Chapter Six ◇

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Damon had broken the lock on the Mikaelson's liquor cabinet and was currently enjoying a bottle of whiskey, but he was quite sure he was older than himself. Even as he drank, he couldn't help but worry about Bonnie.

Bonnie was good, just and righteous. She didn't deserve to be mixed up in all this Mikaelson vs. New Orleans mess. Hopefully, the brothers from hell would save her, and she and him could be on the next flight back to Mystic Falls. Klaus's baby or not, all their friends would protect Bonnie and her child with their lives.

He was in the middle of deep thought when the glass of liquor was knocked out of his hand, and he was slammed against the nearest wall by his neck. He didn't even have to look to know it was Rebekah. Still, he locked eyes with the blonde bombshell.

"I thought we got rid of you and your lot ages ago," Rebekah hissed, tightening her grip around Damon's neck.

"I could say the same about you and your family," he choked, grabbing onto her wrist, "Mind letting me go. It's going to be much harder to have a civilized conversation with a snapped neck."

"What are you doing here?"

"Believe me, I don't want to be. But if you let me go...I can tell you."

Rebekah contemplated for a minute before dropping Damon on the floor. He rubbed his neck before staggering to his feet. The temper on these original vampires was quite literally going to be the death of him one day.

Damon let out a deep sigh. "Bonnie is pregnant with Klaus's kid. We came here to tell Klaus, and after he kicked us out, we were ambushed by witches. They kidnapped Bonnie, and now your brothers went to get her back."

Rebekah put her hands on her hips, chuckling ironically. "You expect me to believe that? I've been alive for a thousand years. Surely you could do a better job lying to me."

"I wish I was lying. Then I wouldn't be here with you." Saying it out loud did sound outrageous. Damon had to admit that. "But it's true. If you don't believe me, we can wait for Klaus and Elijah to come back from their rescue mission. I'm sure you'll believe them."

If this had happened centuries ago, Rebekah wouldn't have even entertained the idea of believing Damon's story.

But she was old, and she had seen things many others could never imagine possible. Magic could do extraordinary things. It had made her and her siblings vampires. It had made Klaus a hybrid creature.

Magic had destroyed towns and conquered kingdoms. Rebekah hadn't met many witches as powerful as Bonnie Bennet in her lifetime. What impossible things could her magic do?

"Fine. I'll wait for my brothers," Rebekah decided, "But I'm not letting you out of my sight. I've seen your trickery before." She sat down on the couch and crossed her legs. "Now clean up the glass. And pour me a drink."

Bonnie sat in the crypt with her arms crossed waiting until Sophie Ann returned. Trailing behind her were Elijah and Klaus.

Klaus's eyes instantly went to Bonnie. "Are you alright?"

"Suddenly, you care?" Bonnie retorted, keeping her arms crossed.

Klaus sighed before turning his attention to Sophie Ann. "Would you like to explain why you kidnapped a witch on a vacation?"

"Because she's pregnant with your child," Sophie Ann responded, "And don't even try to deny it. My sister gave her life to confirm it was real. If you want her and her baby back safe and sound, you'll do what I say."

"You think you can command me?!"

Elijah put a hand to his brother's chest. "Niklaus, please. Alright, Ms. Deveraux. Why don't you lay your terms and conditions on the table, and we will see if we will bother to comply."

Sophie Ann kept a straight face, but Bonnie could see the ticking in her jaw. She was nervous and afraid, but not letting it show.

Whatever she needed Klaus for, it must be worth a lot. She reminded Bonnie a lot of herself when she faced off against the originals in Mystic Falls. She had been nervous and scared then, too, but she had swallowed it down and done whatever to protect her friends.

"Marcel has reigned terror over the witches of New Orleans for far too long," Sophie Ann started, "New Orleans is our city and he's turned it into a kingdom for him and his vampire army. Now he's gone so far as to kidnap a teenage witch from our coven, Davina Clare.

She's only 16, and he's taken her and hid her somewhere to abuse her for her power. Klaus knows Marcel better than anyone, and certainly, an original hybrid can get rid of him easily. We want Marcel gone and Davina back. Then, no harm comes to Bonnie or her baby."

"And what stops me from killing you and any other witch that gets in my way?" Klaus growled.

"This." Sophie Ann took a pin out of her hair. Without hesitation, she stuck herself with it in the palm of her hand.

"Ow!" Bonnie cried, looking at her own hand. There was now a pin sized hole in her palm with a bead of blood coming out. "What the hell...? A linking spell?"

"I linked Bonnie to me while she was unconscious. Anything you do to me also happens to her."

"How dare you..." Klaus started towards Sophie Ann with a look of murder in his eye.

Elijah stopped him once again. "Consider Marcel gone and your young witch returned to you. On the condition we can take Bonnie home with us."

Sophie Ann smirked. "That sounds awfully convenient for you and less convenient for me."

Bonnie spoke up, unsure what possessed her to do so. "You already have the upper hand as long as we're linked. It doesn't matter where I am; the link won't weaken. Even if I get my powers back, only your blood could undo the link. I couldn't do it myself."

"You do have a point." And what Sophie Ann had told Bonnie was true. She didn't want to hurt her. She had nothing against her. She just wanted her people free from under Marcel's control.

Plus, even if she was using Bonnie as bait, threatening the original family wouldn't work for long, especially not for Klaus. But perhaps if she built some trust...

"Fine," she finally said, "Take her, but don't back out on our deal. Or I swear Bonnie won't live long enough to see her first maternity dress."

Bonnie glared at Sophie Ann as she passed her going towards Elijah and Klaus. If she had her magic, the other witch would be seriously sorry for what she had already done. But it wouldn't make a difference.

Bonnie would just end up hurting herself in the long run. She had to find a way to break the link spell even if it was virtually impossible without Sophie Ann's blood. Bonnie knew one thing for certain. She wasn't going to die in New Orleans. Not at the hands of Sophie Ann Deveraux.

Once Bonnie was standing with him and Klaus, Elijah spoke to Sophie Ann. "You have my word. We will deal with Marcel and bring you back your fellow witch." And with that, the three of them left the cemetery.

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