~ Chapter 11 ~

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There was a thick silence in the air over the estate; only the staff's whispers dared break it as rumours of the girl started to circulate. Yui tried her best to get through to the girl, but she had never seen her in such turmoil. It was as though a battle was happening within her, but she didn't know what was at stake and what Sachiko was willing to give up to end the battle. 

Yui slid the door open and entered the dark room of the teenage girl; it was said that all children go through a rebellious phase, and it seemed that Sachiko might be in the midst of one. There were clothes skewed across the ground and old plates that Yui had tried to keep on top of, but once Sachiko received her lunch, she would lock herself away until dinner. Yui, frankly, had had enough of the teen's antics. She was unaware of what had happened between the two lovebirds, but she would not stand for her ward to act this way. 

"Sachiko, get out of bed now. You've missed your lessons too much this week; it's time for you to go to class." Yui said as she opened the doors and gathered the oddly thrown clothes. Sachiko groaned as she rolled over, trying to avoid the woman. Yui called over one of the maids to help her with the laundry. Ignoring the girl snuggled up in the bed, she began stripping the blankets and sheets off the bed. Sachiko cried out in dismay as Yui's strong tug of the fitted sheet forced her off the bed. 

"What is your problem?!" Sachiko growled as she stood up, dusting her sleepwear. Yui just glanced at her before turning so she could pass the sheets down to the maid. Sachiko scoffed as she went to her closet. There were barely any clothes hung up anymore. Sachiko glanced around for a shirt she knew she had put on the ground beside her bed. "Where are all my clothes?" She asked, turning to Yui with an angry look. 

"Your clothes were on the ground, so they got to the wash. Look after your things, and you'll get to wear them." Yui said as she picked up a stack of three plates, each with small blobs of uneaten food that had gone dry. Sachiko started telling Yui off, stating that it was her room and she had every right to treat it as she saw fit. Yui could hear Sachiko's throat tightening and her lip wobbling as she began to cry out of frustration. Yui turned to her, "You are having a tantrum at your age? This is disgusting behaviour, Sachiko. I expect better." 

"You shouldn't expect anything; you are not my mother. You were hired to look after a child that was purchased." Sachiko yelled, causing a few of the workers to stop and listen to the scene taking place out in the open. Yui was unfazed by the comment, it may hurt, but she had been expecting it for years. Sachiko gritted her teeth as she let out a frustrated inner scream, "My mother let them take me. My grandmother was horrible, and then I came here where I knew nobody." 

"Yet, we never treated you as lesser. You are a member of this family, Sachiko. You might as well already have the Gojo name, and as for who your mother is. I may not have given birth to you, but I have stood by your side. I worry about your life every second you walk this earth, and I will continue to do so until either one of us finally leaves. You are my daughter, and I will stand by you even when you act like a cow." Yui said in a low tone as she stepped towards the black-haired girl. Sachiko watched her wide-eyed as she touched the younger girl's cheek. "Something has happened, I realise. The Chiyo family did or told you something, and that is why Satoru has gone there, but I am asking for the same standards I have always asked for. If you need help, ask, but don't start treating everyone else as nothing because you are going through something. We have all had trials and tribulations, some more than others, but that does not mean we are valid."

"Yui, I'm sorry..." Sachiko said quietly, looking into the woman's eyes before turning away, uncomfortable with the contact. Yui sighed and rubbed the girl's shoulder before telling her to dress for class. Sachiko did it with no further words, and the girl disappeared into the main house for the rest of the days. Satoru's mother entered the teen's room as Yui picked up a frame that held the picture of when Sachiko first arrived at the Gojo estate. 

"You got through to her and taught her a lesson. She needed it," The head's wife said as she sat beside Yui. She took the younger woman's hand and brushed her thumb over it as she tried to soothe her. "Something happened to the Chiyo estate, and for the first time, Sachiko has not come to us for help. She has gone straight to Satoru. This is what we want and need. Our mission is almost at an end, dear cousin." 

"I know, but I'm not ready for her to grow up. I don't want either of them to; I don't want them to see the horrors of life." Yui said as her grip on the frame tightened. As much as she wished for it not to be true, she knew they had seen life's dark side many times. 

Satoru was suddenly engulfed in a tight embrace as he stepped through the gates. His heart fluttered as his hand brushed over the black hair of the younger girl, and his arms wrapped around her tightly. The room and her grandmother's attitude revisited his mind as he held the girl tightly; it seemed they both still had secrets. Her face was buried deeper into his chest, and he could feel the dampness from her tears. "You went to see her, why?" 

"Sachi..." He said, placing his hands on her shoulders and forcing the girl away from his chest, revealing her tear-stained face. A small laugh came from his throat as he wiped her tears away with his thumb, "Your grandmother is a total bitch. The white room, are you kidding me? She is sadistic. I see why she hides away at the estate." 

Sachiko stared at him through her blurry eyes, confused as to why he was making such light fun of a horror-inducing time of her life. She steps away so his hands fall from her shoulders, and he observes her as she turns side on, "Satoru, did she tell you the truth about our family?" 

"No, she danced around it." He said, his voice having a newfound seriousness to it. His hand reached up to her face again as he attempted to wipe away the stray tear from her cheek, but she pulled away before their skin could meet. His hand hovers briefly before it falls to his side, "Sachiko, you don't have to tell me, but you can't hide yourself from me. We are too deep into this." 

She steps away from him again as her hand rubs her arm, and the grass at her feet starts growing as though time is fast-forwarding before their eyes. "We, us. We can back out of this anytime; we are just falling into the same circle our parents have walked into. We have fallen for the same traps and will continue to. She will never let us be happy, Satoru; she will continue manipulating and using us to get what she wants." 

"I will do everything to make us happy. We deserve that. You deserve that. Your youth was taken from you. I will not allow her to take anything more from you," Satoru growled, stepping towards her; she held her ground as his blue eyes burned into her black ones. The air around them was in turmoil as they waited for each other's responses. This was an argument of all the doubts harboured in their minds since they were young, and it was all brought on by the old Chiyo. "We have always trusted each other. Why the change now? You are no different. The only upset has been your visit to the estate. You cannot let her change you because she will morph you into something you despise." 

"Satoru, my blood is tainted curses. I'm related to the Death paintings. How is that okay?!" She shouts, throwing her arms up before she rubs her eyes. Satoru didn't even blink an eye, so what Yaga said was true. Their attempt at destroying their history was futile. The spoken words of their history had not died. "She said that she believes that I am the reincarnation? No, the inheritor of the same technique as the mother." 

"Sachi, none of that matters to me. I love you, and you love me; nothing can change that." He stated. Sachiko stared down at the now knee-length patch of grass surrounding her feet, a product of her turbulent emotions. He didn't even look fazed at something meant to be a family secret. A light blush came to her cheeks as she cleared her throat and wiped away the stubborn tears, "So please, let's go sit in the garden for a bit." 

"Okay." She answered with a slight smile as his declaration of their mutual love replayed in her head. Satoru scoffed at her red cheeks and smiled, but his own soon came onto his face as his arm gently went around her shoulders. She glanced up at him as he quickly looked away trying to hide his smile, "I'm sorry if I overreacted." 

"Shut up, you acted like a sane person would." 

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