Chapter Ten

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The Mikaelsons and Damon took hours to return to the house. When they arrived, they discovered Bonnie in the living room, flipping through channels on the TV, attempting to calm herself down following her encounter with Sabine. When she looked up from the screen, she saw Klaus's face, which was more than a little displeased.

"What?" she snapped, turning the TV off.

"You let someone else in here?" Klaus detected the odor of another person still lingering in the air. He thanked his werewolf senses for a moment because he doubted Bonnie would have told any of them anything.

Damon scowled as he approached Bonnie. "Didn't we tell you to just sit here?"

"I don't have to listen to any of you. Didn't I say I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself?"

Rebekah drew her arms across her chest. "Remind me why we're helping witchy poo if she's just going to go and get herself killed away?"

Bonnie rolled her eyes as she stood up from the couch. "I talked to Sabine."

Klaus's eyes narrowed. "Sabine, as in one of the New Orleans witches who also happens to be good friends with Sophie Ann, the witch who is currently holding you hostage with a linking spell?"

Bonnie refused to back down from him. "Yes, that Sabine. She came to tell me she wasn't on Sophie Ann's side and that she didn't think she should have brought me into it. Then she said she knew a spell that could tell her the gender of the I let her do it."

"What if she had tricked you and cast a spell against you?" Klaus's voice was raised, and his face was set as he stared at Bonnie. He admired her confidence in herself and her abilities right now, but not if it put her in danger. "What if she had killed you or the baby?"

"You're pretty mad for someone who didn't give a damn about this baby a few days ago." Bonnie arched her brow. "Have a change of heart, Klaus?"

"You're playing with fire, Bonnie. None of the witches of New Orleans are to be trusted."

"I never said I trusted her." Bonnie was completely exhausted. After her encounter with Sabine, she just wanted to go to bed and forget about it all, at least for a while. Unfortunately, she couldn't even do that while she was trapped in this house with the Mikaelsons. Despite this, she found Klaus's concern endearing. His concern for her, for the baby, was something she had never seen before. She liked it, and it reminded her of why she had been drawn to him in Mystic Falls. "It's a girl, by the way. The baby."

Klaus let this information sink in, and his hardened angry expression softened enough for him to crack a small smile at Bonnie. She, too, let down her guard and smiled back at him.

Damon was filled with envy as he watched the two of them. Bonnie...strong, kind, and self-assured Bonnie...he had no idea when it happened. He had no idea when his annoyance had turned into admiration. He had no idea when his sarcasm and quick remarks had devolved into flirtatious teasing.

He had no idea when she had crept into his heart. But it had happened regardless, but Klaus had gotten in the way and wormed his way into Bonnie's heart. Damon wasn't a saint, but he wasn't Klaus. What did she notice in this psychopath that he didn't?

"So, we're just going to forget that Bonnie could have potentially been killed?" Damon questioned, interrupting Klaus and Bonnie's private moment.

"We have other things to worry about." Klaus returned his gaze to Bonnie. "Bring Marcel to heel might take a little more time than I thought."

Bonnie felt a lump in her throat. "Why?"

"Because Marcel's ego has grown along with his influence," Rebekah interjected, plopping down in a chair. "It's bloody annoying."

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