Chapter Thirty-five

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I stood outside of Hank's house, the mid-July breeze was causing my face to flush with heat. My feet hurt like crazy from all the standing and the flip-flops that I chose to wear weren't helping at all.

Hank invited me over to a barbecue that he was having, meaning I was to sit awkwardly as everyone that knew everyone socialized.

Hannah sat a table away from me, her eyes always landing on me from the distance but always quickly leaving when I caught her staring. Or maybe she was staring at Tyson?

"Why don't you go over there and talk to her?" Tyson whispered in my ear, making me shudder as he rubbed soothing circles in my hand.

"I don't know, maybe she doesn't want to talk to me?"
Tyson shrugged his shoulders as he wraps an arm around my shoulder. "You won't know if you go."

I shake my head and just continue looking down at my baby bump and rubbing circles on it. I smile when Boston kicks me, and place Tyson's hand on the spot that he kicked me at.

Tyson smiles and kisses the side of my head.

Even though we aren't dating, he does anything that he would do if we were. He has asked if I would like to be his girlfriend, but I asked if we could take it slow. Maybe when the baby is born and I know that Tyson isn't going to run off maybe we could pursue a relationship, but right now I want to know where he stands and he needs to respect that.

"I'm going to go get a soda, do you want anything?" Tyson asks standing up from his chair and giving me a smile.

"Just water please." I smile up at him as he nods his and plants a sweet kiss on my forehead.

I watch him walk over to one of the coolers next to the barbecuer, him getting sucked into a conversation with Hank and one of Hanks

"You and Tyson make a cute couple."

I look away from Tyson and over to Hannah, who awkwardly stood in front of the chair that Tyson once sat in.

"Oh, we're not dating," I say blushing as Hannah shook her head and pointed at the empty chair.

"Can I sit?"

I nodded my head as Hannah lets out a breath and takes a seat. She awkwardly sits, not really sure what to say as she gave soft smiles to people who said hello to her when she passed.

I watched as she shifted in her seat before she looked over at me and gave me a smile.

"I know I should hate you because you got pregnant with my boyfriends baby," She says shaking her head. "But I'm not. In fact when Tyson told me I was sort of relieved."

"Really?" I asked, shocked at her confession. Hannah nods her head and takes a sip out of her soda and clears her throat as she sits up in her chair. "I was planning on breaking up with him the night you two slept together." She says as I raise an eyebrow at her. "You probably don't understand why." She says laughing as I laugh and nod my head.

"Why? I thought you liked Tyson?"

"I did, well at least I thought I did." She said sadly looking down at her hands as she nervously played with them.

"What do you mean?"

Hannah looks up at me and gives me a sad smile. "I knew he's always liked you, Aaliyah. It may have not seemed like it, but he would always talk about you."

I gave her a puzzled look as she laughs at my expression and sets her can on the table and shifts so that she could face me better.

"Do you know why he was always rude to you Aaliyah?" Shaking my head, she sighs and continues. "I was scared of losing him so I threatened him. At the time I didn't know what love was, and I thought that I loved him so I turned him against you and I'm so sorry."

I nodded my head, lost for words as she sighs and shakes her head.

"I was such a bitch to you for no reason. I thought you were tearing my family apart but you didn't even know and I was scared. I thought you were turning everyone against me."

"But that doesn't mean you had to act the way you did Hannah," I whisper as she nods her head wiping a tear that fell down her cheek.

"I know, you don't know how much I regret it. You were a true friend but I let my fears get in the way."

I bite my lip as I watch her wipe her face trying to get rid of the tears that were falling down her face. I gave her my napkin, which she gladly took and dabbed under her eyes before giving me a smile.

"I just want you to know that I put that all in the past though." She says as I nod my head. "I don't hate you, and I want to be the sister that I should have been from the beginning."

"Hannah I-"

"I know it won't be easy, but I'm willing to try. I truly am sorry Aaliyah."

I smiled nodding my head. Hannah smiles and
gives me a hug just as Tyson walk back with our drinks. He gives me a questioning look as Hannah excuses herself and walks back over to her table.

Once Tyson sits down, he gives me a raised eyebrow. "I take it you two didn't fight?"

"Nope, she was just apologizing."

Tyson pursed his lips nodding his head as he takes a sip out of his soda. I smile and look down at my stomach and rub my stomach as another kick comes to my hand making me laugh.

"I think he's going to be a soccer player."

Tyson laughs and kisses my cheek as he places a hand on my stomach and starts rubbing my stomach too.

"Tyson, can I speak to Aaliyah alone please?"

Tyson and I both look up surprised as Stacy Bradford stands in front of us, her eyes shifting towards me uncomfortably.

Tyson gives me a look as I just smile and look up at her with a fake one.

"Sure," I say standing up before following her over to the deck swings.

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