~ Chapter 8 ~

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Sachiko glanced around as she tried to decide where to go first. She was used to the gardens and endless paths of the Gojo estate but this, she didn't know whether it was heaven or hell. On either side of the street were endless food outlets and shops as hundreds of people walked by as though this was an everyday occurrence. For them it was. Sachiko and Yui had travelled into the city as Satoru had invited the younger girl to see the school before he took her out for dinner. The two women decided to travel in early and see the stores but Sachiko was beginning to wonder if she had bitten off too much to chew. 

A girl who was barely exposed to the outside world was suddenly thrust into one of its busiest areas. Yui took the girl's hand as she noticed her getting overwhelmed, even her curse power was more pronounced than normal which could lead to more dangerous issues. "Sachiko, this store is a bit quieter let's go in there and have a look around," Yui stated, the girl just nodded and allowed her carer to guide her into the store. As soon as the calm music and incense hit Sachiko, her anxiety almost completely dropped. They had to go into a boutique-style shop with some beautiful clothes, especially dresses. The two women slowly went through them and found a teal dress. Yui convinced her to try it on, which did not take long. 

Sachiko stepped out from the curtain and Yui smiled brightly. The dress was a tie top which she had done up in a small bow at the back making it fit around her torso with no shoulders but longer sleeves that covered the ugly jagged scars along her forearms. It had been over five months since the attack yet, they were still pink which made them stand out against her pale skin. She only wore things that covered them at the moment, despite being told by everyone including Satoru that she shouldn't feel the need to find them. The dress had a cinched waist and the fabric became looser from the waist allowing for a flowy effect until it reached her mid calves. A small smile played on Sachiko's lips as she swayed in the mirror evaluating the dress, she left beautiful in it. 

"Sachi, you look amazing." Yui gushed, and then the attendant joined in. Soon enough the two women were walking out of the store holding a bag with that dress in it. Sachiko was conscious of how many clothes she had but made an effort to cycle them with her own style changes and trends. Each month she is given a generous allowance from the Gojo family, as she doesn't get the chance to spend much her bank account just continues to grow and grow. So when purchasing nice clothes, food and plants the cost didn't cross her mind much. It was a luxury that was shared by very few. 

After a few more hours of searching the stores and getting food, they arrived at the gates of Tokyo Jujutsu High School. The building style wasn't much different from the Gojo estate with both being many generations old but these buildings were much larger. Sachiko had decided to change into the dress she purchased earlier, the opportunity to wear such a dress does not appear often enough to miss it. Her hair was out and she had some light makeup on, she had practised make-up so much at home. Lately, after her schooling and her time training was done she ran out of things to do so she began expanding her skills. Yui and Satoru's mother were overjoyed, Sachiko never had a tomboy stage but she definitely didn't show interest in clothing or accessories until recently. They took it as a sign that their young lady was beginning to become a woman. 

They continued in as she followed the directions that Satoru had sent to her, he said that he might be a bit late and to wait in his room. They made their way through and Sachiko kept stopping to look at everything, it was starting to reignite her excitement about starting here in the next coming year. "Who's the girl?" A voice said gaining Sachiko and Yui's attention. A group of three people wandered towards them. A small smile broke out as she noticed the white-haired one who was walking just behind with his hands in his pocket. A black-haired boy with bangs was the one talking, "She's really pretty." 

"Go charm her then, Geto," The brunette said; she had some sort of stick poking out from between her lips. Sachiko and Satoru made eye contact, and they both shared a small smirk as 'Geto' came towards her. He held his hand out, Sachiko grabbed it and he brought it up to his lips. This earned a smile from the girl as she let out a small laugh, "I'm Suguru Geto, I'm a first year at this school. What is your name?" 

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