Chapter Twenty-nine

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"I'm sorry you had to meet me in the state I am in," I say looking down at my hands that were rubbing soothing circles in my stomach.

"I don't mind. I've wanted to meet you since the day I found out you were born but your mother wouldn't allow me in the room." Hank spoke out as he pours me a glass of lemonade and takes a seat in his office chair.

I nodded my head too afraid to look up and meet his gaze. The moment I spoke those words about being his daughter, he smiled but when his eyes drifted down to my stomach, they grew wide and I don't know if it was from judgment or from the shock that he had a teen parent as a child.

"I want you to know that I wanted to be in your life Aaliyah, but your mother wouldn't allow it," Hank says making me look up since I first got here. He stared at me with the same blue eyes that I inherited. "She said it could confuse you and we didn't want that for you."

"I understand. I just wished I knew who you were at least." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"Have some information about you, so I could have faith that my father did care for me."

"I do Aaliyah. You may not believe me, but every year I send money to a separate account for you. Your mother and I set it up for you when you were a baby. You actually have enough for college and to help raise your own." He states gesturing to my baby.

I bit my lip as I stared down at my stomach.

"Why didn't you try or at least put up a fight? Did you really not want me?"

"I wanted you, believe me, I did. But when Susie, your step-mother, got pregnant with Hannah, I was stuck between two beautiful women who both needed me." He said shaking his head as he rested his hands on the desk. "I couldn't leave one, so when I wanted to be in both, your mother pushed me away and said she could do it in her own. Your mother is very strong Aaliyah, and I know she raised you right, but you lacked that father figure that you needed to help you."

I don't say anything else as we just stare at each other. His black hair had specks of grey in it, showing that he was slowly aging but still looked in his mid-forties. He had the brightest smile, a smile that made me want to smile but I couldn't let my guard down when I just met him.

I need answers on why he didn't fight for me. Why he didn't fight for us.

"When you were born, Susie was two months away from Hannah, I wanted both of my daughters in my life but your mom, as I said before, didn't want to complicate things, so she made up a story about how the father didn't exist." He says as my eyes widen at the fact that my own mother lied about my birth father from the beginning.

"You mean you didn't sign my birth certificate?"

Hank shook his head with a sad smile as his eyes drift down to the desk. The sound of the rain lightly hitting the window is the only sound being heard through the office as we just sit there silently.

"I'm not trying to make your mother out like the
bad guy Aaliyah. I respect your mother and I had to respect your wishes. We both agreed when you were older that if you wanted to know who I am, then we'd schedule a meeting."

"All this time, you knew who I was. Where I'd be at any given moment, yet you still didn't have the dignity to talk to me?"

"Aaliyah, at the time your mother didn't give me the rights, heck I still don't because I'm not on the birth certificate," Hank said shaking his head. "I wanted to speak to you, but my mind told me that I needed to respect your mother and the boundaries she placed."

"You could have fought back!" I say throwing my hands in the air. "You're my dad, you have as many rights as she does," I explain as he just shakes his head and runs his hands through his salt and pepper hair.

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