Chapter Forty

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"Help she's in labor!" Tyson shouts as we walk into the emergency room.

Nurses come running towards me as I just
hunch over holding onto the base of my stomach as I try to hold in the groan that wants to be released from my mouth. There was no need to cause Tyson to worry more than he already is, especially when he looks like he is about to pass out from all the worry and stress that he's holding.

It was quite funny actually when my mom told him I was in labor. At first, he didn't believe it until I came waddling over to them, with the warm liquid running down my legs. He was staring at me in disbelief and was frozen in spot. My mom had to literally slap him to make him snap out of his frozen state, and now he's going all crazy.

"Sweetie, can you tell us how far along you are?" A nurse asks as she helps me sit in the wheelchair that one of them rolled over to me.

"I'm thirty-two weeks." I hiss out as another contraction hits.

The nurse yells for another nurse to help me get to my room as she runs back to the desk and grabs the phone asking for assistance over at labor and delivery. As another nurse comes up behind me, I reach my hand out for Tyson and grip onto his hand as the nurse wheels me over to the elevators.

"Aaliyah I am so sorry for putting you in this pain," Tyson says shaking his head as I give him a soft smile.

The elevator pulls up to the fourth floor where he rushes me into a room. He helps me change into a hospital gown before hooking me up to an IV and laying me down in the bed provided.

Tyson stood beside me, his hands holding mine tightly as I look up at him through teary eyes.

"Are you excited to meet Boston?" I whisper as Tyson lets out a throaty laugh as he pushes a wet strand of hair out of my face.

"Only you would think of our son when you're in pain."
I open my mouth to speak but another wave hits me as I let out a scream and tighten my grip on Tyson's hand. A doctor comes into the room, he gives me a smile and wheels a chair over to the foot of my bed.

"Hello Aaliyah, I'm Dr. Reese. I'm going to be taking over before Dr. Holland can arrive is that okay?"

I managed to nod my head through the pain as Dr. Reese puts on gloves. He moves the chair closer and motions for me to open my legs. I wince when his fingers go into my area, a frown appearing on his face as he pulls away and stands up from the chair pushing it off.

"Aaliyah it seems that the baby isn't positioned the way we normally would want it and we would have to go in for an emergency c-section. Dr. Reese starts off by giving us a small smile. "Though of course, it isn't too major where we have to go in right away, if you want we can go in now, of course, if you feel comfortable we can wait for Dr. Holland to arrive before going ahead."

"How much longer until Dr. Holland can arrive?"I ask as I sit up in my seat, the pain slowly going down.
"About an hour, but traffic is bad tonight due to the game so it could take longer."

I look up over at Tyson, trying to see what he wanted to do. The pain was bearable right now, but with how bad my contractions are, I don't know how much I could wait. I know what the risks are, my mother told me them when we were talking about the possibilities that could happen during labor and they weren't something that I was risking to take especially with Boston.

"How soon can we get into an OR?" Tyson asks breaking eye contact with me and looking over at Dr. Reese.

"I can get one right now, you two just make the call. I can go and see how much longer but when we called her she was an hour away."

Tyson looks down at me and gives me a concerned look, I nod my head giving his hand a reassuring nod before looking back at Dr. Reese who was waiting patiently for our answer.

"Let's go ahead and do it now."

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