Chapter Five

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"What do you mean the witches took Bonnie?" Klaus fumed. They were all standing in the living room now, Klaus and Elijah close together while Damon was across the room.

Damon stared at Klaus and could see the anger though he wondered why. He didn't seem to give a damn about Bonnie and her baby a few hours ago.

"I don't know how clearer I can be," Damon continued, "The waitress from the restaurant we stopped at ambushed us in the alley way. She magically snapped my neck and when I woke up, she and Bonnie were gone."

"You're just as useless as I imagined." Klaus threw up his hands. "You couldn't even protect a witch from other witches."

"I suppose Marcel was correct," Elijah muttered to Klaus, "The witches here are quite unruly. If they took Bonnie, they must have some sort of plan. Maybe we should enlist Marcel's help."

"No. Marcellus would be no help to me. One whiff and he would want to know what's going on. Giving him any information however small is a threat to me." Klaus thought for a moment and his first instinct was to ignore it. Bonnie could fend for herself and he had already renounced her and her spawn.

But something inside him couldn't leave her to her own fate. It was a confusing jumble of emotions. The same jumble he had felt when he had heard that heartbeat. "Elijah and I will go deal with the witches."

"What am I supposed to do? Just sit here like the damsel in distress?" Damon questioned.

"My apologies but you will only get in our way," Elijah interjected, "This is a matter best left to my brother and I." Klaus and Elijah walked to the front door. Klaus walked out first but before Elijah could he remembered something. He looked back at Damon. "Um, Rebekah should be back any minute. Fill her in on where we are and what is going on, will you?" He walked out the door slamming it shut behind him.

Damon paced around in frustration. He wanted to help Bonnie and he felt guilty because of how easily he had been taken down. Though he hadn't known there would be blood thirsty witches in New Orleans. He looked around the big empty house. The last thing he wanted to do was run into the blonde killer Barbie. But he supposed he had no choice.

"Where's their liquor?" he asked himself before going to search for it.

Bonnie groaned as she began to awake. The first thing she felt was the cold stone of the floor she was laying on. What had happened? She had been at a restaurant with Damon after talking to Klaus and… She sat straight up. That was right. The waitress had been a witch. She had ambushed her and Damon in an alley. Bonnie looked around until her eyes found someone. It was the waitress, Sophie Ann, sitting on a stone table watching Bonnie. It was then that she realized they were in a crypt lit with candles. Out the archway she could see the rest of the above ground cemetery.

"I'm glad you're finally awake," Sophie Ann said, "I didn't expect you to be out for that long."

Bonnie staggered to her feet. Her first instinct was to use her magic to get out, but she couldn't feel it almost as if it had completely disappeared from her body. "Why did you kidnap me?"

"If you're trying to use your magic, it won't work. Here in New Orleans we use ancestral magic. Our magic is tied to the witches that came before us all buried here in this cemetery. You're a means to an end so the ancestors are blocking your magic so you can't escape."

Ancestors? That was just perfect. Bonnie recalled when her magic used to depend on the witches that came before her. It had been too limiting and expression magic had been more freeing. "That still doesn't answer my question."

Sophie Ann stood to her feet going to stand directly in front of Bonnie. "I have nothing against you, Bonnie. In fact, I admire your family. The Bennet family has been well known and powerful in the witch community for centuries. But the witches here are my family, and this is the only way I can protect them."

"Why does that have anything to do with me?"

"Back at the restaurant, I told you I had a sister who passed. Her name was Jane Ann, and I loved her more than anything. But she, like many of us, was tired of this city being ruled by vampires. The werewolves were driven out to the bayou and the witches aren't allowed to use magic.

One of our coven had a vision, a vision of a child being born to a vampire and a witch." Sophie Ann pointed to Bonnie's stomach. "Your child. Klaus's child. Jane Ann risked her life to do a spell that would confirm the truth of the vision…and she was killed for it."

Witches being silenced. Werewolves being chased out of their home? Vampires were cruel and evil, some of them were. But there had always been a thin line on the supernatural hierarchy. In New Orleans, it seemed like that line was solid and clear. How had the vampires here gotten so powerful when werewolves and witches were just as powerful?

"I'm sorry about that," Bonnie stated calmly, "That still doesn't excuse you knocking me out and kidnapping me."

"You won't be here long," Sophie Ann reassured, "You're just bait."

It only took Bonnie a second to realize. "You want Klaus."

Sophie Ann nodded her response. Bonnie should have known from the beginning. But this was a feeble attempt. Klaus had already made it clear he didn't care about her or the baby. Even if he knew the witches had taken her, he would probably just leave her to her own fate.

Only Damon would make an attempt at rescuing her. Just then, Bonnie heard a loud bang echo through the cemetery like someone had just hid a door with their whole body.

Sophie Ann let a deep breath before smirking. "That took less time than I thought." She walked towards the entrance to crypt. "He's come for you."

𝐒𝐖𝐄𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐅 𝐘𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐃𝐀𝐘 Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin