Chapter Two

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This couldn't be happening. She was crazy. She was losing her mind. There was no logical way this could even be a thing. But here she was with Elena and Caroline in the drugstore, buying several different pregnancy tests.

"I'm not pregnant! This is insane," Bonnie cried more for herself to believe than her friends.

"Wouldn't you rather know than not know?" Caroline throws another pregnancy test into the basket. "Besides, I'm sure Elena would love to know if she was getting a little niece or nephew."

"I didn't have sex with Jeremy, Caroline."

"Can we please stop talking about my brother having sex with my best friend?" Elena shook her head to release the mental image. "I know you two used to date, but it's still weird."

The three of them went to the checkout counter. Bonnie was trying not to freak out. After all, nothing had happened yet, right? Ignorance was bliss, or was it because she still felt like her heart was trying to beat out of her chest. The cashier rang up all the pregnancy tests, looking between the three girls suspiciously.

"Just do your job without the attitude," Caroline snapped.

The cashier finished and told her the total. Caroline stared at him until he stared back, and his mind went blank for her. "It's on the house," she whispered, "And you never saw us." Caroline grabbed the bag full of pregnancy tests and walked out. It took a minute, but Elena and Bonnie followed right behind her.

Bonnie glanced back to the store as they kept walking towards the car. "I had the money!"

"Whatever. He was rude, and it was only $20. His job will survive. Plus, we're in a hurry."

Bonnie sat on Elena's bed with Elena while Caroline was standing up waiting. There were 4 pregnancy tests sitting on the dresser. Every second ticked by like a year. She prayed that they said negative. She wanted them to be negative. Then she would have nothing to worry about.

Then she wouldn't have made probably the worst mistake of her life. After the appropriate time had finally passed, she stood up from the bed and walked over to the line up of tests. She looked down and felt her heart stop.

She put her hand over her mouth as tears fell down her cheeks. Every test was positive. She fell to her knees. Elena and Caroline were right by her side.

"This can't be happening," she sobbed.

"It's going to be okay, Bonnie," Elena comforted.

Bonnie shook her head. "No, it's not, Elena. It can't be. You don't understand…"

Caroline rubbed Bonnie's back. "Look on the bright side. Out of all the things that have happened to all of us in the last few years, this is the most normal. It's a baby. It's not the end."

Bonnie wiped her tears, but they kept falling. "No, it's not normal. I told you it wasn't Jeremy."

"Then who was it?"

Bonnie took a deep breath, pushing her hair out of her face. There was no covering it up now. "Klaus. It was supposed to be a one-time thing. One night, and he would disappear from my life and all our lives forever. It was true...up until now."

Caroline and Elena looked at each other in complete astonishment. They both had so many questions, but Bonnie was in no state to answer any of them. They decided in an unspoken agreement that they would get an explanation later. Right now, they just needed to be there for Bonnie.

"But that doesn't make any sense," Elena finally said, "Klaus is a vampire. He can't... you know."

Bonnie didn't understand it either. But the proof was clear as day, and she hadn't been with anyone else. Just when she thought she and her friends were done with the original vampires. She took in a deep breath and wiped the tears from her face.

"Crying about it is going to do nothing."

She stood to her feet and went into the bathroom. She splashed some water on her face and looked at herself in the mirror. Maybe there was no logical explanation for it. Maybe there was a magical one. After all, magic had created crazier things like vampires, for example.

Bonnie walked back out to her friends. "I don't know what to do next?"

"I think you should call Klaus," Caroline replied with an ounce of regret. Klaus was the last person any of them wanted to see. But he was also ancient and the father of this baby. He could have some insight they didn't.

Bonnie had taken Klaus out of her contacts, but his number was still in her call history. She was honestly more scared about calling Klaus than about the magical baby in her body. But there was no getting past it, not now. Now was all about figuring out what the hell happened, and Klaus could help with that. She took out her cellphone and scrolled through her caller history, finding Klaus's number. She sighed heavily before touching the number and letting the phone ring. A part of her wished he wouldn't pick up, that he was busy or had lost her number or just didn't want to answer.

Her wishes were dashed when he picked up the phone. "Bonnie, somehow I knew you would call. Ready for round 2?"

"I guess you haven't forgotten about that one night."

"Of course I haven't forgotten. It was a night hard to forget. And sense you're calling me, I assume you haven't forgotten it either."

Bonnie could practically see his smile through the phone, and it made her want to smack it off his face. "Yeah...about that. I have to see you again. I have to tell you something and it's kind of important. It's better to do it face to face."

"Sounds intriguing." Klaus chuckled devilishly. "Here I thought you wanted me out of your life forever...or was that not the agreement?"

"I don't have time for games, Klaus. Believe me, if I could spend the rest of my life without seeing you, I would. But I can't. So will you come see me?"

Klaus walked outside onto his balcony in New Orleans. The streets were alive with music and dancing and laughter. It was a place he had thought Bonnie would enjoy ever since he had met her. She might have been a one night stand, but he had actually liked her, and that was saying a lot for him.

"Why don't you come see me? I've moved to New Orleans and I would love to show you the city. You can even bring one of your little friends along if that makes you feel better."

Grams had always talked about taking her to New Orleans. She had said it was a place for witches to thrive, a hub for the supernatural. But now was not the time to get nostalgic. She had real business.

"Fine. I'll come to New Orleans. I'm bringing Damon with me."

It was better to bring a vampire friend than a human one like Elena. Besides, Damon was more ruthless than Caroline or Stefan. He might not be able to fully go up against Klaus, but he would put up more of a fight.

"Whatever you desire. I'll buy the tickets and send you the information. You're leaving tomorrow." With that, he hung up the phone.

Bonnie looked at the call and ended the screen long after it disappeared, and her phone went black. "Looks like I'm going to New Orleans."

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