Chapter 6 - Plan something special

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Valentine's Day.

The day of love.

The day you show someone how special they are to you.

I would often bring chocolates to school for a few of my friends to show my platonic appreciation. In turn I would receive some as well and a lot of love notes candies in my locker as well. A few people asking me out in person too, which I always found more awkward since I had to find a away to let them down easy.

But the day always ended in me viewing everyone else's stories and posts about their special someone. How loving they were with eachother.

Sure the day was meant for love, but it often ended in pain.

This year will be diffferent.

Instead of staying silent about the person who was special to me, I was going to do something to show my appreciation. My... ahem... admiration.

Not a crush... yes.


This year I won't go home feeling regret. Instead I will go home knowing seungmin felt special and happy.

Or atleast I hope he'll be happy with the gift. Im not pressuring him into, you know dating me...

What if he feels uncomfortable?

Oh shit shit shit.

"Hyunjin you good?"

My eyes dart to the voice as I wipe a drop of sweat dripping down my temple, "yeah I'm good Minho hyung."

"Mm okay... got any ideas for your plan?" He asks as he types something away on his phone, almost like he was preoccupied.

"How do you know about that?"

"Jisung just texted me about it."

"And how does jisung know?"

"He was eating his lunch under the hallway tables when you told Chan."

I pinch his nose bridge at the thought, though I probably should take the time to think about my unplanned plan.

"Valentine days coming up." Minho suggests, his eyes still glue to the phone as his fingers move rapidly.

"Hmm yeah... but would that come off as too romantic?"

"..." The only sounds at the table were Minhos fingers tapping away at his phone screen.

"Are you even listening!?" I snap my finger in his face annoyingly as he furrows his brows.

"What??" He finally looks up from his phone.

"Will giving seungmin a present on Valentine's Day make it seem like I like him?"

"But you do like him?" Minho tilts his head, only making me throw back my head and groan.

"Yah I'm sorry but I gotta keep sungie company, he's probably lonely being sick at home." Minho sighs as he points at his phone revealing the boy he was texting. "Ugh and we can't even cuddle tonight or I'm gonna get sick too!"

"You two are literally no use."


Alright so in that uneventful conversation with Minho, I emerged with a first part to the idea. I had to know what seungmin likes. I don't want to give him milk chocolates if he's lactose intolerant you know?

So I had to be non chalant about this.

When I walked into science and saw seungmin sitting the seat beside mine, that cool guy facade I had tried to put on went out the window. He was doodling in his note book and looked lost in thought. His beauty was serene, innocent, pure. He was just so pretty. The prettiest person I've ever seen that's for sure.

Ugh Chan's right, I really gotta control this simping behavior

So I take a deep breath and walk over to seungmin, a smile automatically plastering itself on my face. I take a seat, causing seungmin to look up from his notebook and acknowledge me.

"Hey Seungmin! Hows your day been?" I softly ask as I open up my backpack.

The younger quietly whispers, "okay."

That almost makes me frown, did something happen? Did it have to do with that text he got at the ramen shop this weekend? Did he look upset when I walked in?

"If anything's wrong Seungmin, you can tell me." I suggest with a semi cheerful tone.

He nods, returning his gaze back to his notebook. Thankfully I had gone to the vending machines before class started so I had a great way to cheer him up.

I quietly place a strawberry milk carton onto his desk. He looks away from his notebook and notices it, immediately looking up at me with wide eyes as he takes it into his hands.

"I hope it cheers you up Seungmin!" I shine him a bright smile. I would do anything to make him happier. Hopefully he will understand that on Valentine's Day.

When he meets my eyes, his lips curve up at the ends. "T-thank you Hyunjin."

I quickly look away to hide my flustered face and seungmin opens the milk to drink it. Though once I did look away, I finally come to my senses and remember what I wanted to ask the younger.

When I look back I see seungmin quietly sipping on his milk while staring off in the classroom. "What your favourite chocolate!" I abruptly ask, maybe a little louder than intended, as I try to mask my blush.

Seungmin looks back at me confused. "W-what-"

"You... uh you d-don't have to answer that I don't know why I- heh is it hot in here?" I quickly add on with a nervous smile as I tug on my collar.

Seungmin lets out a small giggle, almost making me want to lay on the floor and squeal and kick my legs, before he answers with a smile and in his soft quiet voice. "I-I love hersheys a-and caramel candies."


The rest of class consisted of the teacher blabbering on as he always does and me secretly staring at seungmin next to me the whole time. I still couldn't believe I was this close to him and he talked to me and I made him laugh and-

I'm doing it again aren't I?

Aw shit

Anyways, once the bell finally rang, I mustered up the courage to talk to boy next to me again.


He hums in response and he puts his books into his bag.

"You wanna meet me after school today?"

Seungmin stops packing his bag to look up at me with an eye brow raised. I was quick to hide my flustered face of realization, "T-to work on the project of course!"

Seungmin simply nods and puts on his backpack.

"Okay! I'll be in the dance studio for my last period! Meet me there?" I jump out of my seat excited as I throw my backpack onto my shoulder. Seungmin holds back his giggles

"See you then Seungmin! Text me!" I skip out the classroom feeling like the fucking man.







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