Chapter Nine

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Bonnie had been in the house all day by herself wondering what exactly the Mikaelson's

and Damon had had in mind for stopping this Marcel character. She hated being on the sidelines and she hated feeling helpless because she was anything but. She rubbed her stomach as she sat by the pool reflecting moonlight. Bonnie knew she wasn't showing yet, but it calmed her in way to caress the tiny life inside her that was no bigger than a peanut at the moment.

"How did we get roped into this, peanut?" she asked quietly looking down. Actually, Bonnie knew exactly how she got into this, but as she recounted that night between her and Klaus, she couldn't bring herself to regret it. In fact, the memories made her body tingle and shiver and she had to think about something else. It was then that she heard some twigs crack under the weight of a foot and she stood up quickly looking around. There was the sound of crickets and frogs and the other wildlife of the forests of New Orleans, but everything else was silent.

"Bonnie," came a voice from behind her.

Bonnie turned around quickly and, without even thinking, used her magic to make branches crawl from the trees and wrap around the stranger, trapping them instantly. When she finally took a second to look at her stalker, she noticed the person in front of her. "You're that witch who talked to Sophie Ann. Sabine."

Sabine didn't seem even slightly phased by the branches that were trapping her. In fact, there was a little smile on her face. "Nice reaction time. I shouldn't have snuck up on you."

"What are you doing here? Klaus already agreed to Sophie Ann's demands."

"I'm here to offer a truce. I'm a New Orleans witch and hate this thing with Marcel and his vampires as much as anybody else. But I don't agree with Sophie Ann's methods. You're a victim of the wreckage the Mikaelson's leave behind just like the rest of us. You shouldn't have been brought into this."

"Then why didn't you say that before Sophie Ann linked herself to me and threatened to kill me and my baby?"

Sabine sighed. "The dealings of witches works differently here in the Quarter. There's a hierarchy and, unfortunately, Sophie Ann has enough members of that hierarchy on her side to where going against her plan would be a problem."

Bonnie narrowed her eyes. "But you came anyway."

"I can't break your link to Sophie Ann. Doesn't mean I can't let you know that you have no empathetic supporters around here." Sabine flicked her finger and the branches broke letting her free. She brushed off the excess dust. "As a symbol of good faith, I'm going to give you a gift."

Bonnie scrunched up her face still having her guard somewhat up. "Excuse me if I'm a little skeptical about any gifts I get around here."

Sabine laughed. "I can see why you would be, but this isn't a physical gift. It's a gift of knowledge. Around here, I'm quite the midwife and I use my magic to assist me. I also know a spell that can predict the gender of your child. If you want to know."

Bonnie chewed on her bottom lip. She shouldn't trust Sabine and she didn't, but she had meant plenty of the good and bad of the supernatural community in her lifetime. There was always good mixed in with the bad and Sabine had been the first witch that had actually bothered to reach out a hand to her since she got to New Orleans and fell into this situation. She supposed she could give her a chance. If Sabine wanted to do something, she wouldn't have waited this long to do it, not long enough for Bonnie to come up with a plan to defend herself.

"Fine," Bonnie agreed, "That would be nice."

Bonnie laid on the kitchen counter with Sabine standing over her. The older witch was dangling a crystal attached to a necklace over Bonnie's stomach. She had her eyes closed and she was whispering something that Bonnie couldn't quite make out, but she was more than a little sure that it was latin as most spells were written in latin. The necklace started to swing back and forth and Sabine opened her eyes. She examined the necklace for a moment before looking down and smiling at Bonnie.

"It's a girl," she said happily.

Bonnie couldn't help the smile that came to her face making her momentarily forget her guard was supposed to be up. A girl. She had always dreamed about having a daughter one day; a little witch she could teach magic to. Her heart was filled with even more joy and her sense of protection grew. She was so distracted by her own thoughts that she didn't notice something was wrong until Sabine dropped the necklace and it crashed to the floor.

Bonnie sat up quickly. Sabine's whole body tensed and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. At first, it sounded like she was struggling to breathe, but then a language Bonnie didn't understand started pouring from her lips. It sounded like she was talking to someone that wasn't there, someone Bonnie couldn't see.

"Sabine…" Bonnie placed a hand on Sabine's forearm and suddenly her own mind was filled with images. A black crow. A pile of bodies. A wolf with blood dripping from its mouth. A baby in a cradle shaped like a coffin. Bonnie let go jumping off the countertop and backing away from Sabine. Sabine was released from her trance and she grabbed onto the now empty counter for support trying to regain her breath and her senses.

"What the hell was that?" Bonnie snapped, her guard was fully back up and her body was vibrating with magical energy ready to strike out.

"The ancestors…" Sabine choked out swallowing hard. "It was a vision, a vision of destruction and death all caused by…" Her gaze went to Bonnie's stomach. After what she had seen, Sabine couldn't even bring herself to call it a baby anymore.

Bonnie put her hand protectively over her stomach. No. This might have been unexpected and unwelcome and impossible, but this child, her child, was innocent. A baby who hadn't done anything wrong. And Bonnie had already proved she would protect it with her life. "Get out."


"Get out!" The door opened by itself slamming against the wall behind it. A large gust of wind came whooshing through the kitchen like a hurricane from inside. The wind was so strong it was forcing Sabine closer and closer towards the door and she couldn't fight it even with her own magic. Bonnie glared at her, stepping closer the further the wind pushed the other witch back. "I don't care about Sophie Ann.

I don't care about this grudge with this Marcel guy. I don't care about some stupid vision your ancestors sent you!" They were at the door now and a final gust of wind like a punch to the gut flung Sabine all the way out the door until she landed on her back in the dirt at the foot of the porch. "If any of you try to touch my baby, you won't have to worry about the Mikaelson's. I'll kill you myself." And with that, Bonnie used her magic to slam the door and lock it.

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