Chapter Seven

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When they arrive back at the plantation house, Bonnie can feel the exhaustion hit her. She was physically and mentally exhausted from just the last few hours. She hadn't expected her visit to New Orleans to go well, but she could have never predicted vengeful witches and being used as Klaus bait. She was starting to believe she should have just stayed in Mystic Falls and never told Klaus anything.

The three of them walked through the door, and instantly, Damon was standing next to Bonnie, his hand on her shoulder. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine," she said even though that was far from the truth.

"What happened?"

"Witches," Klaus growled, "They think they can have the upper hand and bully me into helping them."

Damon raised an eyebrow. "In simpler terms…?"

"The witch that took Bonnie, Sophie Ann Deveraux, has cast a linking spell to connect her body to Bonnie's," Elijah explained, "Anything done to her will happen to Bonnie. Her terms for leaving Bonnie and the baby alone were for us to get rid of Marcel."

"Who is Marcel?"

"A ghost from the past," Rebekah interjected, walking into the room, "He was a slave when Klaus found him. It is a scrappy thing with a lot of heart and bravery. We brought him into our family and raised him, taught him everything we know."

Klaus leaned against the nearest door post. "I turned him. And now he's declared himself vampire king of New Orleans with all the supernaturals of the city licking his boot." He shook his head, his jaw tense with anger. "He stole what we built. How fitting we now get the chance to take it back."

Elijah put his hands in his pockets. "This isn't about revenge for you, Niklaus. This is about pacifying the witches so they leave Bonnie and your child alone."

Rebekah approached her brothers. "So it's true then? Somehow, magic has created an offspring for Klaus housed by the little Bennet witch?"

"Believe me, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't true," Bonnie said, gaining Rebekah's attention, "I don't like it much either."

"It's just like nature to give us a middle finger such as this." Rebekah crossed her arms. "I love you, my psychotic, demented brother, but you have really done it this time."

Klaus shot Rebekah a menacing look. "You act as if I planned all of this, sister."

"I wouldn't be the first time one of your idiotic plans for world domination came back to spite us all."

"Okay!" Bonnie finally yelled to stop all the vampires from talking, "I have found out I'm pregnant with a magical miracle baby, been kicked out by Klaus, kidnapped by witches and had my life threatened all in the span of 4 days! I'm tired, and I can't take sibling arguments right now." Bonnie put her hand to her stomach, letting out a deep breath to calm herself. "I'm going back to my hotel with Damon while you 3 figure out what to do about this Marcel guy."

Bonnie just wanted to sleep. Everything was happening so fast that she felt like her head was spinning. She wished she could turn back time. She should have never slept with Klaus. She shouldn't have given into her feelings. She should have just let it be. She started to move towards the door, but Klaus was standing in front of it before she could open it to leave.

"Where do you think you're going, little witch?" he asked.

"Did you not just hear me?" Bonnie spat, "I'm tired, and this is up to you 3 to fix. I never planned on getting in between a civil war in New Orleans."

"Looks like none of us really had a choice in the matter, love. But you're going to stay here where I can keep an eye on you and the-so I can make sure the witches don't come after you again."

Bonnie glared at him with her hands balled into fists at her side. "You kicked me out once. Now you suddenly care?"

Even mad at him, Klaus could do nothing but admire her beauty and her courage. As frightened as he knew she must be, she had been able to adapt and keep going through it all. Klaus didn't care about the witches. He didn't care about his sister's disapproving looks. He wasn't even sure he cared about this child quite yet or ever would. But he did care about Bonnie even though he would never admit it to a soul.

"You'll be safer here than by yourself guarded by a vampire much younger than half the ones that roam around this town," Klaus finally stated.

Damon scowled at Klaus's dig towards him. But he couldn't say he didn't have a point. Damon had faced off against enough vampires much older than him to know he could easily be outmatched by just one of them, let alone a whole pack. "As soon as this business is dealt with, we're leaving to Mystic Falls."

Bonnie snapped her head around to look at Damon. "Damon! I'm not staying here!"

"Bon, the psycho has a point. Even with your badass witch powers and my vampire fighting abilities, we wouldn't be a match for a bunch of ancient vampires by ourselves. We were barely a match for the witches."

"That's because they dulled my magic to where I couldn't use it."

"And who's to say they won't do that again?"

Bonnie clenched her teeth. She could take care of herself. She could take care of her baby. But New Orleans was a whole different territory. It was a supernatural hotspot. It was like the town itself radiated with powerful magic, and every supernatural being had the same feeling, especially the witches. Bonnie wanted to tell them all to leave her alone and just run out the door. Instead, she decided to make her first motherly decision. Do what's best for the baby, not for yourself.

Bonnie looked back at Klaus. Her expression hadn't softened even a bit. "Where do I sleep?"

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