Chapter Three

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New Orleans in the summertime was a stunning place. It was like the town itself was animated and had a soul.

Grams had been right. There was a robust magical pull in this city. It put Bonnie at ease somehow, or as much at ease as she could be, being here to meet with Klaus. She strolled down the cobblestone sidewalk with Damon at her side, following the directions Klaus had given her.

"So, let me get

this straight, witchy poo," Damon verbalized as they walked, "You had

sex with Klaus?"

Bonnie rolled her eyes. "Yes, Damon, I had sex with Klaus. A one-night stand."

"You realize that's like sleeping with the devil himself?"

"I'm sure I'm not the first witch to be charmed by Klaus, and I won't be the last. Besides, people still sleep with you, don't they? You used to be just as bad."

"I'm younger than Klaus. I've had more time to see the error in my ways."

"Sure. It only took you over a century to figure it out."

Damon scoffed but said nothing more. Bonnie had slept with Klaus for more than just getting him out of her hair. She had wanted to. He had been different around her than everyone else. He had acted like he had a heart, like he cared. And it had persuaded her enough to let her guard down for a second. Now she was thinking she should have just gone home.

They turned into the woods, taking a path that led them away from the city until they could no longer hear the noise. The path winded a bit through the trees, almost as if it was designed for a normal person to get lost on it.

Eventually, it came out into a clearing where a tall, white mansion with pillars stood in the middle just like Klaus's directions had said. It looked old but grand and just like somewhere Klaus would like to spend his time.

"Who do you think Klaus stole this place from?" Bonnie asked as she and Damon made their way to the front door.

"Whoever it was, they would have been dead by now anyway."

They reached the front door, and Bonnie used the large, antique door knocker to knock on the door. She could hear the echo inside like a loud drumbeat. There was silence for a few moments, and then the door opened.

Klaus stood in front of them, looking as he always did. Fitted jeans and a long sleeve shirt with a V neck that was just deep enough to leave something to the imagination. An array of necklaces and beads were draped around his neck. And he had that devilishly sexy smile on his face that sent a shiver down Bonnie's spine.

"Hello, Bonnie," he greeted, "I'm glad to see you've made your way alright." He glanced at Damon, but that was the only acknowledgment he gave as a realization he was even standing there.

"Klaus," Bonnie responded with a voice far stronger than she thought it would sound, "You were right. The city of New Orleans is pretty beautiful."

"Just wait until I show you the real beauty. You'll never want to leave." He stepped aside to let Bonnie and Damon into the house. Once they were in, he closed the door behind them.

Bonnie looked around the mansion. It was just as extravagant and glorious as it was outside. Everything was glistening in the sunlight. There wasn't a speck of dust anywhere, but it was clear that this building had been here a long time. Klaus motioned for them to go into the living room.

Bonnie sat down on the couch in front of the grand fireplace. Above the fireplace, there were old photos and faces she recognized. Elijah. Rebekah. And, of course, Klaus himself.

Klaus took a seat on the armchair across from her while Damon sat on the other end of the couch next to Bonnie. Klaus crossed his legs. "You look as stunning as ever. The regency of a mansion really suits you, Bonnie."

Bonnie bit her bottom lip, willing herself not to blush at the compliment. This is how she had gotten into this mess in the first place. "I'm not here for flattery."

"Then what are you here for?" There was that devilish grin again.

"When we agreed on a one-night stand and to never see each other again, I meant that. And I was fine with it. But something came up…"

"Couldn't forget the passion of our night together?"

Bonnie scowled at him angrily. "Believe me, that's not it. I have no idea how it happened or how it's even possible, but magic has done crazier things." She wavered for a moment and looked back at Damon. He nodded his head, and then she looked back at Klaus. "I'm pregnant…with your baby."

It was as if time had stopped as soon as she finished her sentence. There was silence, and the grin on Klaus's face was replaced by a mixture of astonishment and anger. He stared at Bonnie looking for any indication of joking or deception. But he found none. All he saw was the fear hidden behind her eyes.

"No!" Klaus roared standing, "No! That is impossible! How can you possibly be pregnant if I can't have children?! Whatever abomination is in your body has nothing to do with me. It's not mine!"

Bonnie raised as well. "I'm not lying! I haven't been with anyone else. Don't you think that if I had you, it would have been the last person I would call? I would have never called you otherwise. If I was going to get accidentally pregnant, I would have rather it been by a human."

"Vampires can not procreate." His voice was a hiss. She had to be lying. What was her end game here? Why could you come up with such an outrageous plot to come for him?

Bonnie took an ounce of courage and stepped towards Klaus. He didn't back away, though he wanted to. It was like his whole world had been flipped upside down. She had to be lying.

"I didn't believe it either," Bonnie whispered, "But then I felt it. I felt it move inside me, and I knew I couldn't have just imagined it. Magic created vampires and hybrids. Nature always finds a way to balance itself again. Maybe this is nature's loophole."

"It. Can't. Be." He was right in front of her now staring her down. Bonnie didn't cringe. She just stared him in the eyes. She had no idea where this eruption of bravery had come from when she had been so concerned up until now.

"You don't believe me?" Bonnie clenched her jaw. "You have supernatural hearing. Listen."

Klaus moved his eyes from her face to her stomach. He drowned everything else out. The sounds of nature outside. Bonnie's breathing.

It was all gone until he could only hear one thing: a sturdy heartbeat. Bonnie put her hand over her stomach, but he could still hear it. Faint, but strong.

He looked back up at Bonnie's eyes in bewilderment. It wasn't possible. It couldn't be possible.

He rubbed the look off his face and turned towards the door. "I don't care. See yourself out." He marched out the door.

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