous." Her smirk got wider. "I think the guy you liked all these years is finally seeing how awesome you are. Good, you two can finally run off into the sunset, and give my Arjun a cousin to play with."

"Pump the breaks. You realize you are talking about a  guy who just woke up from a two-year coma. He might say one thing today and another tomorrow. I wouldn't exactly trust him." I warily said.

"He seems like the old Nick to me. Even got into an argument with me over you. That used to happen quite a bit in the old days." Lina shrugged. "Either way, he is here for you today, and if Melissa really isn't in the picture, I say try and see where this leads."

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