Epilogue - Cute boy

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"Don't act so surprised sungie." Minho tries to calm his boyfriend, well more like he tries to quiet him down so the rest of the hallway would stop staring at us.

Jisung just blinks rapidly, "You're telling me that you two are ACTUALLY DATING!!!!????"

This time Chan was quick to place a hand of jisungs loud mouth, even though the whole school hallway probably heard that last part.

"Yeah... we are?" I tilt my head the Jisung before lifting up mine and Seungmins entertwined hands. "Ta dah!"

Jisung still stood wide eyed like this was the most revolutionizing news he'd ever heard. Seungmin quietly giggles next to me as he looked at the boy, we weren't expecting a reaction like this.

"No fucking way..." Jisung finally speaks up again when Chan uncovers his mouth, "I would've never thought you would make it out of your pussy phase Hyunjin..." The boy stands there with his hands on his hips and a wowed face.

"I do agree with that statement." Minho adds on.

"Yah don't call him a pussy." Chan hits jisung shoulder, though Minho was quick to stand in between them, sending a glare at the older.

"What??" Jisung rolls his eyes at Chan, "Tell me never though that he would never man up and ask him out. It's been like years hyung!"

I quickly shush him as this was confidential information but Seungmin steps forward with a tiled head, "W-wait what?"

Chan looks back at seungmin and I, "You never told him?" He asks me.

I drop my hands and accept my fate at this point, my cheeks turning a bright red color in embarassment.

"Never told me what...?"

And then minsung open their no good mouths, words of memories come flying out, much to Chan's efforts to stop them. Every moment where I was caught staring at my boyfriend over the past years now being revealed. Every stupid thing I did in my teenage crush years.

I didn't think telling my friends about me and seungmin dating would lead to this but now I was staring at my feet with my lips in a straight line and my cheeks burning.

Once jisung and Minho finally stop talking, Seungmin looks to me with a flustered smile, "I-is all that true?"

I don't dare look up as I nod my head. If only it was possible to melt into the floor, but sadly not in this universe.

Seungmin takes a slow step toward me before letting go forehead fall on my shoulder, I didn't have to look up to know he was completely red.

"W-why... I didn't know all.. that." Seungmin mumbles into my shoulder as I turn to hug him properly.

"Well... I never got over my love for you. I told you that youre literally the only one for me." I nervously admit, seungmin only shakes his head in my shoulder as if he couldn't handle hearing anymore.

"I'm sorry I never noticed..." Seungmin slowly lifts his head as we make eye contact. "Everything with Jeemin must've hurt y-you?"

"It's okay baby, you're mine now." I smile, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear and planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Holy fucking shit. Is this what me and Minho look like from the third person?" Jisung makes a disgusted face as he looks seungmin and I up and down.

"Precisely." Chan groans in agreement before sighing, "I guess I'm the 5th wheel now."

Seungmin giggles before looking back at me and placing his head into my shoulder, his comfort spot.

"I'm glad you never l-lost feelings for me."

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