~ Chapter 5 ~

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Sachiko opened the door to the porch and snuck out, she tried to close the door as quietly as possible. It was nearing midnight, and Yui was asleep her light snores could heard through the paper walls. The sound of the light rain was just loud enough to disguise her footsteps as she made her way to the other side of the building. Satoru sat just outside of his door holding it open for her, she clambered inside as he attempted to close the door their faces grimacing with each squeak the old rollers produced. 

She let out a quiet sigh as she slipped her shoes off, Satoru looked at her holding a laugh in as he pointed at her chest. Sachiko looked at him horrified as she covered herself, but she felt the buzzing of an insect under her hand. She landed backwards with a thud as she tried to get the bug off herself, the light next to Satoru's room turned on. It was where Renho stayed, she was due to start her shift in the morning while Yui had her day off. After all these years, Sachiko and her still didn't see eye to eye. 

"Satoru, are you okay?" She asked quietly coming to his door. Satoru looked at her, he was afraid she would get caught in his room. He snatched the moth then kicked at Sachiko's side and nodded his head towards the pile of clothes at the end of his bed. She rolled into it and smushed herself up against it hiding from the site of the door. She scrunched up her nose as she realised that they were dirty clothes that he hadn't taken to laundry, by the size of it, for at least four days. 

"Sorry, miss Renho. There was a moth in my room and I had to dive for it." He said showing the woman the bug, she took a step back and nodded with a strained smile before going back into her own room. As Satoru closed the door, Sachiko came out and glared at him. They had to whisper to make sure they weren't heard by those around them but she still got the point across that he needed to take his clothes out. Satoru threw the bug outside and shut the door. Sachiko splayed herself out onto the mat and Satoru followed suit. "Why did you leave? You've never done that before." 

Sachiko shrugged her shoulders and laid her head to the side so she could look at Satoru, "The opportunity was there, the guard wasn't there and I was in my normal clothes. I blended in and it felt good not being someone important for once." She admitted, Satoru nodded as she turned his head towards her. They sat in silence for a moment as they just stared at each other, he could tell there was something else on her mind. She let out a small sigh as she rolled onto her side, "I was in the garden yesterday, and one of the gardeners came up to me. He was a new one but has been here long enough for me to recognise him. He just made me really uncomfortable, he was doing weird things. I asked him to leave me alone which he did but the guard didn't step in at any point, then when I was by the gate he wasn't even there. I didn't evade him, he wasn't even watching me." 

"You should have said something earlier Sachi, you could have come got me. I would have come with you or sat with you. You need to tell my father what happened, he can fire them or I can if you want." He said, she shook her head and he pressed it more. Sachiko explained that the thought of getting him didn't even cross her mind, she needed to learn to look after herself and she can't do that if he's always coming to the rescue. He rolled his eyes, and she glared at him, "If you want me to step back fine, but let me at least be there. We're stuck together now Sachi, there is no issue with relying on me as I'll be the strongest but I expect to be able to rely on you."

"Rely on me for what? I'm still weak compared to you and you will be the strongest and most arrogant. For every five steps you take, I do one. You're about to go to Jujutsu High leaving me behind again," She said propping herself up on her elbow, she stared down at him with her brows frowned. Satoru shook his head as he looked up at the ceiling, Sachiko watched him as he stayed quiet for a moment. 

"In about seven years, we're going to be married. I have no idea what we will be like, how strong we will have gotten or how we feel about each other but you're my best friend and I can't imagine you not being by my side. I need you so I can rely on you because if you aren't there, I'm very certain I will lose my mind." He said Sachiko's previous concerns fell away as she rolled back onto her back. She just hummed in agreement which made Satoru smile, "Imagine me trying to deal with my family alone, I'll be the Head of the Gojo family once I graduate from Jujutsu High School." 

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