Chapter 11 - Screaming into pillows

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And that's how I ended up with a tub of ice cream in my hands, a random show playing in the background, and a cross-crossed-ready-to-listen Bang Chan sitting in front of me. Watching and listening intently at every word I had to say.

"and now I..." I bring the blanket on me to my eyes after finishing off the story, "am never gonna show my face in public!"

"Stop being so dramatic Hyunjin-ah." Chan sighs as he pulls down the blanket that was covering my face. "Let's look at this with a more mature perspective."

I uncover my face with my ears open, "Are you saying I'm not mature-"

"You've lived your whole life with barely even talking to the boy, it was only until recently you two got close. It's okay to go on like how things were before? No?" Chan calmly speaks while thinking about the whole situation. And I guess he was right. Things were going to be how they were before right? What's so bad about that?

"but... Chan I think I have something to admit..." I look down at my hands, thinking about what the older had said.

"Go on."

"I think Im in love with Seungmin."

Chan pinches his nose bridge, "What are you gonna say next? You have two legs?" He rolls his eyes, "Everyone knows that Hyunjin-ah. And this going to be hard, but everyone expierences heartbreak, it's part of life."

I hum while fiddling with my thumbs. Heartbreak. I don't know what reality I had been living in for the past few weeks to even think seungmin might like me back.

"And remember what you said Hyunjin, you weren't going to ask him out, you were going to show him you care." Chan adds on while placing a comforting hand on my shoulder.

He was right.

This all started off from me wanting to show seungmin I cared. Show him the way I had wanted to for years. I wanted somebody to make him feel special, and I wanted that somebody to be me.

But I guess it ended up being someone else.

"I guess your right hyung..." I sigh once again, "but he has that girl to look after him now. I have to let go before I ruin what they have."

Chan gently rubs my shoulder, understanding the pain I must be enduring from coming to terms with this rejection basically. The poor older had even skipped a date to comfort me.

"Get some rest, it's kind of late." Chan speaks up after a few moments, "take the guest room down the hall, I'll get you some clothes."

I sadly nod along. As soon as the older walks out the room, I slam my head into the pillows on the couch, "IF ONLY I WAS CHAN HYUNG MAYBE HE WOULD LIKE ME!!!"

Chan immediately comes up behind me and pulls my head back by the collar, "okay so you are not going to get the neighbors to call the police on us okay Hyunjin. Get your ass to sleep."

"UGHHH I SHOULDVE CHOSEN YOU AS MY VALENTINE!" I bury my face back into the pillows and kick my legs dramatically.

"Hyunjin I'm straight."

At that, I sigh one last time before pulling away from the couch and letting Chan lead me to the guest bedroom to sleep in.


I buckle my seatbelt in Chan's passanger seat, "Thanks for everything hyung, the date skipping and the letting me sleepover for the weekend and then driving me to school-"

"It's okay Hyunjin-ah don't worry." Chan sends a sweet smile which I reciprocate immediately. The morning light creating a calm environment in the car.

I stare off through the window as Chan begins to drive the path to school. It was very much walkable, but Chan was being sweet I guess.

I mean this would have been relaxing if mind hadn't been still foggy from the Friday prior, how was I going to go to class and have to face this boy? I always looked forward to every second I saw him, but it was today I was dreading the moment.

I could feel Chan's eyes on me before he finally speaks up, "Who was this girl anyway?"

"H-huh?" I turn back at the older who was now focused on the road. The suddenly break of silence threw me off.

"The girl you saw with Seungmin? Who was she?"

"I don't know... you know I'm not good at remembering names hyung," Even when I try to imagine the girls face in my head, it was slightly blurry, "I think she had short hair, it was lighter brown too, like lighter than natural. Maybe she bleached it?" I try to piece more of her facial features together, "She had really nice makeup and I think she had green eyes. Contacts maybe?"

"Hm..." Chan takes a hand off the wheel trying to think about the description I had given, "Did she seem short?"

"Now that you mention it... yeah she look kind of short next to seungmin."

"And she had a beauty mark above her lip?" Chan tilts his head like he was getting closer to the person.

"Oh yeah she did! I knew I was forgetting something about her appearance!"

Chan's face drops, "I think we're talking about jeemin..."

"Hm?" I question as we pull into the school parking lot. Once we come to a stop , Chan pulls out his phone. He types for a few seconds before turning the screen in my direction. It was the girls Instagram page, jeemin. He clicks on one of the pictures and zooms in.

"This is her right?"

"R-right." I stare at the screen closely.

"Hyunjin you might not like this news..." Chan slowly pulls the phone away, gulping and looking away. I squint at him suspiciously. "Jeemin is dating Brandon."

"W-what?" I say quietly, the words not registering on my brain.

"He's that really tall dude? Captain of the basketball team?" Chan quickly pulls up a picture from his Instagram page too, pointing at my wide eyes. "They're dating."

The boy was very handsome, tall with dark hair and sharp features. Any woman would want him and it was clear based on the likes and comments on his posts. He looked so familiar too..

"H-he's the dude I bumped into yesterday..." I suddenly blurt out when I piece thing together "and so t-that person behind him was jeemin?" Chan looks confused but at this point I was just talking to myself. "Jeemins c-cheating on Seungmin?"

Chan slightly nods, "either that or we misunderstood their relationship. I don't think calling someone babe would be platonic though..."

I immediately open the car door and step out, "holy shit she's cheating! She cheating on seungmin!" I clutch the sides of my hair, I could feeling my heart rate rising.

Chan soon joins me outside the car, "Aish Hyunjin quiet down! We're in public."

My ears were ringing too, a sudden form of anger encapsulating me at the thought of this jeemin. She was cheating on seungmin. Nothing he's ever done could of deserved that. Nobody deserves to be cheated on.

How could she!? Does she think she'll get away with treating him like that. Nobody, and I mean nobody, gets to treat him like that, he deserved the best only. The anger flowing through me only increases at the thought of Seungmin knowing about this. He was probably so upset.

I turn to face the older abruptly, "Chan I've never felt the need to hit someone so badly until now..."

What do yall think is happening here?

Is seungmin really being cheated on? What's the truth? And what's Hyunjin going to do about it?

Heh heh you don't get to know yet losers

Lwky guys I might start stanning ateez because I've been obsessed with crazy form. The dance, the formation, the rapping, the stage presence. Like god damn.

Also skz performance at AAA was so fire

Hope you enjoyed!

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