Chapter Fourteen

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Because Klaus insisted on carrying Bonnie, they were able to return to the mansion much more quickly than they had anticipated. After they crossed the threshold and the door was closed, he helped her to her feet and maintained his hand on her waist because he was frightened she might fall over if he let her go fully. He softly pushed part of her hair away from her face and cupped her chin between his index and middle fingers. "How are you feeling, love?"

Bonnie said with a sigh, "Drained." She felt as though she had been drained empty of every vitality throughout her entire body. "Is the baby alright?" She realized that she hadn't even had time to double-check because of all the commotion.

After listening intently and carefully, Klaus finally heard the faint sound of a little heartbeat emanating from Bonnie's abdomen. With one hand, he pressed his palm against Bonnie's tummy, feeling the bulge that appeared to be expanding in size with each passing day. "She's fine. A fighter, just like her mother."

Bonnie grinned, and Klaus reciprocated with a smile. She felt thankful to him for saving her life since she was certain that she and the baby would not have lasted long enough for Elijah's plan to be successful if it had not been for his blood. Damon came strolling in from the living room at that very moment, stopping dead in his tracks as he saw Bonnie's appearance.

In a matter of seconds, he stood in front of her, looking for signs of harm. "What the hell happened? Are you okay? What did you do to her, Mikaelson?"

Klaus made a sly smirk. "For once, I was the hero in this story, Salvatore."

"I'm fine," Bonnie reassured Damon, "It was Tyler. He kidnapped me. Apparently, Sabine told him about the baby and her bullshit vision of mass destruction. He injected Sophie Ann with some serum so the linking spell would make it affect me and make me miscarry. Klaus came to help, but Elijah's plan with Davina worked just in time. The linking spell is broken."

Damon took a few moments to assimilate the facts before a deep scowl crept across his face. "I should have murdered Lockwood back in Mystic Falls, the little prick."

"Don't worry. I think he's going to get exactly what he deserves." Bonnie was certain that Hayley would not murder Tyler or subject him to unending agony in the manner of Klaus, but that whatever punishment Tyler received would guarantee that he never came for her again.

"I'm glad you're okay…even though this wouldn't have happened in the first place if you had just stayed in the house."

"It wouldn't have happened if you and Klaus weren't trying to decide things for me like I'm a child."

"Getting kidnapped by a psycho hybrid with a vendetta isn't a good argument for your case, Bennet."

"But you're making a good argument for me to stick my foot up–" Bonnie paused in the middle of a sentence as a wave of dizziness washed over her. She wobbled unsteadily for a moment before regaining her balance. Possibly, the events of the day had taken even more out of her than she had previously believed. All of a sudden, she had the need to do nothing but sleep.

"Bonnie?" Damon inquired, his voice filled with anxiety.

"I'm fine," she claimed, adding, "I'm just tired."

After Bonnie had protested, Klaus declared, "Alright, enough of your squabbling," and lifted Bonnie into his arms despite her objections. "Time to rest." He cast a bold glare towards Damon, challenging the weaker vampire to take him on. Instead, he strolled right by him and up the stairwell to Bonnie's bedroom.

Klaus sat her down on her bed and placed a pillow beneath her head. She was, to be honest, grateful. She was exhausted, and her powers were still in a diminished state. Klaus took a seat on the bed, his gaze fixed on Bonnie below. He brushed his fingers across her face, causing her to turn her head and glance up at him in surprise and delight.

"Thank you," she said softly, a little grin on her face, "For saving me today."

"I don't know, love. I think you had it quite handled before I got there." Klaus reciprocated her grin while caressing her cheek.

Bonnie smiled and shook her head. "No. I stopped Tyler, but if you hadn't given me your blood…she would be dead." She pressed her palm to her stomach. Klaus put his palm over hers and smiled. Having to consider the death of their baby was extremely difficult for him to bear. The lengths he was ready to go to in order to keep it safe, to keep them both safe, terrified him. He hadn't given much thought to any sort of feeling in years.

"Do you know what Hayley meant?" Bonnie couldn't get over what Hayley had said about imprinting and Tyler assaulting a werewolf's mate, and she couldn't stop thinking about it. "About imprinting?"

Klaus let out a long, sighing breath. He had no idea, and he despised the fact that he didn't know. It implied that someone had the upper hand, and he didn't want that to happen. "I don't. But I am going to find out. It could just be the ramblings of a wolf with a grudge."

Bonnie smirked as she looked at him curiously. "That's not what it sounded like."

"Worry not about it. Trust I will find out. It's time for you to sleep, little witch. You've done enough today."

She was aware that he was dodging, but she lacked the energy to press the issue any further. As a result, she succumbed and closed her eyes. Klaus kissed her on the forehead, but she had already fallen asleep. He rose to his feet and put the blankets over her before proceeding to the door. He peered back, as if he wanted to make sure she was really okay before closing the door behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2023 ⏰

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