~ Chapter 25 ~

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Sachiko stood over the four sheet-covered bodies; her teeth ground together as she tried to hold back her tears. Nanami stood in the corner of the room while Yu was beside her, rubbing her back. After spending the night at home in Yui's embrace, she finally calmed down and decided to see her family. However, her sleep was riddled with nightmares that kept both women up.

"I know they suffered, and it keeps breaking my heart over and over." She whispers. Both boys glance at her, and their gaze falls back over their bodies. Shoko had managed to make them all look presentable, so she allowed access to the younger girl, but not without some coaxing. Sachiko walked over slowly and peeled back at the sheet that covered her mother's face. Her black hair was neatly presented, and her eyes were now closed; she was peaceful now. "I can't help but wonder if the same group orchestrated the attack on me when I was thirteen did this. If they had managed to get what they wanted that night, my family and the others would still be alive today." 

"They still would have been hunted, like you are now. They want to kill the Chiyo family. We don't know why, but you are our priority." Yu said, cupping her shoulder. She gave him a small smile before she let out a deep sigh. Her hand went to her mother's face, and she stroked her thumb down her cheek. The creaking door caught their attention as Satoru walked in and glanced around the room. 

"I think I do know the reason they were after us. I think they're after me; my grandmother told me that this generation believes the first ancestor's curse was revived." She said softly. Satoru watched her carefully as her eyebrows creased in thought. He slowly walked over to her and took her other hand in his. Yu glanced at his upperclassman and dropped his hand from Sachiko's shoulder. "It was the ability to produce a child that is a mixture of curse and human. The sire of our family was the only surviving child of the woman. The other nine became known as the death paintings." 

"Sachiko was confirmed as the inheritor of her curse power," Satoru added, glancing down at her. Her lips went into a straight line as she looked from her fiancee's eyes to her friends. The two boys looked at her, surprised as they took a moment to comprehend. "I've seen the autopsy reports. What they did to your mother was the same thing they tried to do to you, and they are going to try again. They must know there was a confirmed inheritor, and you are the last one left." 

"Why didn't they even attempt to get to me this time then?" Sachiko said, glancing across at her brothers. She slowly walked to them, her hand falling from Satoru's grasp. He watched her silently as tears started to brim her eyes as she peeled back Haru's sheet. 

"I guess it's because you are under the protection of the Gojo family. Your life has been more erratic and busy than your childhood; you had a routine they could learn there. You are here or at a random place during a mission with multiple scorers. I'm sure they struggle to find an opening to get to you." Nanami said. Satoru voiced his agreement as he glanced at the younger boy. 

The white-haired boy felt a guilt settle on him once he learned about the Hanabusas. He had promised to meet them, and now he was doing so. Instead of a family dinner, he was trying to comfort his mourning fiancee as they stood over their bodies. Sachiko's tears fell on her eldest brother's face. Haru was the most active in reuniting the family. Texting her at least once daily to ensure she was okay and to keep her informed, he took his duty as a big brother to both his siblings seriously. Enough to put himself before his younger brother, both trying to protect their sister. 

"Clear out," Satoru ordered as Sachiko lost her weakening composure. Yu and Nanami quickly followed their upperclassman's words, leaving the pair alone. Satoru stepped towards her and grabbed her arm gently. She took it as an invitation and wrapped her arms tightly around his waist as she sobbed into his chest. No words were spoken, and for once in her life, Sachiko didn't try to hold anything back. 

As the days passed, Sachiko slowly began to regain her former self as her mind and heart came to terms with her devasting loss. She took each step gradually and allowed herself to grieve in whatever way she needed. At this moment, she snuggled up in her sheets, eating the pizza Satoru had gotten for her before he had to leave to continue his classes for the day. The screen in front of her had been playing the same movie repeatedly; she wasn't motivated to get up and change it. 

It did hit a sore spot every time the lion died, though, which forced her into a fit of tears again. 

Their friends were almost surprised by his supportive nature, a side they scarcely see. They would find the doting quite adorable in any other circumstance, but they knew he was worried. They were concerned, and they had every right to be. The school had been trying to keep tabs on the group that massacred the Chiyo women and their families, but it was as though they were ghosts. Even Satoru was struggling, which put him on edge. 

"I won't be surprised if she tries to off herself..." Mei Mei says, having a seemingly well-timed conversation with Utahmine, who looks at her wide-eyed. Mei's face held a smirk as she glanced at the two first years who happened to be wandering past, the second years a few steps behind them. Yu glared at her while Nanami rolled his eyes. Calling Mei Mei chaotic was an understatement. Anything she did was for money—no more, no less. "She's such a troubled girl. Let the Chiyo family rest. I can't have them taking all the money..." 

Utahmine glanced back at Satoru with a frown, as he didn't say anything, just kept his head forward as though he didn't hear. It was not like him. Satoru was more than aware that Sachiko's mental health had declined since her attack when she was younger, and there was a small part of him that believed she might take those actions. Sachiko was beginning to get backed into a corner, and he was waiting to see if she would fight or flee. 

"She's stuck it out for this long; I highly doubt she'll give up that way. She's too much of a fighter..." Suguru said, slapping his best friend's back and giving him a warm smile. Satoru just nodded and sped up slightly. His two friends shared a surprised look before Suguru spoke up again. "Alright, I know things have been real shitty lately, but we can't have you two walking around like a moping mess. We are all going to the city after classes finish, even the first years. Shoko, you are in charge of getting Sachiko out of bed; sad sack here will not make it easier for her." 

"I can do that. I'm very convincing..." Shoko says, taking another puff of her cigarette before throwing it to the ground and stepping on it. She walks off toward the dorms, and they all stare after her. Suguru glanced at Yu, who glanced back at him once he felt his eyes boring into his head. 

"I did say after class?" He questioned his underclassman. Yu nodded, unsure where this was going. Suguru just let out an exhausted sigh and began following after her, holding Satoru's hand. The two first years glanced at each other and jogged after them. 

"I'm pretty sure we're skipping our last class," Yu said. Nanami just shook his head but didn't put up a protest despite the fact he did want to go to class. He would be quiet this once for his best friend, Sachiko. 

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