You Have A Concussion

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You stared at Ms. Berg, your gym teacher pointing out some scribbles she drew on the whiteboard. You had no idea what the point of this is, you hate gym so much.

Your teacher announced to everyone, "Okay, everyone line up we are racing across the gym, whoever makes it across the gym first wins. Put some effort in! I will be able to tell if you aren't!"

After lining up, you got put in the first group. You really hated this, but you decided to actually try so you can end up with a A in gym.

"Tweet!" Everyone started to run, and you put all your effort in to run as fast as possible. You made it across the line but couldn't stop yourself and ran straight into the hard wall.

You slammed to the ground and blacked out. When you opened your eyes you awoke in the nurse's office with Taylor, your mom standing over you with a concerned look on your face.

The headache you woke up to made you wince in pain and Taylor immediately started bombarding you with questions.

"Honey, are you okay? Y/N, can you hear me? You know who I am right?"

Though in pain, you still managed to tell her, "Yes mom, I know who you are." You tried to sit up, but she coaxed you back down on the nurse's bed.

Nurse Johnson came over to you and started conducting her medical tests. You just sat there while she moved your head and answered her questions. 

After a few minutes of this, she told Taylor, "Y/N might have a concussion. I can't do anything so I would go to the ER."

"Thank you for everything," Taylor told her with a sigh. She helped you up and led you to her car in the parking lot, which Jim, her security guard had pulled forward.

She sat you in the backseat and said, "Y/N, we are going to the hospital. It's just for your safety okay."

"I understand mom." Jim drove off and the whole ride your mom rubbed your hands, you could tell that she was worried about you.

After a while of driving, you had finally found yourself sitting in a empty room, waiting for a doctor to come in. Taylor was tapping her foot on the tile floor until a doctor finally came in and diagnosed you with a concussion. 

"Thank you, Dr.," Taylor had said goodbye to her while you guys walked out to Taylor's car.

"Okay Y/N, so when we get home, you have to rest okay? I know you aren't feeling well."

You just nodded your head, you felt way sicker than before, to the point where you started to feel the urge to vomit. In fact, when you entered the house, you ran straight to the toilet. 

Taylor scurried right behind you and immediately rubbed your back and grabbed your hair while you threw up the cold hotdog you ate for lunch.

"Aw poor kid, let's bring you to the couch." She helped you to the couch and put a blanket over you and fluffed your pillows.

You lay down and closed your eyes, hoping your headache would go away. Taylor rushed over with a bucket and bottle of water.

"Honey, don't fall asleep okay, the doctor says you shouldn't take a nap." With a sigh you rolled over and looked at her. She moved up and scooted on the edge of the couch.

"Mommm. I want to sleep so bad. I feel so yucky." You could see the pity on her face while you told her this. You really wanted to sleep but know your mom is too responsible not to listen to the doctor.

She ran to the bookshelf and grabbed a book on the shelf, "You shouldn't be going on screens but I can read to you."


She started to read, and you two spent the whole rest of the afternoon reading the book and talking. The next day, Taylor made you get off of your phone even though you wanted to go on it so bad.

A/N Sorry I was bored but I always rush these, and I feel like they end up so crappy but I'm really happy you guys read them.

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