Chapter 8 - Nerves

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"Today is the day!" I proudly announce as I take my designated seat at our lunch table.

"The day you ask out seungmin?" Jisung munches on his sandwhich, thankfully his boyfriend had packed him one so he wouldn't be eyeing down the rest of their friends lunches the whole time.

"No sung that day is gonna be Valentine's Day duh." Minho nudges the younger side who nods at his response in understanding.

"What- no- anyways." I clear my throat, "Today's the day me and seungmin are going to do our presentation!"

The boys sitting at the table look confused, blinking back at me with their heads tilted. I pinch my nose bridge, "The presentation! Physics? The one we got partnered for?"

The boys lift their heads with a collective "ah" sound. Did I ever tell you guys how punchable their faces were- anyways-

"Okay?" Chan puts his phone down to look at me, "Did you prepare for the presentation?"

"Of course I fucking prepared for the presentation! Do you know how big of a deal this is for me." I exaggerate my words thinking about how many hours I had practiced my lines the day prior, "I cannot disappoint seungmin."

"Blah blah blah." Jisung makes a mouth with his thumbs and fingers as he rolls his eyes.

"Jisung this is quite literally the most important thing that's ever happened in the history of ever."

"Hyunjin could you please stop being so dramatic, your yapping is hurting my boyfriends ears." Minho covers the pouting jisungs ears as he sends a glare to me. How are they always like this?

Atleast Chan was somewhat mentally okay, "You should go to class early then, get ready for it you know?" He puts a hand on my back in a comforting father way.

"See that's how you guys should comfort me!" I gesture toward Chan while looking to the couple across the table. But it was no use since they were in their own world.

I roll my eyes and grab my lunch before getting up and making my way out the cafeteria. On my way, I pull out some cash and grab a drink that I know my partner will like.

My physics class was pretty close to the cafeteria so I arrived quickly, I peer into the classroom to find it mostly empty.

There were some bags placed next to peoples desks, some students drop it off before lunch so they don't have to carry it around, and a figure sitting in a familiar seat.


I open the door fully and walk in. The boy was sitting in his seat next to mine, his head was buried in his hands and soft sniffles echoed in the room.

It was like my heart plummeted down a 70 foot building. Without a second thought, I place my lunch's on the counter by the door and rush to his side.


The boy finally lifts his head to reveal his puffy and red eyes. They immediately widen when he sees me. Like a deer in headlights, like he had been caught.

He quickly pushes his chair out and stands up, booking it for the door. I quickly follow him and grab his wrist in the hallway right in front of the classroom. Thankfully it was still half way through lunch and barely anyone was out there.

"S-seungmin. Whats wrong? Why are you crying? Did someone say something? Who-" I couldn't even understand what I was saying. My mind felt foggy as the boy accepts that he couldn't run and turns around to face me.

His soft cheeks were wet with tears, his nose red from the sniffling. I was speechless. I never thought I could feel so much pain just by looking at somebody. I never thought I could empathize to this point.

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