Chapter One

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I woke up to the sound of bacon sizzling and pots and pans banging when they collided together. I softly smile, which I rarely do, before walking over to the dresser that my mom and I shared. I pulled open the top drawer that had all my clothes and pulled out a black sweatshirt along with a pair of black skinny jeans that had holes on each knee and a dark navy blue flannel. I tie the flannel around my waist before tying my blond hair into a loose messy bun, which didn't come out like the ones that you see on tumblr to my dismay.

I don't apply makeup, nor do I ever do. I didn't like the way it felt on face and how it made me look. Everytime I did have it on, I felt like a di"erent person and I didn't like that one bit. I don't understand why girls cake their faces with so much beauty products. It hides away their freckles and wrinkles, but it doesn't hide the fake person they truly are, so why go through all that trouble and pretend to be something you're not?

Shaking my head, I turn of the light and close the sliding door to the room. I don't have to walk far to get to my mom and the kitchen because as soon as I walk out of the cupboard, I'm right in the kitchen. Sometimes I feel like I am Harry Potter, living under the stairs, except I don't have a horrible aunt and uncle and horrible cousin. Instead, I have a loveable caring mother who works her ass off just to get me into school and a roof over my head, even if it's a trailer.

"Morning mom." I say smiling as I kiss her cheek and take a seat at the small table in the middle of the kitchen.

"Morning sweetie. Sleep well?" She asks not looking at me as she flips the bacon.

I smile and nod my head. A red envelope sits under a bunch of unopened white envelopes in the middle of the table. I look over at my mom who yet hasn't turned to face me and grab the red envelope.


I sigh and look over at my mom who was humming a song along with the small 80's radio that came with the trailer and shake my head.

"Mom this is the third month we've missed paying rent. If we don't pay this month we'll loose everything." I say making her stop humming and tense up in position.

"Aaliyah, I've got it under control. You don't have to worry about it."

"Mom, do you need help with the money? I can give you some really. It's not that much. You don't have to even pay me back. It could be like an early christmas and birthday present." I say smiling so!ly as my mom's face hardens.

"Aaliyah I have it all under control. You go on and save your money for college." She says shaking her head.

"You don't need to be wasting your money on your mama when you could be o" buying some clothes." She says setting a plate in front of me.

"Mom seriously it's no big de-"

"That's enough Aaliyah!" She yells making me flinch. Her eyes soften and she wipes her hands on her baby blue diner uniform from her job and places her hand over mine. "I'm sorry Aaliyah I didn't mean to raise my voice. Just please drop the subject."

I let out a sigh and nod my head. I knew my mom wasn't being honest. She's never lied to me and never will. She was the one who's been completely honest with me since she found out she was pregnant. She always put my needs before hers which I was truly grateful. Though she never had the money to buy me expensive clothing like most kids my age, she still bought me clothes to put on my back, even if they were from the DI.

"I have to go to school, will you be working tonight?" I ask standing up and setting my now empty plate in the sink and kiss my mom on the cheek.

"Yes, but I might be off before midnight. It just all depends when the last customer leaves or enters." She says letting out a sigh.

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