~ Chapter 20 ~

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When Sachiko awoke, she was in the infirmary with Shoko standing over her with a small smile. "Welcome back to the world of the living," She said. The younger girl glanced around, trying to get her bearings. It seemed the pair were alone in the room. Sachiko attempted to sit up, but she hissed in pain at the ache in her back. Shoko placed a pillow behind her head so she was more elevated, "You had a few broken vertebrae. I healed them just enough so they weren't going to damage your spinal cord, but I needed a break. I healed Suguru as well. It seems you all went through hell." 

Sachiko just stared at her as she tried to recollect what had happened. She knew that she had injured her head, back and shoulders, but she was trying to remember how. "I... I seem to be having trouble remembering. Can you tell me my injuries?" 

"Easy. Concussion, broken back, and you were stabbed in both shoulders from opposite sides by a fairly large blade." Shoko said, sitting beside the girl and crossing her leg over the other. Sachiko nodded as she began to remember the man standing over her with the blade, the impact against the tree and the dead body of her fiancee. Her body jumped as she turned to look at Shoko, "I don't know about Gojo. His body was no longer there when I found you; you were my priority, Sachi."

"Thank you, Shoko," Sachiko whispered as she reached her hand out and gently put it over the other girl's. Shoko looked at her with frowned eyebrows as the tears welled in the younger girl's eyes until they spilled over her cheeks. Broken sobs echoed in the medical room as Sachiko just allowed herself an unrestricted moment of weakness. Her fists balled up and pressed into her eyes as though she was a child once again, "I hate him so much."

"Who was that man?" Shoko asked, leaning forward. Sachiko shook her head. 

"I hate Satoru Gojo. If he died, what do I have left? My whole life has been dedicated to him. I can't even defend myself." She cried as she struggled to hold back the hiccups that had begun. Her breaths became rapid as she tried to stop her tears, "I love him so much, it hurts." 

Shoko stared at her in pity as the girl broke down before her. It was hard to be empathic when she didn't understand how the girl felt. To be so dedicated to a single person was setting yourself up for failure. If she were in the girl's shoes, she would have run the moment she had an inch of freedom, but that was easy to say from outside the game. She knew that those two only had each other for a large chunk of their childhood. Their relationship was built on mutual dependence, but Satoru was beginning to rely on her less and less. Sachiko was still the same little girl in her heart, someone who craved approval after being denied it for so long. 

The day went slow; staring at the same plain ceiling did that to you. On Shoko's orders, the younger girl was meant to get some much-needed sleep, but Sachiko couldn't bear to close her eyes. The image of Satoru would flood it each time, and the girl would begin the same cycle of crying. She was sick of herself. Yet, it was the one person she couldn't get away from. 

Shoko would pop in and out of the room until she arrived with a food tray in the early evening. Suguru followed behind her; he seemed lost in his thoughts until his eyes fell on the girl. "I'm glad to see you are okay, Sachi." He said with his kind smile. Sachiko offered a small smile before she looked down at the tray Shoko had offered her. It was a bowl of vegetable soup with some pork belly, Sachiko's favourite. 

As the girl ate, Suguru began to fill her in with what had happened during their skirmish. Tears dripped down her face as she ate her food, as though she was not being told about the fight that led to the murders of three people, two of whom she held dear. Suguru glanced at Shoko, who stood back against the wall with her arms crossed. Sachiko had caught the look and looked between them both. 

"Satoru is alive," Suguru stated. The spoon was suspended in the air as her body went still. Her two upperclassmen watched carefully, trying to gauge her reaction, but she just let out a satisfied hum before resuming her food. They shared another glance, taken back by the nonchalant reaction. Suguru placed his hand on her shoulder, "He is perfectly fine. He could utilise the reverse curse technique and bring himself back." 

"And yet, he is nowhere to be seen," Sachiko whispered. She looked between both of them. She knew this was not what they were expecting. She was surprised but couldn't bring herself to feel anything. She could fake a reaction to relieve their concerns, but what good would that do? All she felt was the tiredness and sadness that had overcome her body. She scoffed, "Back from the dead. I can only imagine how that would make someone like Satoru feel."

"You've died before. How did you feel coming back?" Suguru asked. Sachiko looked away from him, the painful memories resurfacing, ones she recently had to reencounter. Circling death was a strange feeling. Some say it was sad, peaceful or euphoric. She could remember the immense fear and peace before, but there was nothing until she woke up. 

"I didn't feel anything powerful or otherworldly. I was at peace, and when I awoke, Satoru was by my side." Sachiko explained as she pushed away the half-empty bowl of food. Shoko sighed as she took the tray and signalled for Suguru to follow her as she walked towards the exit. Sachiko watched them, and she called out just as he was about to close the door. "I would prefer not to see him." 


Sachiko held onto Nanami's arm as she finally got out of the infirmary and got to do the movement she had been craving. For two days, she had been cooped up in the small room while Shoko worked on healing her. After discovering the outcomes of their mission failure, she could sleep much more peacefully. Her body started working with Shoko's technique and felt ten times better. Yu and Nanami had been attempting to come to see their classmate but were continuously herded off by their upperclassman. However, they were surprised to find out that Satoru had not attempted to see her. 

The minute she laid eyes on her friends, she started to beg them to get out of there. So, supported by Nanami, they made their way through one of the gardens on the outskirts of the school. Yu was a few steps ahead, telling her about a mission he and Nanami had been sent to near the school. A nearby girl's school and even Nanami had taken an interest in the girls. 

Sachiko laughed softly as Nanami told the older boy to shut up, "Oh Nanami, I know you were the pervy type. It's always the quiet, mysterious ones." She said, teasing him. He rolled his eyes before he commented on how she should keep quiet to heal quicker. It was Sachiko's turn to roll her eyes, "The garden will do me good. I always feel so much better surrounded by plants. Thank you both for bringing me here." 

"Have you considered going back to the Gojo estate?" Yu asked as she rushed over to help Nanami lower her onto the grass. Shoko had suggested it, but Sachiko was scared she would run into Satoru there. She couldn't pinpoint her feelings but couldn't bring herself to seek him out. In truth, all she wanted was Yui, who would be coming home in the next few days. After hearing of the girl's injuries, she instantly arranged to come home despite her protests. "It would be much quieter, and Shoko is done with you after tomorrow."

"I don't think it's the best idea," Sachiko said quietly as the boys let go of her arms. She rested her back against the grass, and the boys followed her lead. All three stared at the sky, the sun kissing their skin with its slowly increasing heat as summer approached. 

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