Chapter 5 - Who the hell is jeemin?

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"Do you want to get something to eat Seungmin?" I rub my eyes as I look away from my computer screen, leaning back to stretch my body.

"S-sure." He answers in a small voice, blinking rapidly as he too looks away from the sceeen.

We had been working for about 2 hours. It was nearing dinner time so I thought I would offer a meal to seungmin.

Me, eating a meal with seungmin, is truly a dream come true.

"I know this good place around the corner. They're ramen is to die for!"

Seungmins lips curve up slightly. "O-ok."


Seungmin seemed fairly happy today.

When we walked into the ramen shop I had suggested, I swear to god seungmin was smiling. Maybe it's because I'm so used to seeing him from afar that my heart felt like it was going to explode being in mere feet of his presence. Let alone taking him out to eat.

Oh my god past Hyunjin would've never thought this day would come.

Anyways. I too had a wide smile on my face when we sat down, mainly because seungmin was so happy and that was enough happiness for a lifetime for me, but also because the food here was hella good.

"Do you want anything else Seungmin? It's on me you know." I softly ask after Seungmin gave his order of a simple spicy ramen bowl, contrasting my order which had several flavours and toppings.

He shook his head, "I'm f-fine."

"Alright... if you do let me know. We have been working for a while so I'm sure your hungry."

Seungmin looked content as the waitress serves us our bowls. I was very hungry, but the knots in my stomach made it feel like nothing would go down.

Seungmin picks up his chopsticks and takes his first bite, "It's good right Seungmin?"

He giggles and nods with his mouth full, some of the spicy sauce getting onto his lips and cheek. A scenario I never thought would be possible in my lifetime.

"Seungmin y-you uhm got something..." I gesuture toward my lip but seungmin tries to lick the opposite side. I guess this was my chance, I grab a napkin and reach out to wipe it away. Seungmin closes his eyes and tenses up, it felt almost surreal to get this close to his face, but I moved away as soon as his lips were clean. The last thing I wanted was seungmin to be uncomfortable with me.

He opens his eyes a moment later, "T-thanks Hyunjin."

I smile back, "of course!"

Before the giddy Seungmin could take another bite, his phone buzzes. His eyes light up immediately when he sees the preview notification.

I know I shouldn't be that type of guy... but I squinted to see the contact name from across the table.


Who the hell is jeemin?

My heart dropped for a second when I saw the heart. It felt like somebody stabbed me with a sword. A strange pang that I've never felt before. It was so overwhelming that the pressure of my chest was almost like a heart attack. Like I was going to throw up the ramen I barely digested because of the horrible thought of Seungmin having someone's name with a heart.

No matter how bad I wanted to collapse and scream on the shop floor, I simply froze with wide eyes as I watched seungmin read the message.

His face dropped too.

He frowned at his phone before looking back at the ramen he had barely started eating.

When I saw the sudden change in his face, I somehow managed to bury the killing pain to ask, "E-everything alright Seungmin?"

He lifts his head as if he was startled by my presence. Like he forgot he was here with me. The bustling sound of the night around us brings the younger out of his thoughts. "Y-yeah."

"If you don't feel good you don't have to eat it, I'm not forcing you or anything..." I quickly add, trying to make the connection that maybe he was uncomfortable because he was eating. It's okay. That's alright.

But seungmin did say he was hungry.

So what could be upsetting him?

I don't realize my hand gripping the table harder as I try to think about the possibilities. Maybe I went overboard about worrying about Seungmin. Maybe I should calm down. Maybe jeemin was his sister? Maybe she was born after I met him?

Thankfully he responds before the pressure in my fingers draw blood. "I'm sorry h-Hyunjin."

My hands immediately fall as I tilt my head in confusion and guilt, "About what Seungmin? You have nothing to be sorry about...?"

"I-I haven't talked m-much and I'm e-eating so much under your money." He almost whispers, I could only barely hear his voice over the noise of the shop. Though my face was full of sorrow.

"It's okay Seungmin! I promise! Eat as much as you want a-and you don't have to say a word the whole time! It's okay!" I try to put on my brightest smile to comfort the younger. He looked like he was going to cry. That text message must've said something that made him this way.

But nonetheless, he takes a deep breath and picks his chopsticks up again, sending me a small curve of the lips.


"Hyung I've decided I can't wait any longer."

Chan's eyes widen at my words, bis eyes darting around the hallway as if he's looking for something. "Hyunjin you have to wait! There's no bathrooms on this floor. Let's just go downstairs and-"

"W-what?- no- hyung I don't mean the bathrooms! I meant seungmin!" I groan at his cluelessness.

"Ah seungmin right... wait SEUNGMIN?"

I immediately slap a hand around the olders mouth as people turn to look at us while walking in the halls, "Hyung keep your fucking voice down!" I sigh and step back once the attention of the halls shift away, "Damn how are you so wise but so clueless at the same time."

"Your gonna ask Seungmin out!?" His eyes almosg buldge out his head as he whisper shouts.

"Well maybe not like that. I just want to do something that shows him he's special. Something tells me he doesn't see that in himself and I don't want him to feel that way. He should know how beautiful and amazing he really is."

"Ugh that was so sweet i got a new cavity."

anyways I had this chapter ready but if forgot to post it sorry hehe

Hope you enjoyed!

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