Chapter 7 - Another day another dollar

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I take a deep breath as I press play on my phone, the music from the speakers filling my ears. I position myself and focus on my reflection in the large mirror, counting the beats in my head.

When I reach 6, I slide my left foot out and the dance begins. I glide through the large and empty studio. My face focused and every move calculated. Freeing, was the way I would describe dance. The ability to move your body to the music, there was simply nothing like it.

Infact, I was doing exceptionally well. This was probably my best attempt at the new choereography I had just learned. My facial expressions were clear and my moves were smooth, I just needed to finish the last part perfectly and I had mastered the choreo.

But I was interrupted by something in the corner of my eye. Being the scaredy cat and watched-too-many-horror-movies type person I am, I forget the dance and whip my head in that direction.

Though instead of a ghost or monster, I find Kim seungmin sitting on the floor looking up at me. His bangs were covering his eyes and he had his bag next to him, like he'd been here for a while.

"Seung.. min." I stutter out as I catch my breath and whip the sweat dripping down my forehead.

"Y-you are s-so good.." Seungmin looks at me in awe and with wide eyes. He spoke so quietly that it was hard for me to hear him at our distance, but my ears always double in size for anything he has to say.

"H-heh I didn't know you would get here so quickly..." I brush my hand through my long hair, trying to ignore the blush that had found its home on my cheeks.

"I texted you?..."

I pick up my phone and unplug it from the speakers, clicking on the message app to see the top text message.

Seungmin ❤️

- I got out of class early
- I think I'm lost where's the studio
- Oh I think I found the hallway
- Are you inside?

Aw shit Hyunjin. You couldn't have checked your phone the one time someone important texts you!

"C-can you do it again?" Seungmin whispers. When I looked up, his gaze was still directly on me. Who would've though he would be so straightforward?


"T-the dance. I wanna see it again."

I almost wanted to scream and punch the floor, but I was too flustered to respond. I simply walked over to my phone, plugged it in and pressed play. Following the same counts, I try to mimic the dance I had memorized.

The nervousness turned to power as I hit ever move precisely yet with flow. When I finished, I stood there catching my breath and looked over at my audience.

Seungmin slowly brings two hands together, clapping with a small smile that slightly showed off his braces, "Y-you're amazing Hyunjin!"

"Heh." The blush creeps up my cheeks when the realization hits me, "Thanks Seungmin. I'm glad you liked it!" I chuckle as I walk over to the happy boy. My heart was beating incredibly fast doubled by the fact that dance required alot of energy. "I could dance for you any day."

Seungmins smile becomes a little brighter as he nods. He looked so amazed. This surely was a confident boost. My crush... I mean ....somebody I think is cool... thinks my dancing is good. What more could I want?

I return the smile, "Let's go to my place?"


When I tell you it was hard to keep my eyes on the path when we walked home together, I wasn't fucking lying. It's like imagine walking home with THE Kim Seungmin at your side. It's easy to get distracted right?

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