~ Chapter 3 ~

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Sachiko smiled brightly as a dog passed Satoru and her as they made their way further into the city. The two children were making their way to the movies. Sachiko had been begging Satoru to come with her for weeks leading up to the release of a movie she wanted to see, and finally he gave in. She had recently turned 9 years old while Satoru was a few months into his eleventh year. Sachiko was rarely let outside of the estate unless she had a caretaker or Satoru with her. Both children since a young age have had large bounties on their heads for their capture or death. He overheard the elders saying that her bounty would increase to hundreds of millions once she reached the age of puberty, as it would mean her curse technique could be put to use without the need to wait any longer than is necessary.

The true nature of their relationship was manipulated by his parents and the Gojo family elders like the pair were their playthings. He could feel his feelings towards her changing, and it didn't help that he now knew the reason she came to live with them. Sachiko was brought here and had to go through many changes just because he had the curse techniques he did. The thought of marrying her made him sick as well, it wasn't that it was her specifically but that he was expected to get married at all. They already had a date set, April 9th 2011. Sachiko on the other hand was still in the dark and Satoru would prefer to keep it that way for just a little bit longer. When he was 9, he wouldn't have been able to process it properly.

He had always been raised being told he would be the strongest and would be a saviour, Sachiko on the other hand is more than happy to kick him down a notch. He appreciated it greatly, it got boring hearing the same things over and over. He only seemed to her approval more and more as they got older. Sachiko had her own great potential, it was already evident in her control of her curse technique, and the ability to evolve them for her needs. The garden by her room had grown three times the size with basic passive training, so much the gardeners have given up on maintaining that area. Not only can she grow and support life but he has seen her cause mass death and wilting of hundreds of plants before bringing them back to life as though it was nothing.

Sachiko glances back at him as she manages to stop the man with the dog and pat it. She has a wide smile on her face, he gives her a small smile in return and feels his cheeks heat up slightly. Satoru shakes his head and continues walking leaving her behind as he slowly nears the cinemas. She seemed overexcited at every small thing that caught her attention but she didn't get to see this stuff as much as he did. He had immense power and the ability to use it to protect himself, but he found that most curse users and curses were too scared of him to attempt an attack. Sachiko's techniques were powerful but she had yet to translate them into offensive abilities. There was no denying that she had high levels of curse power but she was not noticeable to those around her.

The white-haired boy stopped as he sensed curse power near them. Sachiko was still patting the dog talking to the man unaware of the potential danger they were in. Satoru glanced at her unsure if he should give away her position as she was far enough away to be considered a stranger but they may have been following them for a while or have knowledge of her. "Sachi," He called across the crowd, Sachiko glanced at him as he caught her attention. She wanted to ignore him but he had a very serious look in his blue eyes. He wasn't on edge but he was very aware of her and their surroundings.

She followed his gaze and noticed a curse user staring down at him in fear before their eyes landed on her. With short steps, Sachiko made her way towards Satoru, her hand gripping onto her pants as she kept her eyes on the curse user. She glanced at Satoru who had lost any sense of nervousness once she reached him. He started to walk again and she followed close in step as she tried to ignore the eyes that burned into the back of her head. Sachiko had noticed that as Satoru got stronger he got more and more tired throughout the day. Yui told her that it was because the size eyes and limitless were very overwhelming and tiring after a while, as he used them more the energy use grew as well and that was weighing on him. She told the young girl that to help him, she needed to make sure she trained just as much so she could be strong enough to protect him as well.

"Satoru, why do you think they were following us?" She asked naively, he glanced at her and shrugged his shoulders before looking back ahead of them. Sachiko pursed her lips and glared at him, he did know but he wasn't going to tell her. She had sensed that recently he had not been telling her things which she found really annoying. Though she couldn't do much to make him tell her. "Is it because of who we are? Because of your techniques and because I'm a Chiyo child?"

"Yeah, but don't worry they are all weaklings." He stated not looking back at her. Sachiko's eyes widened slightly before a smile came onto her face, she skipped ahead of him as a newfound relief came over her. She realised in this moment that she and Satoru would be unstoppable together. That he would protect her.

Sachiko was in the garden staring up at the sky as she played with the grass underneath her, using her curse technique she was making it grow and shrink. She found this to be an easy way to work on her control of the technique. Yui had asked to meet her in the garden after her meeting with the Gojo family. Each week they met with Yui to discuss Sachiko, how she was doing and if she needed anything.

"Sachiko, thank you for waiting," Yui said as her face appeared above her own. The younger girl looked at her confused as she used her whole name instead of the nickname those close to her use. She sat up as Yui sat on the bench next to her. "The Gojo family and I have decided that you are old enough to know why you were brought here. It may be a little bit confusing still so you can ask all the questions you want okay?"

Sachiko nodded unsure what to expect, at first she was confused as to why she was brought here but as she started to belong, she was just happy she was no longer at the Chiyo estate. Yui glanced back at the house, Satoru and his father sat on the balcony watching the pair unbeknownst to Sachiko.

"You know that you're special because you are a Chiyo child, it is a term used to describe a child born with the Chiyo's family curse technique of Transference. You have the ability to have a baby that has the same curse technique as your partner or a higher prevalence of family curse techniques. This is why the Gojo family got you, so you can increase the chances of six eyes and limitless returning in a near generation instead of 400 years from now. Are you understanding so far?" Yui asked, Sachiko shrugged her shoulders as she listened intently.

"But those techniques are Satoru's, the six eyes can't reoccur in another person at the same time," Sachiko said turning her head slightly, she didn't quite understand. Was she going to be married to a member of the Gojo family? that's the only way she could have a baby with their techniques. Yui nodded which confused the girl even more.

"It is not expected that you will have a baby with the six eyes but their children will. It is expected that you will have multiple children, and the Gojo family will always be behind you supporting you as you are their future. Same as Satoru is. You'll be one of the heads of the family once Satoru takes over, you will have to make big decisions but for now." Yui said as she moved onto the ground and took Sachiko's hand gently. Sachiko stared at them for a moment before looking up at Yui's face, she asked if she would be there to help her aswell. Yui nodded, "For now, you only need to worry about being a child. I will be here until you don't need me, I like to think of you as my own child. I hope you feel the same."

"Of course, I never knew my parents and the people I expected to love me well... they didn't," Sachiko said as she rubbed Yui's hand. The older woman started crying and Sachiko smiled as she held her. Sachiko did have one final question though, "Who am I getting married to?"

"Satoru, of course," Yui said wiping her tears away. A bright blush came across Sachiko's face and suddenly all the plants around her exploded with life. All the flowers bloomed and shrubs became overgrown. Yui looked around shocked before looking at the bashful girl, she broke out in a hearty laugh at the girl's embarrassment. "Oh my, do you have a little bit of a crush?"

"No!" Sachiko explained the plants growing larger at her obvious lie. She stood up as Yui continued to laugh at her, Sachiko let out a huff and started to brush away the plants so she could access the house. She then spotted the older boy and his father sitting and watching them, they both looked amused which made Sachiko blush more. She quickly turned around and started to trudge the other way, pushing branches and bushes out of her way.

Yui finally calmed herself to see the young girl gone, she stood up and looked around at the jungle the girl had created. "Sachiko Chiyo, come back here and fix this mess!" Yui shouted out as she glanced around and brushed her hand over her head. "The gardeners are going to hate us."

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