~ Chapter 30 ~

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Sachiko and Satoru bid their friends goodnight as they headed to his room to watch a movie. It had taken three weeks and four repeat rentals for them to finally be able to watch it, "I think the video rental is starting to get concerned with the number of times I rented this movie." Satoru said as he opened the door, allowing Sachiko to enter his room first.

"I'm sorry, but you kept getting called on missions, so you can't blame me if they think you have a kink for penguins." She replied as she took off her shoes and headed straight to clean up the dirty clothes just thrown on the floor. Satoru kept relatively tidy for someone used to not cleaning up after themselves, but he did have a habit of leaving his dirty clothes on the ground. "You could have cleaned up a bit if you knew I was coming over."

"Like you haven't seen worse..." He said as he took the handful of clothes from her and placed them in the hamper. She rolled her eyes, and a small smirk came to his face as he turned back to look at her, "Remember when you got your first period?"

"Oh my god, shut up, Satoru, or I will murder you." She said, throwing a pillow at him. It hit him straight in the face; he laughed as he noticed the redness of her cheeks. She jumped onto his jump, landing with a light bounce, and turned over to snuggle into his pillow as he opened the packet of popcorn. He put the movie on and sat beside her on the bed as she turned back over and rested her head on his neck.

"It's so romantic how they have to sing to get their mate. I reckon if you were a penguin, there is a chance that you may be alone the rest of your life..." She whispered to him with a cheeky smile, ruining her attempt at a serious face. He turned to her, their faces centimetres apart as he raised his eyebrow. "I've just never heard you hold a tune. It's more of an impression of a balloon getting let go."

"Oh, who are you, Nakashima? I didn't know I was engaged to a pop star." He teased back. She rolled her eyes and pushed his face away lightly. Satoru moved over her slightly as he placed his lips against hers. Her hands went into his hair as they focused on each other more than the movie. His hands moved down her sides. Her hand cupped over one of his as she guided under her shirt to her chest. He let out a small, nervous laugh. "There is something there after all."

Sachiko shushed him as she placed both hands on his chest and pushed him onto his back. She moved her leg over him so she was straddling him, and his hand went to her cheek, guiding her back down to his mouth. The nerves in her body were firing in all directions as the hormones ran through her body. She was so nervous, but she couldn't help herself. She wanted him more than ever.

Her hips started to grind against his, and an approving groan came from him. He stopped kissing her momentarily as they shifted so he could sit up. His hands were on either side of her chest, his thumbs playing with her as she hummed into their kisses. "Sachiko, you're gonna have to stop doing that." He whispered, but she just pressed harder against him, which earned another groan. Both of them smiled into their kiss.

"You're okay with doing this, right?" Sachiko asked him, breaking away from him. Satoru just nodded as though he was in a trace. She let out a small laugh as she pecked his lips. He pushed her down this time, so he was straddling over her. Between kisses, they slowly worked at getting their clothes off as they tangled together, taking in each other's feelings. A sudden horrible noise ripped through the room, interrupting their increasing lust.

Both glanced at the television, startled as a strangled noise came from it. "That's what you sound like!" Sachiko laughed as Satoru sat up and reached across, turning the TV off. The room became darker with the moonlight coming in through the window.

He smirked at her, "Come here, beautiful," he said as he crawled back over her to continue their activity, earning a giggle.

The room had thankfully cooled as the pair laid still on the bed, a light sheet covering them both as they remained tangled together. Satoru's head rested on her chest as she combed her fingers through his hair; they both were shocked. They had not intended the night to take this turn, but they were not surprised. They began speaking about having sex after Sachiko's sixteenth. She had expressed her desire to wait a bit longer.

It was seemingly the perfect night. They had been spending less time together due to missions, and they say the heart grows fonder with distance. Tonight, they both experienced this for the first time together. They were both in glee that they learned and listened to each other as they navigated each other's bodies. It wasn't perfect, but it was the start of a lifetime of satisfaction for both of them. "Satoru, how long have you had those condoms in your draw?"

"I'm pretty sure Yui gave them to me last year." He answered, his breath against her chest sent tingles through her body. She let out a laugh at the thought of her mother figure giving her fiancee contraception; Yui had expressed many times that she would not be impressed if a child came before the marriage. "Hey, at least she was prepared because we were not."

"Very true," She agreed as she rested her head against the wall. Small giggles escaped her mouth as his lips slowly kissed up her chest to her neck and then her mouth as he wiggled up to sit next to her. He placed his hand on her leg, and she took hold of it, tracing shapes in his palm. "That was good. I was so nervous, but I see why people get addicted to that."

"You certainly know how to flatter," he laughed. She smiled at his response and rested her head on his shoulder. "So, round two?"

"I just have to go to the toilet." She said with a breathy laugh. As she went to get up, he grabbed her wrist, grabbing her attention. It had been a few years since she had seen him without some form of eye covering. After a long time, his blue eyes stared into her black ones with nothing between them.

"Sachiko, I love you so much." He said, his voice not faulting or a smirk; he was completely serious. She smiled, leaned back to him, and wrapped her arms around him tightly. His hand rubbed her bare back before she stood up and continued her trip to the toilet. She grabbed his shirt and slipped it on, as well as her skirt, before opening the door to the hallway.

Sachiko cast her gaze back to Satoru, who had stood up to get some water from the sink for both of them. "Satoru, I love you too, and if we were penguins, I would always choose your song, no matter how horrible you croak."

"It's due back tomorrow. Do we need to watch it? Because that boy at the store will think the worst of me." He said, a worried look on his face. Sachiko just laughed as she closed the door and headed down the hallway to the bathroom.

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