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"Mommy please let me see himmmm!!"

"Hyunjinnie no! You have to get to sleep! It's past your bed time honey." Hyunjins frustrated mother picks up the whining boy, bringing him back into the house and walking toward his bedroom.

"B-but I wanna see the cute boy!"

"Cute boy? Honey his name is seungmin..." She chuckles, trying to hold the squirming boy in her arms. "We can go see him tomorrow okay? They just moved in, let them get a good nights sleep. You want Seungmin to sleep good right?"

Hyunjin stops squirming and pauses for a moment, thinking about his mother words, "Hm your right mommy, seungmin needs to go to sleep." He yawns with a small smile on his face. He was happy to know the cute boy would be rested by the time they meet tomorrow.

Oh how the 5 year old could barely contain his excitement.

His mother places him onto his bed, adjusting the blanket around him, "Of course baby. Just get some rest and we will go see them tomorrow okay?" She places a sweet kiss on his forehead as Hyunjin smiles back in a way that his cute cheeks make his eyes look closed.

"Okay mommy! Now I gotta be quiet otherwise we might wake Seungmin up!" Hyunjin suddenly exclaims, getting comfortable in his bed.

"Honey they live 4 houses down I don't think they can hear-"

"Shhhh mommy!!" The young boy places a finger to his lips, earning a small laugh out of his mother. She turns the light off and walks to bedroom door, looking back at her son who was slowly dozing off before exiting the room with a smile.


Hyunjins mother walks down the stairs slowly, yawning as she pulls back her hair into a bun. The woman had bags under her eyes and was still in her pajamas, but the only thing she was focused on was getting herself a nice coffee.

Letting out her 20th yawn of the morning, she walks into the kitchen, grabbing a mug and making her way to the coffee machine. She places the mug under and adds a strong cup flavor before sitting down on a stool to wait for the drops of coffee to fall.

Only then did she realize the smiling boy sitting beside her.

"Ah kkamjjagiya!" She jumps back, holding her hand to her heart. "Hyunjinnie what the-" She closes her eyes and steadys her breathing from the shock. Meanwhile her son bounces up and down in his seat in excitement.

"Mommy lets go see seungmin now!" He throws his small arms in the air while closing his eyes.

Hyunjins mother pinches her nose bridge, still fighting off the sleep and trying to not let her anger out on her son. Though that was certainly proving to be a challenge. "Honey it's 7am? Why are you even up?"

"B-because I wanted to see the cute boy!"

"Jinnie I think they're still asleep."

Hyunjin stops bouncing and ponders for a moment, it was something he always did when he was thinking. He would always stop what he was doing for a few seconds to think. His mom thought it was cute, it was his charm almost. Though Mrs. Hwang was a little too tired to coo at her son right this momentz

"Hm I guess your right mommy... it would not be nice to wake up seungmin right?"

Hyunjins mom sighs in relief as she picks up her now full cup of coffee. "Right! We can go see him in the afternoon."

Hyunjin pouts and looks down at his small hands. "Okay mommy..."


*Ding dong*

From afar - SeungjinΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα