Chapter One

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Bonnie bent over the toilet for the 3rd time this week. She felt like she was getting a cold or something. Some smells made her sick, and she woke up nauseous.

Or maybe it was just the guilt. The guilt of sleeping with the devil himself, Klaus Mikaelson, and not telling any of her friends about it. She hated that she fell for his charms, his flirting, his danger. But he had kept his promise.

One night together, and he would disappear from her life and her friends forever. She hadn't seen him sense, so she supposed it was worth it.

Plus, he wasn't the worst person in bed (probably the best she ever experienced, but she would never admit that either). A knock came from the toilet stall door as Bonnie sat on the school bathroom floor, trying to pull herself together.

"Bonnie, are you okay?" It was Caroline.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine," Bonnie said, standing to her feet and opening the stall door, "Just kind of sick is all."

"Sick? This is like the 4th time you've thrown up in the bathroom this week."

"3rd, Caroline. And I'm fine. It's just a cold or a stomach bug or something."

Caroline crossed her arms over her chest. She wasn't buying the 'stomach bug' story. She was a vampire. She wasn't stupid. "Sure. When's the last time you had sex with Jeremy?"

Bonnie whipped around, quickly shocked. "Caroline!"

"I'm serious, Bonnie. I know you guys are broken up, but I've had sex with plenty of my exes. There's nothing to be ashamed about."

Bonnie quickly used her magic to lock the door to the girl's bathroom. "I am not pregnant, Caroline! Jeremy and I were always...careful. And besides, it's been a while."

"How long is awhile?"

"I don't want to talk about this anymore." Bonnie unlocked the bathroom door and stomped back into the hall. Caroline was insane. There was no way she was pregnant. She hadn't been with Jeremy in months, and the last person she had slept with was Klaus. And Klaus was a vampire, so there was no way. Why was she even thinking about this? She just had stomach flu. She shook her head and walked to her last class of the day.

Later at the Mystic Grill, Bonnie was sitting with Elena telling her everything that had happened between her and Caroline in the girl's bathroom. She loved Caroline, but she didn't like it when the blonde vampire stuck her nose where it didn't belong.

"I love Caroline, Elena, but she's thinking too much with this one," Bonnie expressed.

"You know Caroline. She's just trying to look out for you." Elena took a sip of her drink. "It's not unusual for her to jump to conclusions. Can't you do some witchy thing to make yourself feel better?"

"If I could, I would have done it by now. Unfortunately, there's nothing I feel safe enough doing that may or may not leave me a melted puddle on the floor."

Elena chuckled, making Bonnie laugh as well. Bonnie liked these moments where things seemed normal again. When it was just her and Elena laughing and gossiping like before. Before vampires and witches and werewolves.

The waiter came to their table and sat down the food Elena and Bonnie had ordered. It was Bonnie's favorite thing to get at the bar and grill, a classic cheese burger with cajun style fries. It reminded her of times with her Grams treating her younger self to restaurant food.

She was ready to dig in, but one whiff of the meat from the burger made her stomach flip. "Oh my god…" She stood up quickly and ran to the bathroom, throwing up the little she still had in her stomach. She wiped her mouth with some toilet paper sighing heavily. What the hell was going on?

"Bonnie!" Elena knocked on the bathroom door. "Bonnie, are you okay? Bonnie!"

Bonnie stood up from the floor, leaning against the stall door. "I'm fine. I just -" Suddenly, she felt a rumbling in her stomach. Or more of a flutter. It felt like something had just moved inside her, and it wasn't from her upset stomach. "Whoa…" She grabbed her stomach. The feeling had gone away as soon as it had appeared.

Elena opened the door and walked into the bathroom to check on Bonnie. "Bonnie, what happened? Did you throw up again?"

Bonnie opened the stall door. She nodded her head, and there were unspilled tears in her eyes. What if Caroline hadn't been overreacting? It couldn't be. It wasn't possible. "Elena... something is really wrong."

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